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Minutes 1950-03-15
i ~ s~ T t ` , . r ~ - ' - ~ f_~ ' r~ 'r ' ~ _ y ~f " Y` 1 v ..az.., _ri l~ ~ ~t . `3~'~: . y' ~'.:,'~!.~l E~":'._ _,._.l F.~~' ~ _ _ , , . . _ . . . , I _ ~ ' " ^ - ~ _ ` ~ ~ ~ _ . ~ a ~ l. ~ 1 E. ~ ~I ~ , ~ ! w ' i s~ ~ ;!Y~ : ~ -a. ~*y A ~ ~ I ~ _ _ ~ - - e ~ F- ? ~ ~ ` ~ I ~ `L~ ~ c"i ~ , tla = ~ J..?, . • ~ ~ 'r-~ - • j .~„Z 1 , , ~ _ _ - , c ~ l: y~ ~.I7 ~'0.1, ~~CCr'c G~ t . j: ,t-,t; - ~ ~ - i` - . ~ _ a ~ -t; 1 ~ ~ j ~ ~ . ~ n r 1 a. i_ t _ r. ~ ~ i r ~ / ; ~ ~ ~ ~ f~ n , - ~ . . - - ~ - ~ ~ " , _ ~ v_. _ .i UH' u _ A-._.... _ vr~ . _ ?~t. (:~:il^ `-?t~ .1.~i~~`~~ ' ~i L}5,rr~ ~ro~ -~la . . - U • i ~r~ r~.~~~,~ J.~::i' ~ ~ '~"Y;~ ~ .~..1Ts _.,`Y 1.1``~' #1.~...'~P i _ -ty yfi~T~~i , T.' = ti ~ ~ .l.e _ _ - ~ , ~ ~ ~ Z ' T r _ ~ .~i'.~.'i ~~'i ~~.L' x~rrayo Grande ? r~.? ~f'orr.i~: ~~i~rcl~~ 1~, 1~5p ihe Cit~% Council r1At in r~~u1~r sessian ~~,~itl~ ~.~ayor Dix~or~ *~residir~~~. U~on roll c~Zl Co~nc lr.ien ~cnnyd~r ~'~~ait~rs ana ~~r_~m~anr. ~~rioz~ted pr~~;e:~t. ~'~:;~~n~ C-~~:~r.cilr~~~,r Clark. Z'i°1@ r!11S1LI~:'c; O~' t.Yl~ T%T'E~V1.OF~S I7'iE,'~t1I1~= u+i!32'P., 1"E'?{~ .-3rC~. ~r;"`Z'OV~C~ as r_,~~d. Cor~~..•.~znications ~~rere r:~~~. ara rl:^_cec~ on _~'ile. It T~~~~.s su~;€,'-~;st~a ~~i~.t co~ies o~ t~e Pis,na ~~.~ch ~arba~;e ~r:`~inarce o~t~ir~e~., so t:"~e ~~;.~_~~~c:~l cr~~~I~: look t~~,ern over ~.nd i~` four.d ~'avo~~a~le, the ~~r~_e Ordir Ar~ce c~uld ?~e ada~~e~ here. _ It ~Jr~.s su~' ;ested t~ ~~rri ~e for l~al-~ in~'~rr..~~.tion or~ Fec?.e-r°al rlon e~T i Or pl°~~ ns . ihpre tirr~s sor~e ;~i~c!;s~zon ar~ Gr~a.na :'ive. ext~ns? ~n ~.nc~ th~re vuas z~e~~ort_:d t;~ r~ e~s°auna ~~bC`C.rC af at~te r~one,y~ t.~nich could be ~zsed b~r r:atc~in~~ it9 ~rc~ it ~:~a~~,~ 1.~o~,r~~ ar~d seconc~e~ t~ ~:uthorize Ts. Canr~d t~ ; r°e~~{~re estiri~t~. ,~r~c~ ~ ~~.esoluti~n f or 'r~~~ ~crer?er~_t o~' ' :'~r~r~vall ~nd `:~^a1ly :~~o, so t'~~e nnce -:-zr~r ~apers c~~.zic~ ~e cert ir lor a~, ~lic~~~ti~~n or.' the r,~_or_~e~r ~ror~: ±'~e :~tn.