Minutes 1950-12-06 124 ~
Arroyo Grande~ California
December 6 195~
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The City Couneil met at b:3~ P. M., with Mayor Waiters presiding. Counci7_rnen
Da,m~-nann and Conrad reported present. Absent Council.rnan Clark and Dixson.
A motion was made by Councilman Conrad, seconded by Councilman Dattanann, to
adjourn the meeting until December 7~ 1950 at 8:00 P.M., so the Council membe~s
could attend the meeting of Channel Cities Division of League of California Cities,
to be held at Pismo Beach.
Meeting ad3ourned.
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ATTEST:G' - ~ ~ '
City lerk ~ , or
Arroyo Grande, ~al.ifornia
- December 7, 195~ • •
The City Cauncil met in an ad3ourned session, with Mayor Waiters presiding.
Upon roll ca11 Council~en Dixson and Damman reported present. Councilman Conrad
came in later and Councilman Clark w~s absent.
The minutes of the previous regular meeting were read and approved as read.
Comrnunications were read and placed on file. ~
Mr. George Grieb and Carl Grieb were present and asked permission to hook
the home, being built for Carl Grieb to the sewer line, which ran thraugh the
~c~(~~I~~ ~ Grieb property. The matter was discussed and a motion was made by Councilman
Conrad, seconded by Councilman Dixson to alloW the hook-up according to the Engineer's
recommendation. Motion carried. • ~
Councilman Conrad made a motion, seconded by Councilman Da~urtann, inatructing
P~r. Haxris, the City Attorney, to write the Southern Counties Gas Co.,, and in- ,
form them that the City wi11 dxop the matter of the Pacific Coast R3.ght of Wa~,
at this time. Motion carried. : .
The Mayor brought up the sub~ect of Office equipment, the matter was dis-
cussed and Councilman ~onrad reported it would probably be next fiscal year before
equipment could be delivered, if it was orddred at this time, and the Clerk was
instructed to write the Addressograph people and find if there had been a change
in the price and also ask about delivery.
T2ie Chief of Police's recommendation for a raise in pa4Y for the Night Officer,
was discussed and a motion was made by Councilman Dam^~ann, seconded by Couneilman
Conrad to increase the arnount from ~235.00 per month to ~250.00 retroactive to
December l~ 195~• Councilman Waiters, Danunann and Conrad voted Aye and Councilman