Minutes 1950-05-08 t~ r.~ member attend with h~m; so that the Couneil and Planning Cammissic~n could work to~ether mor~ e~"Pieiently. T~~. Harris su~gested the bid: of ~he ~rtford ~nsurance Co. ~ ~ , on the Comprefiensi~re Liabilit~ for $100~000 and ~300~000 be writt~n up for J~zly Ist. and the policy meet the aps?roval of the Ci~y ~ittarney. The other policy ~:s to be Io~ked in~o further by th~ C~ty At~orney. ~ motion ~ras made ~y ~oun~ilman Clar•k~ seconded '~y ~ouncil~an Dar_~nann that ~Ir. Harris advise ~rs. Swall about the Po~icies. &~r. Har~is c~iscussed ~enat~ Resalution ~~4 and recommencted that e~reryane should oppose it~ as iF passed i~s~a Ia~, i:t ~rotzld be ~rery detrimentai. Clean Up ~'~eek was discussed and it ~ras decided to have i~ ~ay 22 to 26th. I~1r. Harri~ reportec~ tha~ on ~pril 2lst. a jtzdgment og Disr~issal Hac3 bPen filed in th~ r~ekler e~se. Bills against the General Fund for $25Q`~.28 the '~ater F~nd for $~14- . ~6 an.d the ~iate~ ~!eposit Fund far • CG were auditeci, a:~~roved and ~rdered paid. No ~urther business ~ppearin~ and t~pon mQtion the meeting was ad j c~urned. ~ ~.wm ~ i ~ ~ G~.~,c~~ ~ k~~r~sT: l~'` City Cl;~ rk ~Iayor w - ~ ' Arra o Grancie, ~ali~'ornza , ~a. ~ 1 ~ ~ 950 spe~ial meeting was called tro di~cuss ~ater p~oblems and l~ayor ~~iters presided. Fresent v~ere ~ouncilmen Di~son, ~l~.rk~ ~ I3amm~nn ~nd Gonrad. .~Tso present were members of the PTanning ~ommission and: forr~er ~aunef.Iman S~hnyder and ~~r, ~~ro~nez~~. ~da,~or t~aiters said former City Councils had b~en servin~ ~.reas outside the Ci~y ~rith wat~er and he wished to kno~ i#' th~ Couneil wished to contin~e and if so how they could serve the water eonsumers More adeqcrately~ as several areas ~vere not getting enoczgh ~ter. APte~ dis~ussion Council members agreed: that ~nother well site should be ohtained~ and ~a~or Vl~iters appointed Cour~cilman Clark to ~ ~o ~ ~ see about anather well site. ~ It ~ra.s t,en~ativel~r agreed to ptzt a~n 8 inch lin~ on ~Im ~t~eet from Fair Oaks ~venae to Ash stre~~~ and hoak onto the I. ir~ch Iine and r~zn a 4- inch line from Am S~reet dc~vun ~sh and eonneet to the 2 incr line« ~ Ien~thy cliscussian ~ollowed about putting a 4 ineh Iine down ~rand ~venue ~.n~. up the Bris~o Rvac~, bu~ 3~ was deeidee~ to , . :_ha~re a Hyd~aulic Engineer se~ if i~ was feasibl~ to install a: booster pu~p to t~ke care of the Briscv ~raet, tempar~ily. ~r. Brisea said if tha-~ ~ould v~ork he would pay for the booster pump if the City woc~Id install and maintain it and Iater on if it ~as no~ neees~ar~y, it ~ould b~ Brisco's propert~. It ~ras decided to che~k with &~r. Harris al~out the 1~gality of r~ho ~rould buy the Booster Pump. ~t dis~ussian ~'ollo~vec3 about gettin~ an engineer tc~ mske an averal2 survey, for the ~ntire a.rea. Couneil~nan ~la~I~ ~as aske~ about eosts or~ making sueh a surve~r. Ita~a~a greed to ~ut the m~~er zn for ~d.dison ~`oods, on the ~ Brisca Traet but to instal~. no ~os~e mete~s until there ~ras a report on a booster pump. ~Tumerous other ~ater subjects were diseu~s~d but no furtheF ' c~ecisions ~ere made. Na othe~ business appearing and upon mc~tic~n the meet°~_ng v~ras adjourned. , ~ 1~TTEST: ~L(~1~,,~ C~~~ City Clerk or