Minutes 1950-07-10 ~ II ~e.M ~i raat~.er was held over unt?1 next~ meetir~g. V~ i ~ motion ~as made by ~ounc~:lman Dam~ann, seconded by ~ouncilman ~o~ad, a~tthorizing ~r. Harris to dr~.~u up papers far an option an a strip af ground from ~ebb ~c~Q~e~ to be used for a test w~II. ~otion carried. It ~as also r:oved and secanded to call for bids on a test well. ~r. Peterson was to prepare specificatie~ns and the bicls were t o~ e ap~ned at 8:~~ P.~t. on ~ugust 2, 1g~0. `~here was a~.engthy discussion c~n putting a 4 inch line up to ~he Brisco Tract. ~c~uncilma~ ~onrad started to make a motion far the inst~l- lation~ ~hich v~ras later ~+r.ithdrawn. ~r. J. J. Schnyder wished recorded in the minutes that he grotested thc~ ~ity installing a larger line ta th~ $riseo Traet« Zt was agreed to have ~~pecial meeting JuTy 13~ 1950 at ~~QO mnd have all parti~s concerned presen~ to discuss the repTacement af th~ l~ne to the Brisco ~raet ~urther. ~ motion was made k~y ~ounc~lman gi~son, secanded by ~oun~ilman ~amr~ann, to authari~e th~ purcl~;asing agenf~, to order IOC}0 feet of 4 inch transite pip~. Bills again~t the General ~und far K~ -~R the ~:ter Fund far ~~74K_1~_; the ~ater ~eposit ~'nnd for ~~~-~~_~r~c} the ~p~eia~ Gas Tax 5t,~e~t Imp. ~'und for ~,$~.f)(, ~ wer~ audited~ approv~c~ and ordered Paza. ~o further busines~ appearing and upon motion th~ meeting was adjourned. r;. . IiTTE'~T: ity lerk Magor ~ Q i 1 ~rroyo Grand~~ ~alifornia J~ly zQ, 1950 ~~peeial me~ting af the ~ouncil, ~ias held for the purpose of changing the date for apenin,g Qf the bids on t.he c3rilling of a~est ~~ll~ ~Iayor ~aiters presided. Counci]lnen ~i.xse~n and ~lark w~re present. ~bsent Counc ~ 1~~~ ~ammann and ~ orvc=ad . ~ouncilman ~Iar~ made a motion~ seconded by ~ouneilman Dixsan to recind the mation ma:de at the July meeting to apen the bids an th~ well ~ugust 2', 19~~. ~o~ ~ motion by ~ouneilman ~lark~ seconded. by ~ouncilman '~ixsan to apen the ~aids July 2~, 195Q at 8~OG P.~~. No further busines~ ~.~gearing and upon motion the meeting w~s a.djourned. , , , ~.TT~T. d..~.G~~~__ C~~er y k ~ayar -a- ~rre~ya ~r~nd~, ~alifornia~ ~ uly I2, Iq~O ~~pecial meeting was c~lled to discuss the problems of th~ ~ater ~epartment. b~ayor ~aiters p~esideci. ~pon ro11 eall ~ouncilmen ~ixson~ Damr~nn and eorirad regarteei nresent. ~~sent ~ouneilman elark. Mayor ~'aiters reported that 3}~ ~znd~rstood there was some talk of r~sidents of the ~riseo ~raet petitioning the ~rover ~ity ~ater ~isstrict for ~ter and he ~€anted to find ou~ if the ~ouncil wished to continue to serve the outside area. ~fter a lengthy discussion on the system and the New ~at~r Ordina~ ce th~ Coancilmen present agreed: to serve the present consumers ad~q~zately both inside and outside and eouz~cilm~n ~ixson said the cost of improv~- i ments on the ow~side area shauld be borne by the consumers~ either by j ~ ~ increasing the rates or being eharged f`~or the improvements. ~hen ~r. York Peterson completL.z his sur~rey ~nd more inforr~ation , ~as ~vailable, some rate ~djt~.stments mi~h~ have ~o be made in ord~r t,s7 ~ make the neeessary regTaceme~ts. , ; PTo fu.rther busin~s~ appearing and upon motion the m~eti.ng was ' adjourned. , ~€Ti E,ST: ~ (;~c.C~~~ ity l~k - ~ayor _ p _ ~rroyo Grande ~ ~alif orni.a ~uly 13 ~ 195C~ 3'h.e Special meeting on the ~later prot~Zems to th~ $riseo ~r~c~ and autside are~~ w~s held ~rith ~ayQr ~ait~rs presiding. ~pon rall ~~.ll Councilmen Dixsan~ ~lark~ ~arnm~.nn and Gonrad reported present. ~?-lso pr~esent ~rere I~r. Yark Peterson and R. F. Harris. Property o~rrers and ~at~r consumers f`rom all areas were present to