Minutes 1950-07-25 ~V~ , directed to dra~z a~arrant sufficient to cover such preliminary fe~s and costs. Councilman Clark Ieft the rao~ and an~ motion was made by eouncil- man Dixson~ seconded by Councilman ~ammann that the f`e~s and costs ineurred by Fred ~1. Clark in connection with his defense in the case of Hackler vs Nard~ et al~ be ~ssumec3 by the eity of Arroyo ~r°ande~ his presence as a defendant in sdid aetion being a result of a~t~ or actions by the said Fred Clark whil~ an ~fficial of the C~t~ aP ~rro~v ~rande. '~'he City Glerk is herewith direeted to dra~ a war~°ant . . ~ sufficient. to cover s~ch preliminar~y ~e~s and ~ost5. Mr. Harris read the Ne~ ~ectiar~ 3E7 of the ~ater Qrdinance and i~G va~as discussed. Bi:lls ~gainst the ~eneral Fund f'or ~ ~ ` ~ ~nd th~ ~later Fund for were: audi~eci, approved and a~der~c~ paid. No further business ap~earing and upon mQtion th~ meeting was ad j ourned to Tuesd~y ~~uly 2~, 1950 at 8~ 0~ P.~j. . AT'~ESTt City C1erk~ ~~a.yor- _o- ~rroyo ~rande ~ ealiPornia ! `~~lY 2~~ 195Q ; ~I ~ i The City eounciZ met in ~n adjourned meeting with Mayor ~a~ ters ~ presiding. ilpon rall call eouneilrn~n Dixsan~ ~lerk~ ~ammann and ~onrad report~d present. Bids fram Todd and Yeager and C. J. Lo~ell, for the drilling of a test welT, ~vere opened ~.nd the bid of C. J. Longw~Il being the lower of the ~ro bids, a motion was inade by Councilrnan ~amr€~nn~ seconded by Couneilrnan C2ark to acc~pt the bid of C. J. Lqrzgwell. Estima~es on the resurfacin.g of ~rown st.reet and for t~aring up eherry and California ~:venues were received fram Valley Paving Construetion Company and L. A. Briseo. '~Yie estirnate of Valle~ F'aving ~omx~any bein~ lawer~ -a motion wa~ made by ~ounei2rn~:n ~ammann~ seconde~. by Councilman elark to aceept the estiuiat~~: af Valley Paving ~ompany. It ~ras moved and seconded that ~~r. York Peterson prepare specifica~ionsand. adver~ise. for" : bid.s Por : a pump :far the new we11. Bids to be opened a~~0 P.~1. on ~ugust 16~ 19~~. ~06 P~ ~ ~ It was moved and seconded that ~~c Ca~ ar~er $gg0.~0 af 8 ineh transite pip~. ~o~zr~cilrnan ~ixson made a moti~n, seconded by Council.man ~lark to adv~rt~se For bids on 4- E~ and 8 ineh transite pipe in ~ar Ioad lots. It was also sug~ested that ~~r. ~c Coy order fittings to have on hand. There ~aras fi.zzi~her~ disct~ssion on the new ~later ~rdinance~ rates and palicies~ lau~ nm final aetion was taken. No further busi~.ess appearing, it was moved and seconded to adjourn. ~ , ~~!%~o ~TTE~ST : ~ity Clerk~ &i~yor: _ p _ A~~royo Grande~ Cali~ornia .~4u~ust 2, 195~ The City Couneil m~t in regrzlar ~ession ~vith b~ayor ,~~aite~s presiding. Upon roll eall Councilmen ~la~k~ nixson~ ~ammann and ~onrad reported present. ~ The min~ztes of the previat~s re~Zlar and adjourned meetings were read and ap~roved as read. ~orn~munications were read and glaced an file. Reports of the Police Department and Police ~udge were read and discussed and after discussion it ~a~s decided to have the ~ud~e and poliee officers present at the Sep~emb~r 6th. meeting and discuss the af:~airs of the Paliee ~epartment at that tim~. Councilman eonrad brot~~ht ug the p~rchase af` ~n addr~sograph machine and after discussion on the subjeet it was agreed to lo~k into the r~atter further. ~ouncilman Dixson a~ked how much had been paid on the ~~otor grader t~hey were buying from the Ha.nson '~quipment ~o. ~'he amoun~ paid as rent~.l and the amount of rental due on it were to be reported at the next meetir~g. ~ It was agreed that material would be added to what was: orz A,rrayo ave~~t~ and an oil mix ~nade to us~ for patching. `~he bids fr~m t~rland Chevrolet and ~:aury Brennan, on polic e cars ~rere opened and Councilman ~lark made'a motion~ seconded by ~ouncil- , ~ mgn ~onrad to ~:ceept the bid of Maury Brennan, for the ~'ord ~pecial ,