Minutes 1950-09-06 11.0 . _ ~ras mad~ by Gouncilma.n Darr~m;:ann, seeonded by ~ouncilman Dixson autharizing th~ calling for bir~s~ for the remadeling and that_ Howard Sharps prepare ~peeificatians and that the City ~n~ineer check the plans and speeifica~ions. No further business ap~earin~ and ~xpan motion the me~ting w~s adjoarned. , , r.._.-~C~CJ , f; ~~f J, ~ ~iTTEST: '1 C~-c/~ CITY eL~RK ~~.A~OR - 0 - ~rroyo Grar~de~ Californ~.a ~eptember 6, 19~0 The City Council met in regular session~ with ~aayor `~~~aiters presiding. Upc~n ra1.I call Councilmer~ ~ixsan~ Dammann anci ~anrad reported present. ~bsent Cauncilman Clark. The minut~s of the pr~viaus regular and special meetings vrr~re read and approved as rcad. Comm~znications were read and placed on file. Bids on 2 and 3/4 tan Piekups v~rere read and th~ prace an th~ Ford being the lower~ i~ was move and seconded tI~e bid for ~ ton Ford Pickup be aceepted at $I4~~. C~ which includes ~tate ~ales Tax. ~he bid for remodeling of th house on Braneh ~treet~ for a City Hall~ was op~ned and after d'seussian~ a matian ~ras made by eouncilman Conrad~ seeonded by Councilman Dar:~r~ann to accept the alternate bid of C. C. Sharps~ on the Cost P1us ~asis as follows:~ ~ost including 8~ not to exceed ~I2~516.00 as per plans anci Speeifications. `j'he bid of Johns -~Ianvi:lle on the 4-6- and 8 ineh ~ransit~ pipe was opened and a mQtion was macle by ~ou~eilman ~onrad~ seconded by eouncil.man ~i~san~ to ~ceept the bid. It vaas decided to return the bids an the ptzmp~ unopened~ as the Teat ~ell had r~ot ttzr•ned atzt as had been hoped i'or a~nd it wo~zld be necessa~y to eal~. for bids a~ain~ when a well ~as completed. ~r• Pr'~tt of the Addressagrapl~~ was present and explained th~ machine and it ~as recommended the matte~ be ~iven Further stud:y and the Clerk to make a recammendation to the ~ouncil on the machin~. ~ lette.x` from J. W. Taylor~ Jae ~s~ and Mstxry Brennan~ asking fvr anne~t3.an to the City was r~ad and a motion was made by Council; man Dammann~ seconded by CounciTman Conrad to refer the snnexat~an tv the Plannin~; Comrnission for their recamm~ndation. It w~rs recammended that a I.etter b~ written to ieTames Lindsay~ that a new Ordinanee on ~'ater was being adapt~d and h~ wo~zld have to wait un~a.1. the OrdinancE was in ef.fect for an answer. Judg~e E1cTridge was pr~sent and there wa.s som~ diseus~~.on~ in r~~ard to ~the d~.smissal af ca~es, and after di~cussion it was recomm- ~nded that a notation be made an hi~ report, ~ivir_g the reason for dismissal. Th~ Btzd~et far Ig~~ - SI was diseussed and ~ouncilman ~ixsan abject~c3 to the aashing of bonds an the ~ater Dept. Btr~get; so s motian was made by ~ouncilman aammann, seconded by ~ouncilman ~onrad to adopt the General Fund Bud~~t and Councilman Ca~rad,made a mation~ seconded by Councilman Dammann to adapt the ~Nater ~nd Budget~ except far the ea~hing Qf bvnds. Mr. Harris read the heading of the ~ter OrdinanEe and a mativn was made