Minutes 1950-07-12 ~o~ ~ motion by ~%ouncilr~.n ~lark~ seconded by ~ouncil.man ~ixson to open the ~iids JuIY 2~~ 195Q at ~ ~00 P.~~. No further basiness a~~earing and upon motion the meeting was ~djourned. , ~.TTEST: . .L~~_ ~ ~ ~~ty lerk ~yor -Q- ~rroya Grande, ~alifornia~ ~ uly 22 , 1950 ~ Speeial meeting was called to discuss the problems of th~ ~ater ~epartment. Iviayor t~aiters pr~esided. ~pon ra11 call ~ounciImen ~ixson~ ~amrr~:nn ana eo~~a reported presen~. ~fi~sent ~ouneilman ~lark. ~ayor ~'aiters reported that ~~nderstond there was some~ talk of resid~nts oF the Brisco ~raet petitzaning the ~rover ~ity ~at~r ~istrict for water and he wanted to find out if the ~ouncil wished to continue to serve the outside area. ~fter a lengthy di.scussion on the ~ystem and the New ~at~r Ordin~ ce the Coancilmen present agreed to serve the present consumers adequately both inside and outside and ~ouz~cilm~n ~ixson said the cost of improv~- ments on the ow~sid:e area shauld be borne by the consumers~ either by increasing the rates or being ehar~ed f`or the improvements. ~ ~hen P;~r°. York Pe~Erson completes his sur~rey and more informatian ~as ~vailahle, some ra~e ~d~t~.~tments might have ~o be made in order t,s~ ~ make the neeessary replaeements. , ~ R3o further busin~s~ appearing and upon motion the meeting wa~ \ adjourned. / ~3'i ~T: ; ~ Gu~~:;~ ity l~ri~ ~tayor _ d _ ~rroyo Grand~~ ~alifornia auly 13~ 195~ 3'he ~pecial meeting on the Water prablems to the ~riseo ~ract and au~tside area, w~s held ~vith ~ay~ar '~ait~~s presiding. Upon roll c~ll Councilmen Di~sc~n~ ~lark~ Darnma.nn and ~onrad reported: present. ~?Isa p~esent ~ere I~r. Yark P~~,ersan and H~rri~. Property o~mers and ~l~ter consumers f`rom al]: areas were present to