Minutes 1950-07-19
~.42 ~ ~
discuss and ask questions on the wat:er situatian~ bo~h inside and out:
side the City.
~eetiQn ~3Q of the new water drdinance was discussec3 and ~f'ter
discussion it was agreed by ~11 ~ounciZ members, that ~r. Harris r~- i
write the ~eetion.
~lure? ~r. Lackey and' ~~r. Ha~d.ing asked about a larger Iine
to serve them and were t old, ~r. Peterson was t.o mak~ the r~eommendation
on the size of a line f`or the change.
No further busin~s~ apnearing and upon motion the me~ting was
. ~
l~TTEST: ' y
ity lerk yor
- 0 -
~rroyo Grand~~ ~~liforn~a
Jt~ 13r I~ ~ Z~~~
`7'~ie City ~ounciY me~ in regular ses~ion with &iayor Tl~~iter~
gresiding. Upon roll call Councilmen ~I~.rk~ Dixson~ I7amm~nn ax~
Conr~d regort~d ~resent.
Th~ minutes of the previo~zs re~ular and speeial meetings ~r~r~
reae~ and a~proved as re~d. ~
Cam~nications v~ere read and placed ~n fi.le.
The petition fram property a~mers in Western ~d.ditian, asking
the Cauncil not to grant an~r more r~quests for Tent r~vival meetings~
in that area wa:s read arid crrdered filed. CounciI.m~n I3ammann repo'rted
the meeting t~~ing held would cl.ose the 22nd. aP J~zly.
R~S~I,UTIC3N' 2~4
Resalution of the ~ity Council~ of the City af ~rroyo ~rar~de
approving agreemen~ Q~` ~ta~te Hi~3~wa~ in the City of .~rro~o ~rande
and autho~izing the ~ayor and ~i.ty ~Ierk to sign on behalf af' saic~
Passed ~nd adoptec~ by the fol~owing roll eall vot~%
~Y~: Couneilmen ~laiters~ Uixson~ Clark~ ~~mrnann and ~ontad
NOE'S : No~se
t~BS~iVTr None
Counci].m~.n Di~€son made a motion seconc~ed t~~r Councilman ~ammann to
~dvertise for bids ofl a 3/4 tQn truck for St.reet and ~ater ~epartment.
There were no bids far resurfacing of ~rown ~tree~t and afte~
disetzssion Mr. ~Te Co~ was instructed to ~et pric~s for the work on
Cro~n street and 3lso pr~:ces on ~earing tzp C~:Iifornia and ~herry
Avenues; so the work co~zld be done before school st~rted.
A matiort by Couneil.rnan clark~ seconded by ~ouncilman ~ammann
ci~n~ring ~r. Hloom's requ~st to pu~ c~t~Ie on the ~ity property at
the ~rell.
Counci2mas~ ~crnrad made a mation, seeonded by Councilman Dammann
thatl'~on Shaff~r be r~~appainted to serve on the C%ty Plarning ~ommiss°ion.
rt ~as moved and s'econde~ tha~ 1~9r. ~e ~c~y ard~r I000 feet, af 4 inch
transite pipe, fittings for pipe li~e and ~(7 m~ters.
Tt was moved by ~ouneilm~.n Bammann, seconded by ~ounei2:ma:n
Dixson that the fees and eosts incurred by ~ubrey P. Ha~rk in eonnection
witr~ his dcfens~ in the ease of Haekler ~°s ~T~, et aI~ be assumed by
the C~ty of Arrc~yo Grande~ his preQense as a d~f~ndant in said aetion
being a result of' acts or actions by the s~~d ~ubrey P. Ha~k ~rhile an
afficial af the City af' ~rroyo Grande. ~'he Eity Cl~k is here~rith
direeted to draw a~rrant s2tffieien~ to caver sueh preliminary fees
and costs.
It was noved 8y'~Counc~I.ma~ Darmmann, seconded by ~ouncilman
~ixson t~at the fees and costs incurr~d by H~ R. Phillips in connection
~zith his defense in the ease af ~a.ekler vs C~ard~ et aI~ be asse~med by ~
the City o~ C~rrayo Grande~ his presence as def'endant in said action
beiri,~ a result of acts or a~tions by the said A. R. Fh~llips while ~n
Of~'icial of the City of Arroyo Grande. The ~ity ~lerk is her~with
dirECted to dra~ a warrant suff~eient to cover s~eh preliminary fees '
and costs. '
It was moved by C ocznci lman ~~!~nn ~ s ee onded by C ounc i Irn~n
Dixson that the f~es and c osts incurreci by V'ard Loom3s in
conneetion with his d~Fen~e in the case vf Hackler vs ~ard~ e~G aI~ be
assumed by the City of ~rroyo Grand~~ his presene~ as a defendant in
~aid action bei a res~zlt of ~1
~ acts or aetians b the said J. ard
Loomis while an appointee of tlrie ~~.ty Couneil of the City of 1~rroyo
' G_~and~. The City Clerk is here~uith direetecl to c~~ a~rarrant
s~ffieient to cover such prelimina.ry fees and eas~s. -
It ~.s movec~ b,y Councilr~:n ~ammann? secar~ded by Councilman ~ixsan
that the fe~s and casts incurr~:d by ~illiams in connection with
his defense in the case of H~~~ler vs ~ard, et aI, be ~ssumed by the
~.04 ~
. ~
City of ~rroyo Gr:~nd~, his presenee as a defendant in said aetion ~
being a result of aets ar ae:tions ~ay the said L. ~il,i~m~ whil.~ an
emplo~ree of the ~ity of ~rrc~yo Crande. '~he ~ity ~lerk is herewi th ~
directed to dravu a warrant suf~"icient to aover such preliminary fees
~nd costs.
