Minutes 1950-05-21 r Cpuncilrnan L~ammann reparted he was eontaet~ng someon~ f,o rr_ake ~ survey for a fire alarm system. lUlayor `~laiters reported he had talked ~vi~h &ir. ~~ine~u abou~ surf`~cin~ the stree~s in th~ ~ineau and Loomis Subdivisia~: and ; said ~~r. ~~lineau had a~g~ to gr~de and pt~~ a mix on the streets ~ iY we would ~urnish ~he man and grader and ~re would get use af the Ioader in return ~'or the gr~der. ~ motion v~as m~.de b~r ~%ouneil.man ~ixs4n, secor~~led by ~ouncilman ~ammann that ~~r. ~~ineau be instructed to go ahead on that ~~sis. ~ It. ~as mov~d and:::seeor~d~::~~ ~.~vei~~..+~.;~in~h~:~~~e:-~l~ne~ ~aid.' i~~ I~iit~Iey south o~ ~de ~tree~G. ~r. Harris su~~est~d th~y hold the water 4~dinanee over until , ' next meetin~ tzntil he had tirne to check it further. At th~s time ~layor ~~aiters asked Councilman Dixson to take c~ver and he left the meeting. eouncilman ~onrad: made a motian~ secor_ded by ~ouncilman ~ammann that the purchasin~ a~ent place order for 10a0 f eet af 4 inch transite pipe. Cauneilman Dammann made a motion, seconded by Councilman ~anrad? that th~ Taxes on the ~ones property gurehased by the ~rrayo ~rande High Sehool~ be eancell.ed. RE~.SOLUTION #228 A Resolutian authorizi.n~ the Gity Attarney ta prepare,~deed of~h~ property gurchased from Saruw~taris, to be ~-iven bae~k in return ' for canveyanee by them of the property for new Iocation vf road v~:y . O ~ motian by ~ouncil:man Conrad~ seconded by Couneilman Damman.n~ that the fore~oing resolutic~n be adopted by the fallowing roll call vote: ~4YF~: Couneilman Conr~d, ~ixson and Dammann NOE~: None ~.H~'EN'~: Cotincilm:en ~I~iters and ~lark. ~e~r. B. F`. Conrad repor~ed the Grand ~venc~e extensian could b~ prepar d by the first meeting in July after the conveyance ~as rec eived from the Saru~ratari s. It vv~as moved and seeonded that the im~rovement of Crov~m stree~ be advertised for bids~ the bids to be opened July 19~ 195~ at $=E?0~'.~. ~ Subdivisiin Ordin.ance vuas discussed and ~r. Conrad agreed to go over the Caunty ~rdinance with ~'~r. harris and ~ouncilman ~onrad made a motian~ seconded by Councilman L~~ ~hatt the ardinance be 98 ~.1 ~ ~ referred to the City Planning ~ammiss~on. ~ Bills a~ainst the ~eneral ~'und for~~~;t?-2~ ~~d the ~ate~ fund for ~77•5a v~ere aud~.ted~ a~~roved and o~dered ~ id. Ng fur~her busines~ ap~earin~ and upon motion the m~eting ~:s adjourned. ~ ~ ~ ~ r....v , p,, ~ ATTF~.ST: , c~i 1'~'~ ~ .~`a,•~ ity ler~ =1ayar _p.. ~rroyo Grande~ Calif'ornia 1:3:0 P.~F. vt~ne 24~ 1950 The City Council r~et in Special session with ~~ayor ~Taiters presiding. Upon roll call ~ounciT~en ~lark~ Darlmann and Cc~nrad report~d,~resent. Absent Co~nciltnan Dixsan. Councilman Clark had to Ieave before the meeting was finished. The me=~tin~ v;ras called t~ discuss the water situation~ to the Brisco traet and Mr. Yark Petersan, L. A. Brisco~ Mr. and Mrs ~Iiller and several otn.er residents of t~}e Tr=~_ct ti~vere present. ~fter considerable discus~ion it was sug~ested by those present th~t the 2 inch line up to the top of the Hill be replaeed with a 4 inch line and ~jr. ~~risca a~eed to ~ut in $I000,00 towards the line~ also it ~as agreed by those present that enough o~' the 2 inch pipe be used by I~{~r. Briseo to replace the srra7.Ier Iines on the Brisca Tract and to tie th~ aeaa ends to~ether. R?o final aetior was taken on the Matt~r~ as it was to ~e ~etQd on at the next regular meeting. ~?o further business a~pearir,g and upon ~otion the me~ting ~a:S ad:jourr~ed. 1 ~ , . : i , . ~ ~ ~ r • ~f rl.P.~l ~ eity 1 er I~~~a or 4