Minutes 1950-06-07 ~ie Glerk ~v-as ins~rue~ed to eall l~r. Peterson and inform him
that the Cr~uneil agreed to go afiead v~ith survey at his ~erms.
l~o further business appearin~ the meetin~ was ardjourned.
; ~ - ~ ~ -
C i ty ~ l~rk ~~ayar
~rroyo ~rande, California
b~ay 19~0 8 ~~0 p.N~.
~n inforr~.al meeting of the Couneil ~s held~ ta. sdt~tdy a garbage
Ordinance~ and after reading a~a ais~u~~i~ tr~e C~rdinanee~ from ~ismo
Beaeh~ it was agreeti that Councilman Clark take it to ~r. Harris and
discuss severa2 seetions.
All Councilrnen ~res~:nt exeept Councilman ~a~unann.
Rto further business appearing and upon moticrn the meeting was
. ~ '
ATTE.ST' ~~._._G'~/ '
City C.lerk Mayor
Arr~oyo ~rande~ ~alifornia
~ ~
~une 7~ 19~0
The City ~ouneil met in re~ular ~ession with ~~ayor ~'~aiters ,
presiding. LTpon roll call Co.~ncilmen ~ixson, Dammann and ~orYrad '
reForted present. ~bsent Councilman ~lark
The minutes of the previous regular adjaurnecT and speei~l
meetings were re~d and apr~roved as re~.d.
Coramunications were read and the followin~ aetion takens
2. T~ie reeommendation of the A;rroyo Grande Planr.ing Commision
in regard to th~ F.~ctension of ~rand ~venue was a~s~us~~a and a
motion was made and seconded to have the plans and speeificatians
for the Grand Avenue Extension prevared. It v~.s decid:ed ta wait
until after the adjourned meetin.g, to be held June 29 a~
8: I'.~~. to discuss callin.g for bids on the jo'b.
2. The letter from the High sehool was to be rePerreci to the
eity ~ttorney, ~s. Harris. ~e agreed to prepare the legal papers
when he got the deseriptio~.
J ~ ~
Chief of PQlice ~tor~es~ferrs request for a leave of
absence ~zas diseuss~d and Councilman Dammann mac?e ~ motion~
seeon3ed by ~ouncilman ~ixson, tc ~'rant the.~hief a 6
months leav~ af a~sence.
'I"he a~erv ~at~r arciinane ~~r~s reac3 and diseuss ed.
Be it resolved by the City Council, that the ~tre~t~
Superintenden~ be and he is herewith direeted to hav~
th~ Nuisane~s on the follo~ring deseribed property abated.
~ Said n~ziesances e~istin~ on ~aid lots, eonsisting of the
existenee thereon of weeds and gro~rt~a of such eharaeter
as ta be a fire menace to the City of Arroyo Grande. Said
Superin~endent is further directed to post notiee of
abatement of
nuisances, aecording to (7rdinance #3~, on
e~eh ga~cel and thereaft~r serve sueh persons as are
required to be served.
On motion of Councilman ~ar~~nn~ seconded by Couneilm~n
Dixson, the foregoing Resalution was passed and ~dopted by th~
Pollo~ring ro11 call vc~te=
~[YE`Sr ~ouncilman Waiters, Dixson, ~ammann and ~onrad
NQ~ s l~one
~B~~TT: Counei~man Cl~rk
E. Y. Edmanc~s wa~ instructed to hire ~sore help if '
The ir~stallation of' street li~hts on hi~hway lal was
diseussed and the I0~4~~~min li~hts would cost ~4.~4 e~ch. per
Month. On mation c~f Councilman Di~~on, seconded by Couneilman
Conrad, it was d~cided to ~utharize the paeifie ~as and ~lectric
to inst~ll I$ Iights on Traffie ~t~~ as recammended by the
Plan.r~ing Cammission, some time back.
~~'he installatian of a larger water line on ~',ihitel~y
street was discussed and ~ir. York Peterson ~s ta be asl~ed for
his reeommendation as t~o size c~f pipe.
~?ir*. I-iarris reported he had looked over the Insuran~e policy
f'rom E. C. Loomis on the Fle~t and found it to be satisf~cterry.
~~r. Frane~.s Corr ~ras interviewed for th~ police C?ffieer
position and was asked to have an applieatio~.in for the ffieeting
Thursday evenin~ at $~~0 P.~..
Bills ~gainst the Gener~l Func3 for ~1?6 .q_97_the ~ater
Fund far j~f~'~~-.~~~d the ~lat~r ~eposit fund far ~r e
audited~ ap~aroved and order~d paid.
~o further busines~ ap~e~~ing and upon mQtion the meeting
was adjourned to ~~ursday evening vune 8~ 1~~4 at 8~~a
~ J P
! ` j
1~TTE~PT~ ' t '
City lerk ayar
Arroyo Grande ~ ~aliforria
June 8~ Ig 50 - 8:00 P.~•
`~'he City ~ounc~l met in an adjourned meeting with &~ayor
~aiters presiding. iJpon roll eall ~ouncilu~:n ~ixson, Llark~
~ammann and C~nrad reported present.
`I''he apFlication of ~r. ~'rancis ~orr was discussed and
after diseussion~ a motivn was made by Couneilman ~lark~ se~onded.
by Councilman Dixson, to appoint ~~r. Corr as C3fficer in Charge f'or
a 3~ day trial at ~275'.00 per month. ~
On motion oF'CounciTman ~ammann, seaancled by ~ouneilman ~i
eanrad to inerease L. G. ~Ylliams pa~ ~10.00 per monthm retroaetive
to une 1 ~ i95o . ~
The b~dget was dis~ussed for some ~erigth~ but ft was '
deeided to meet later an and ~rork on it. ,
No further business aprearing and upon motion the meeting
was adjourned.
~ ~l ~ -
~ TT~T : . G6C.~....a . ' Lfi~(,~ l ' '
City lerk Mayor