~te. rlr. A~:Ild~rsan ~s~~ed au~~_it do~r~s,- so~~.P v~ar~e Leed'~ar~ L~ne ~rd . ~'I . . , ~t ~~~as sliE;z;es~Pa t~,o~~~ci ~o~r, i~t over see ~,-~l~~a.t h~ ti3ou~ht - c~uld k~~ ~:orle, ~~s tne L~ne ~.s or_1~; ~°~~t ~;,i~.e t~n or~~ ~nd :~nn ~6ft. o~ ~'-.e a~.,`~er. s=~i~ t~i st ~-ae ~:oul~. ~;p ~~~l~.ci to ~~o ov~r the ro~d i ,~itn :.:r . :"~nc~Pr: axz or~ icx~y ~x ' i.`~~~,ro~° ~ixson ~s~~:~t~ ~e~~r;i: vi~,n to ~_~~~.re t~l~ :t~ ~e f~r a~reek ~r:~_~ Cour~cilr;~.~n ;c~ycier -~:~:,ie a ~,~t~ ~~corlc.ie~ 'b,y Councilm~n '~a~~nn' so Rw~~ ~ ~ ~{i~~t ~is rec?uvst ^e ~rar.tec?. 'l'heu,r ~lso su~~s°ested he ~~o t~ C?~-a.k~and for t.~:e ~ub~.ic 7e~:'orks ~anf~z°~r~c~. ~ m~ti~~_ ;~~a~ r~-~cie '~v C^uneil~<~r ~~:~.r~~nn, ~ecar_czec: btr Cour~c~.lm~n `;:~ait~~=~ th-~t ~the Cit;;r }~~tr rlr~. Conr~.~.' ~ ex~Pnse~ to ~~.ke in ~~~e ~onfe- x°~nc e ~ t ~~;>d~_rc~. Bi? ~.~,a .Y._~ t tx~e ~~r.er~~l r~a.r!~ !'c~z~ ~1G41.~~ ~~r~~ t:~e ,:`~~t~r x~.~nd ~ fox~ :~';~7.~0 ~,~er~ ~uc~.'_tec~ -ro~Tkac~ ~r:-i Or~_G.'~'-C~C1 ?~;c:ic1. , _ . ~ _ , . '_`~0 iU~'`L~7.ET' C7?1517'~':^~ ~ *~sn~.:['17?~'; ~.T=Q ',~'"",O1'1 nyrl ti, r tP . _ ..~ota.., _ t~se ~::~etzn~,, ~,~.s ad j ~urr~~d. _ 'o ,r,~ , Ci~- ~ ~.`i'f :'~T 3.~=r~-~ • ~~...r~~~~"~ ~ , . . Czt;,,r Gl.~rk , or _oa ~x-•r~;r^ ~7z~~,rr. e ~ C~,~.i ~'o~°ni=~. c~ 31, ~?~0 2 : G~. p ~p,:;' . ~~~^~~cy~~~ r:3~ -:ti~~_; ,;~,r, ~ ea~~,~u ~"o~ t:.,:e ~~zr;~o~~e a~' c~isc~~~.~; on, on t?Ae ~~i~:er. ~.r~~~ ~Tal~ e;r l.oa3 ~~s~~~_{nc: t~~~ Y'i~~~ ~cz:~oo1 prc~?erty . CO??T?C:'.'.Ti'i~?"'< ~`Z".T"~~ 7_"i~£:1G r:?~;~,I.nT'iy c,~'C'Ji °,.~C~. ~~Zr ~O'"'I2C~ 1"?a11 +SC~'iT3tJ1~~°1' ~.ut~.ori7i.n~; Co~.~_r~ci1.~;,,~~ Dal;~m=~r.n ta r~` ct . rith ~~.e z~i. ~:chool Bo~rd ~ t0 ~.SK li t'''~E'. ~CiiC)OZ. 'v;.'~~~ ~.,1~v~£ ~"E.=E'~ ~~'OUI1Ct ~.'(1r~-.' ``i `~'.'2i t.V `~c~C~ ~ 2~ foot ~~dius ~t ta~p c~?rr~:~r; i~~-' twi~ City ~r:~ul~: r~.T?~.ce t~e Ci.~rb ~cnd I ~ ~ut~Lrs ?r:.c~ ~o~-e tx~e ~~orm dr~.in ar:~ th~ ~`a~th iiue o~' th~ ~z~o~er°ty. Cn a_ rol~ ~al~t va~te all Cot~r~cil.merl v~~~c~ ~~re. i'O it~i't~l':T' ~''US1TlE):;~;; ~'~`1.Y'1.T'i~*, =11:~ i~;:'Oi r'°.C~t.'ldTly ~.~lt,^- IliF'0~,1T1~ [~1c'1-.S ad~ ~urz~ed. , ~ r~ ~ ~ G, a~ ~~'l, J:J'1 { ~w~ i..-/ / ~ ~ f , ~+p~ A ~~1~ I~~ Cit~r C~~r~ 4:~ ;:a r - - I ~ ~ ;