by Couneilman Dammann~ seeond~d by Councilman ~anrad, to dispense with the balance af the reading. Upon ro11 call all ~ounci I M~mbers pr~s~nt vated ~ye. ~aunca,Iman ~Iark ai~sent. '~''he C7rdinance w*~.s discrxssed and Mr. J. J. Schnyder wYShed to have it on the records that he ob j eeted to the replac ement vf lines on the ~k.its ~de, w~.th C~,ty money. a~zrT~NCE # 97 ~ sPe Pa~e 112 ~ i~ motian was made by ~%o"ncilman Conrad~ seeonded by Couneilman Dammann~ that the Ord.inanee be adopted by the fallaw~ng roll call vates ~tYES~ ~vunc~.Im~n ~aiters, Conrad and Damr.~ann NOF~: Counei?.r~.n ~3ixsom AiBSENT: Councilman C1ark ~Iir. Harr~s wished it made ele~~r that there was nothing ~n the C~rdinance agre~~ng to I.~y ar replace any lines either insid~ or aut ~ide the e ityr. It was suggested a lett~r b~ written to 5tone ~arc~wat,ari~ tell~.ng ~t;he Saru~taris, the City fnt,ende~~ to commene~ work 15 days after the • harvesting af ~,he crop,~ ~t was alsa su~~e5ted bids for the work be adv~rtised and that th~y be opened at the October 4th. meeting. ~ o ~ ~ F ~ It was mov~d and s~cond~d, th~ ~ontribution to the Fir~ D~part ment b~ ~3~0.00 :~`or th~ year,. ~ Bills against th~ ~en~r~xl ~und for S"~84,,,~•45 ~ the G"rater Fund for ~ the ~dater Deposit ~'t~nd for 2. 0 and th~ Speei~.l ~as Ta~c St.rp~t ~mprovem~nt ~"und for $ K~ wer~ audited~ approved and ordered paid. r~o further business app~arin~ and upon motion ~he meeting was ad j ourned. ~ . ' ~ RT'~E5'1's ~TY CLF~tK YOR - O ~rdinance t~ 97 ~iea~in.g: Oi~DTS~ANCi:~ O~' '1'H.,~+'~ CITY Or~ At~ROYO GR1~~I`D~ FIXIII~'G THE RATES TO BE C~°?RG~D A~~i COLLk;C'!'ED FOR VdAT~ S~RV~CE SUk~PLI'~ 3Y 'I'H~ C I`i'Y AA:D ~'R-~CRSIIING C~+~'~"Z- TAI~' ~~ULE'~ ~1ND I~EGUI~TTOi75 cOV:~~~r1G co~v5~nti'ir.~tS OF ~'~A SUFPLTED BY SAID C~TY AND P:EZOVIDTr~G PENAL"~~~:S FOR '~'HE VIOLA`~~:ON TH~E~F~ AND ~EPEALTT?G ALL Or~DTI`,APYC~',S Il~' COI~'F'LICT iF.~ ~`r~ ~ T~i . _ p ~ ~rroyo Gr~nde, ~aliforna.~ 5eptember 2Q~ 1950 ~~he C~:ty ~ouncil met in reguJ.ar session, with ~'layor ~µait~rs presiding. Upan roll ca11. ~ouncilmen ~ixson~ ~lark~ ~ammann, and ~onrad reported pr~se:nt. ~~''~he minutes of the pr~va.ous re~;ula.r meeta.n~ were read and approved as read. Cor.~u.na.cations vrere r ead ~.nd disposed of as folyaws ~ 1. ~~he lett,er from ~ev. Carl ~~ahlquist v~ras discussed and ~h~ City ~ouncil instructed th~ C1erk to wra.te and ask for more inforn~ation before gi_vin~ any answer. Yt was sug~e~ted they e~ ~.her a~tend the Council m_.~tin~ or ~ive more i nformation on ~i~e ~ubject. 2. The letter from the Capital Company in.re~ard to renewing th~ l~ase on the signal 1i~*,ht po1.Q an the Bank ~uilda.n~, v~as discus~ed and it was decided to renew the lease for another year. 3. '~l'he letuer from the Addressograph ~o. was discussed and it was thou~ht b~~t to hold the matter over for further study. Councilman ~ixson made a motion~ second~d by Councilman Dammann to add 2 rooms on the ~'ast side of the bua.ld.~.ng.