Minutes 1950-12-20 127 Arroyo Grande, Calif. December 20~ 1950 ~ The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Waiters presiding. Upon ro111 call Councilmen Dixson~ Clark, Dammann~ and Conrad reported present. The minutes of the previoug regular~ ad3ourned, and special meetings were read and approved as read. Communications were read, discussed and the following a~tion taken: 1, The petition signed by a11 the business houses protesting the use of Parking Meters was ordered f iled and the matter af parking meters was to be dxopped. , 2. The request for caxd room license by J. J. Wagner was discussed and a . mqtion was made by Councilman Darrunann to grant card table license if they would conform ` ~ to the Ordinance. There was no second, so the motion was tabled at this time. Later in the mseting.the matter was discussed again and a motion was made bq Councilman Conrad, seconded by Councilman Clark to grant the card table license to Mr. Wagner. Motion carred. It was reported there was to be a Civic Defense meeting in Scaramento January Itth, and Mr. Haxris was to get information and ca11 the Clerk and the Mayor w~uld then appoint someone to attend. Bids for the furnishing of gasoline for the coming year were opened and a motion was made by Councilman Conrad, seconded by Councilman Dammann to award the bid to Tidewater Associated Oil Co. Motion carried. Councilman Conrad said he would make a budget report the first of Januaay meeting. Councilman Dammann reported the Police and Fire System lights and alarm were both working okay~ and Mr. Buchanan was keeping the building okay. It was decided to fYll the yard around the new hall and get someone to help with the landscaping. Mr. Harris suggested it might be possible to get Ted Howes of the California Poly Nursery Dept. to help on the planning. Councilman Dixson made a motion, seconded by Councilman Conrad to accept Mr. Ben Conrad~s resigna~ion effective January lst, 1951. Motion carried. Councilman Dixson suggested that they hire Mr. York Peterson to help on the streets and water in an advisory capacity and said he thought he could be hired for ~75.00 per month. Mayor Waiters asked the Clerk to ca11 Mr. Peterson and see if he wauld be his guest at Rotary and meet with the Council afterwards and discuss the position. He also asked the Clerk to write Mr. Ben Conrad a letter of appreciation for his services, and all Council members to s ign the letter. Mr. Diason was asked to make a recomriendation on the use of the old hall 12s ~ ~K~. buildin and then fi ~ ~ g, gure on ~rhat was to be done with gas and electricity at th~ Fire House . ' It was reported Don McClure was anxious to have a larger water line to his property. Councilman Clark was asked to investigate and report. Sewer hook-ups were discussed and a motidn was made by Councilxnan Clark that any praperty lying within the City limits prior to Mineau-Loomis and O~Dell property annexation sha11 pay only the prescribed inspection fee. Property , coming in thereafter shall, henceforth~ be required to pay in addition to the inspection fee the sum preseribed by the City Council of the City of Arrayo Grande for each unit connected. Af'ter discussing the matter further~•Mr. Aarria agreed to prepare a Resolution on the Sewer Hoo~p~ for the next ~eet- tng. The amount of the hoo~a.p;was discussed and it Was tentatively set at ~20.00 on property annexed after the original City limits. xESaL~rrza~ #235 A RESOLUTION Or TI~ CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE; COUNTY OF SAN L-UIS OBISPO, RELATIVE TO THE ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN UNINHABITED TERRIT~RY TO THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE. Upon motion of Councilman Conrad~ seconded by Councilman Daonmann~ the foregoing Resolution was adopted by the followir~g roll ca71 vote: AYES: Councilmen Waiters~ Clark, Dixson~ Dammann and Conrad. NOES: None. ~ ~ ABSENTs None. Mr. Wm. Rohde as ked i~ ariything could be done about the water st'anding along the highway after the rains~ and Mr. Shaffer reported it was bad on both sides of the highway. The Clerk was instructed to contact the Divia~.on of Highways and see what cauld be done. J. J. Schr~yder asked permission to repai~ the road in front of his house as there was a mud hole aft~r each rein. xESOLUTION #236 , - RESOLUTION OF TfiE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE AUTHORIZING A DEED FROM THE CITY OF ARi~.OYQ GRANDE T~ AKIRA AND MA5AK0 SARUWATARI AND STONE AND AYARQ"SARUWATARI ON EXCHANGE FOR OTHER PROPERTY. ~ Passed and adopted by the following roll ca11'vote: ~ AYES: CBuncilmen Waiters~ Dixson~ Clark~ Dar~nann and Conrad. NOES: None ' ABSENT: None. It was maved by Councilman Conrad, and seconded~ that Mrs. Illenstine be granted a license for a New Year~s Eve Dance. ~ ~ Mr. Harris agreed to prepare papers for ad3usting the taxes on property now ownedQby Mr. and Mrs.Lewis A. Mitchell Bills against the General Fund for ~1195•00 and the Water ~and for ~97•5~ were audited~ approved and ordered p aid. No further business a pearing and upon motio the meet' was adjourned. . ~ ~ , , ATTEST. City Clerk t- Mayor \ v - 0 - Arroyo Grande, Calif. December 21, 195~ The City Council met in Special Session with Mr. York Peterson to discuss the position of Engineer~ M~yor Waiters presided. Present were Councilmen Dixson, Claxk, and Conrad. Absent~ Councilman Dammann., After ~i.scussing the matter Mr. Peterson agreed to supervise the Engineer Department for the sum of $100.00 per month. The hiring of a lead man to ~ rk under Mr. Peterson was discussed, and Mr. Peterson said he would interview ~the men who mi~t be interested. ~ No further business appearing and upon motion the meeting waslad~ourned. ° } ~ . a ;I r' ' , ~ , ~ , ATTEST : ~i . ~~„~~'1(G~ li~iu. ~ ` . ~.~-t.~ City Clerk , Mayor ~ t- C~?~?~.~e.,-.~ L~...Q-,.~ ~ ~ 7' . _ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 ~ t (ti- _ l~'V-`-r~. ~ ~ ' , , . ~ , - ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . . ~