Minutes 1950-08-02 ~o~ ~ ~ 7'~• ~ It was moved and seconded that ~~c Cay ox~er $990.:Q0 af ~ 8 inch transite pipe. ~ouncilman ~ixson made a~notion, s~conded by Councilman elark ta advert~se fo~ bids on 4- 6 anci 8 inch transite pipe in ~ar Ioad: lots. It was also s~zggested that &~r. ~c ~o order fitti s to have Y ~ on hand. ~here was furt,her~ dise:t~ssion on the n~~t ~ater Ordinane~~ rates I and polieies, l~u~ nm final action was taken. No further~ business appearing~ it ~as moved anci seconded to adjourn. ~~r: ~ ~;c%~~ ~ity Clerk~ ~ or: Y ~ _ ~ _ .~i~rc~ya Grande~ California .~lu:~u s t 2 ~ 19 ~'(3 The City Council m~t in reg~zl~.r ~ession with b~ayor°.~aite~s presiding. Upon roll call Couneilmen Clark~ Di~son~ Damm~nn and Conrad reported present. . I ~ The minutes af'the previoczs re~Iar and adjourned meetings I! wer~ read and approved as read. , Eommunications were read and placed on file. Repar-ts of the Police Depart,ment and Police ~+udge were read and discussed and after diseussion it ~as decided to haue the ~udg~ ~nd police officers present at the ~eptemb~r 6th. meeting ana aiscuss the affairs of the ~o~ice Department at that time. eouncilman ~onrad brou~;ht up the purchase of an ~ddr~sogra~h machine and after discussion on the subjeet it was agreed to look into the r~atter furt~er. ~ouncilman Dixsor~ ~sked haw much had been paid an the ~~otor grader they were buying f`rom the xa.nson ;~quipment ~o. The amount paid as rent~l and the amount of rental due on i~G were to be reported at the next meeting. I~G was agre~d ~hat material would:be added to what was aA Arroyo avenue and an oil mix Fnade to us~ for patching. `~he bids f"r~m A~rland Chevrolet and ~aury Brennan~ on police cars were opened and eounciTm~:n ~lark made'a motion~,seconded by ~ouncil- . mgn ~onrad to accept the bid of ~aury Brenraan, for the ~'ard ~pecial ' , ~o~ for Police. The amount to be $217'I.24 and the 1947 car turned in for $876.24, net outlay ~1295.0~ The '~later Ordinanee was read and diseussed and after diseussion a motion was made by ~ounciTman IJixson, seconded by Councilman Dammann to char~e the ~chools and Cemetery .ll.~ per IOC~ cct. f~ in- ste~d of .08¢ as had been eharged. This motian was withcirawn and ~ndec~ as folloevs% ~."he amount to b~ .I1.3 per cu. ft and no minimum charg~ as befo~e. '~'he scho~ls and eemetery were to be notified and a copy of the breakdo~rn on cost of the water to be mailed to each one. Bilis a~ainst the G~neral Fund fvr $2'226.22 the ~ater Fund for $~32.62 and the ~~dat~.~r Deposit ~'und for ~$.0~ were audited~ approved and ordered paid. No further business ap~earing and upon motion the meeting was ad j ourned,. , n r, , ~ ~ ~ r • ;~C~-~ TTES T . ,C.t~;,t ~ ~ , t`~t:~. - ~ eity C"lerk Mayor - - A~rroyo ~rande ~ Calif ornia ~~~ust 1950 li ~~peeial meeting vaas called b~r ~~ayor ~~I~iters to discuss street , work. Present were eouncilmen C1ark~ Dixson and Dammann. Absent ' Councilman Conrad. ' After discussion it ~~as cieeided that ~r. ~~e ~oy ge~ estima.tes and he and CounciZ.rran ~ixson ge-~ together on the resurfacing of the fOZZOWl21g S't.Y'P,G~~S~ i~'hit.eley from Ide Stre~t to the South end~ Poale from I~asan to Whiteley~ the North end of Stanley avenue~ Barnett street from TE}I to Grand avenue~ Oak~ Bell~ Rena, and ~Ipin~ from Bennett to Grand ave. and also from Gr~nd aventze south~ ~hort street from Nelson to Poole st. ~ and Orchard avenue. ~he width ta be 24 ft. ~ouncilman ~ixson was asked to see if ~dhiteley street eould be apened to A1Ien street. No further business appearing and upon motion the meeting ~ras adjourned. ~ . ~ I ' ~TT~T: , t',~f . ~I ~ l``L L~ . ~~~,m CITY ~l~rk ~~~~r