Minutes 1950-08-23 ~a~
fl~Ir. Harris reaci the head:ing of` the ~ater C~rdinance and a motion
- was made by ~ouncilman ~ar~~-a~nn, secc~nded ~y ~%ouncilman ~ixson tha~ they
waive the balance of the r~ading. Upon rolZ ca1Z vote alI Co~nczlmen
votea ~ye. ~ ;
- Lhe ~~ater C?rdinanee was discussed and after discussion ~ouncil-
~ man eonrad made a motion~_seco~ded by Councilman ~a~mann, to amend
~ection 29 af the Ordinanee to omit the wards ~'~nside the City~r in the
~ s~cond line. ~ounciZmen ~oru~ad~ ~ar~.~?ann~ and Waiters voted ~ye, and
~ Cb~zneil~nen'Clark ~and ~ixson voted No.
~ Cauncilman ~onrad then made a motion~ seconded by ~ouneilman
, Da.mr:~ann, to amen.d ~ectic~n 3~, as fallow~, ta remove the first sentence
of Sub. ~i and alI of aub. ~3. ~ouneilmen ~onrad~ Damm~nn and ~aiters
for the matian~ ~ouncilman ~ix~on said alright, Councilman Clark did
not vote.
, ,
~ &~r. Harris agreed to varite ~r. Gru~nstein about his btzsiness
, license,.
- ~ ~ motion was mad~ by Councilman Darrunann, ~econded by couneilman
Conrad to aecept the ~~si~nation af ~raneis ~orr~ as of ~u~ust 31~
~ 19~G w~ith perr~ission to be absent f3~om ~ugust 21st. ~oune ilm~n
4 Darimann r~ade a motion~ s~eondee3 by councilman ~%onrad that ~r. ~m.
'~~tonesifers leav~ of absenee be terminateci and: he be reinstated ~o '
to serve as Chief of PQliee~ at the pleas~zre of the City ~ou~cil. ~
, Bi~is ag~~inst the Gener~l ~und for ~II~~.05 and the ~ater
Fund for $77.50 w~re audited~ approved and ardered paid.
~ ! -No frsrther basiness appe~rin~ anc~ upon m~tic~n the meetin~ ~as
~ ~ ~ ad~ourr~ed. ~ ~
" ~ TT.~`S T : ,
. ' j ' i ; C;~-~-,-
~ ~rroyo Gr~ande ~ ~alifornia
~u~ust 2~~ 1950
The City ~ouncil met in ~+pecial session, with ~iayar ~a~ters
presiding. tTpon ro11 call ~a~~cilr~en ~ixsan, Darr~ann anci Canrad:
reported present. :~bsent ~%ou~eiTmarl ~lark.
~ ~
_ The p~zrpose of ~,he meeting was to diseuss the remodeling af the
House on Branch Street, far a~ity Hall. ~f^ter diseussic~n a motion
110 _
, w~r~
~as made by Counci,l:m~:n I3~.a~~ ~~c~nded by ~ouncilman Dixson ~
authorizing th~ calling far bi~s, for the remadeling and tha~t
Koward ~harps prepare ~pecificati~ns and that th~ Cit~r ~n~ineer ~heek
the plans and specifications.
1~To further business appearin~ and upan motion the meeting
w~s adjotzrned.
~ ~ f,
~.TTEST: C.~-c/l~-~
CITY ~L ~'RK ~ft.A~OR
~rrayo Grar~d~, Californ~.a~
~eptember 1g50
The City e'ouneil met in reg~zlar ses~ion~ with ~ayor ~aiters:
presiding. Upon ro12 eall Councilmer~T~ixsan~ ~ammann and ~anrad
reported present. ~b~sent Cauncilman Clark.
'1'he min~zt~s of the previaus regular and special meetings v~rere
read a~d approved ~s rz~c~.
Comm~znications were read and placed on file.
Bids on ~ and 3/4 tan Piektxps vrere read and the price an the
Ford being the Ior~er~ it u+as moved and seconded tI~e bid for ton
Ford Pickup be aecepted at ~~.4~O.OC~ whieh includes State ~ales Tax.
~he bid for rer~adeli.ng of the house on Braneh ~treet~ for a
City Hall~ was opened and after diseussian~ a motion ~ras made by
Councilman Conrad~ seconded by Councilman Dar:~lann to aceep~t th~
alternate bid of C. Sharps~ on the Cost Plus basis ~s follows:
Cost including not to exceed ~12~~16.0~ as per plans anci
Specificati on~.
'~'he bid of Johns -~Ianville on the 4--6- and 8 ineh Transit~
pipe was openeci and a motion was rrlade by ~ou~.eilman ~onrad~ seconded
by ~ouncilman ~i~san~ to ~ccept the bid.
It was decided ta return the bids on the pumg~ unopened~ as the
Teat ~ell had not t~rn~d o~zt as had been hoped for and it wo~zld be
necessary to cal~ for bids ~~ain~ when a well was eompleted.
~r• Pr~tt of the Addressograpl~~ was present and explained the
machine and it u~as recammend~d t~e matter~ be ~iven further study and
the CIerI~ to make a recammendation to the Council on the machin~.