Minutes 1950-04-25 ~~lls a~ainst the ~eneral ~`und for ~v_ qQ ~2~ ~.d the ~+ater Fund for ~ were audited~ ap~roved and order~d paid. ~o further business appearing and upon notion the meeting ~as adjourned. , , ~ • ~ City ~lerk ~yor ~ - 0 - Arroyo Grande, ~alifornia~ Apri.I 2~', 195a ~n informal meeting af' the CounciZ ~:s hel:d, to d~.scuss ~arious subjeets. Mayor ~~ite~°s presided. Present were Couneilmen Dixson ~ elark anct ~~onraci . At~s ent e ou~c i Iman Dar:vmann . ~hanges in License C3rdinanee was discussed bu~t na ~etion taken. ~ discus~ian an the requirements of a m~n for the Street and ~va~er departrnent fol'.owed anc3 ~r. B~n ~anrad reportec~ a man would be ~rour~c~ ~o see the ~ouneil in the near future« ~ouneilman ~onr~d agreed to meet avith the Office f'oree about setting up a rse~r Inventory and req~zisitio~ set tzp. Af`ter an infoz~m~al discussion c~n sever~.l subjee~s~ the meeting ~ras adj ourned. ' . ~ ~ • A TTEST • , , / , _ C i ty ' le rk ~ta~ar ~