It wa:s moved by Councilman ~ammann~ seconded by ~ouneilman
Dixson tha~ the fees and eosts incurred by a. J. schnyder in
cor.neeti~n with his defens~ in the case af I~ackler vs ~ard, et al~
be assumed by the City af ~rray~ Gr~nd~~ his presence as a defendant ~
in ~ ai.d aetien bein~ a resul~ of acts or a~tions by the said
~chnyder while an affiei~I. of the ~ity of ~rrayo ~rande. Th~ City
Clerk is herev~ith direet+~d to dra~r a warrant su~'ficient to eover
such gr~liminar~ fees and eosts.
~t this time ~ouncilman ~ixson left the room and a mQtiQn ~ras
made by Councilman I)a~ann, second~d by ~ouncilman ~lark that th~
~ee~ and eosts incurred b~ ~ordon IIixson in eonneetion wit~~ his
defense in the cas~ of Ha.ekler vs ~ard~ et al~ be assumed by the
~ity af ~rrQyo Gran~e~ his pres~nee as a defendant in said aetic~n
bein€; a result of acts or aetie~ns by the said Gordon Dixson while
an C3f~'icial of the ~ity af ~rrayo Grande. The ~ity ~lerk is h~r~-
with direeted to draw a~nrarrant sufficient to cover su.eh pr~liminary
~ees and ~ast~.
~au~cilr?~n ~~rnma:nn ~eft the room and a motion was made by
~ouneilman Dixson~ seconded by ~c~uncilman ~lark that the Pees and
costs incurred by ~rtin Dammann in eenneetic~n ~ith his d~f~nse -
in the ease of Haekler v~ Ward et al~ be assumed by the City of
t~rroyo Grande, his presene~ as a d~fendant in said action being a
result of acts or acti~ns by the s~id ~artin A.. D~a:mr~nn ~rhile ~n
Official of -the City af ;Arroyo ~rande. ~'he City Clerk is her~with
directed to draw a warrant sufQieient to cover sc~eh greZim~nary fees -
and casts.
~ouneilm~n Waiters left the room and a motion was made by
~au~cilman Cl~rk, seco~ded by Councilman ~ammann that the f`e~s and
costs incurred by ~eril P. ~daiters in connectzon ~^aith his d~fense
in the case of Hackler ~ts ~Ta~~d et a1:, be assumed by the eity of
Arroyo Grande~ his ~?resenee as a defendant in said ~etian being ~
result of acts or aetions by the said Deril P. '~ait~rs while an
Official of the City of ~rrayo Grande. ~'h~ e~ty ~Ierk is here~ith
xo~ .
directed to dra.w ~ warrant sufficient to cover sueh preliminary ~e~s
and costs.
C o~znc i Iman ~ lark l~ft the ro om and a~ moti on was made b~r e ounc i T
man DixsQn~ seconded by ~ouncilman Damm,~nn that the ~e~:s a~nd eosts
incurred by F'red ~N. Clark in conneetion with his defens~ in the case
of H~,ckler vs '~Iard~ et al~ be assumed by the City of ~rroyo ~r°ande~
his presence as a def`endant in said action being a result~ af acts or
actions by the said I~reci T~~T. Clark while an Official af the City of
~rro~o ~rande. 'Z'he City Clerk is herewith direeted to draw a war~°ant
` sufficient~ to cover sueh preliminary ~ees and ~ost~.
Mr. Harris read the Ne~ ~ectian 3~ of the ~ater Ordinanee and it
was discussed.
Bills against th~: General Fund for ~~~-.~~nd the ~ater
Fund for ~$$,~,Q were a~aditec~, approved and Qrder^d paid.
No further btzsiness ap~earin.g~ and upon mation th~ meeting was
ad j ourned to '~~es3ay a~czly 25, 1950 at 8~ 00 P.~.
Ci.ty C1erk ~ ~~ayor •
~rroyo ~rand~ ~ ~aliforniar
`~ulY 19~~
2'he ~ity eouncil met in adjourned tneeting with &~ayor `~aE: t~rs
presiding. Upon roll call ~oaneilmen Dixson~ ~lerk~ ~ammann and
~onrad report~d present.
Sids from Todd anc~ Yeager and C. J. Lc}}ng~ell, for the drilling
af a test ~auell, ~ere opened ~.nd the bid of C. J. i,ongweTl b~ing the
lower of the ~.wo bids, a motion was ina:de by Councilrnan ~am~ann~
seconded by Councilma:n ~Iark to accept the bid of C. J. I.,~ngwell.
Estimates on the resurf~eing of ~rown street and for t.~aring
up Cherry and California Avenues were received from Valley Paving
Const~ructian Company and L. A. Brisco. '~.'he ~s~timate aP ~alle~ Paving
Comtiany bein~ lower~ a motian was made Iay Couneilma:n ~ammann~ seconde~.
by ~ouncilman elark to ~.ccept the estim~te of Valley Paving company.
It was moved and seconded that ~~r. York Peterson prepar~
specificationsand. adver~ise. fsar : bids for a: pump for the new well.
Bids to be opened E~~Q P.b~. an ~u:gust 16~ 195~.