Minutes 1951-01-03 130 ~ Arroyo Grande, California January 3, 1951 The City Cotu~cil met in regular session with Mayor ti~aiters presiding. Upon roll ca11 Councilmen Clark, Dixson, Dammann and Conrad reported present. The minutes of the previous regular and special meetings were read and Mr. J. J. schnyder called attention to the fact that his protest against the issuing of a card table license to J. J. y~agner had been left out of the minutes« ~'he ~lerk agreed to amend the minutes of December 20~ 1950, adding his protest. Communications were read and placed on file as follows: 1. Chief of Police report was read and ordered filed. 2. Report of City Judge was read and ordered filed. 3. The letter from the Planning Commission, recommending that Mr. Ben Conrad be asked to serve on the City Planning Commission, was read and discussed and it wa.s suggested that they be asked if he was to replace someone or to check and see what they had in mind.~ Councilman Dixson reported that he thought that the Old City Ha11 could be moued to the back part of the ~ot and used ~or ~~~r~~. Councilman Clark made a motion, seconded by Councilman Dammann that Mr. York Peterson be hired as Consulting Engineer at $100.00 per month, and to serve at the pleasure of the Counc~l. Motion carried. Mr. Peterson reported that the new well being drilled, had tested as high as ?50 ga1s. per min. and recommended that the pump be installed to run around ~.50 gals. per min. There was a motion by Councilman Dixson, seconded by ~ouncilman Claxk to take 3tp the option on the property from Mr. Ruhl. ~ Mr. Peterson said he wished to consult the Board of Fire underwriters before recommending the size on pipe lines to be instal3ed. Mr. J. J. Schnyder asked about running grades on his street; so the water would run away from in front of his place, as he would li~e to have the ~ontractor, who was working in that area take care of it. A motion was made by ~ouncilman Dammann, seconded by Councilman Dixson to advertise for bids on=a pump and equipment for the New Well. The bids to be opened February 7, 1951 at 8:00 P.M. Chief Stonesifer said he would like to have 1-cax length red, east of the drive- way at the City Hall and eliminate the red zone opposite the Post Office, also to have 2--15 minute Green zones, east of the Red zone in front of the City Hall, A motion was made by Councilman ~ammann, seconded by ~ouncilman Conrad to a ccept the Chief's recommendations. i Councilman Dam*nann said that he had been asked about ha~ring a 2-hour Parking limit, instead of the 1-hour and he was asked to check with the Merchants association about the matter. It was agreed to get new tires for one of the trucks, which itas badly in need of them. In discussing the problem of Minors being tn the Pool hall and where the Card room was, Mr. Harris suggested Mr. Wagner be asked to meet with the ~ity Council, and the Chief was asked to see P~r. Wagner an the matter. RESOLUTION #23? (Corrected xesolution) A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYU GRAN37E, ftELA.TIVE TO ANNEXATION QF THE WOOD - DITMORE ADDITION AND THE HUASNA ROAD ADDITION - TIME ~ F~R THE HEARING TO BE JANUARY 2?~~ 1+~51 AT 8:00 P.M. Upon motion b3r Councilman Dixson~ seconded by Councilman Clark the foregoing ' Resolution was adopted by the foll.owing roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen Waiters~ Clark, Dixson, Dammann and ~onrad. NOES : , NONE ABSENT: NONE RESOLUTION #238 ~ A RES~LUTION OF THE CITY COliNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE TO HAVE 1- AED ZONE AND TWO GREEN 15 MIN.,ZONES FOR PARKING IN FRONT OF THE CITY HALL. Passed on motion of Councilman Clark, seconded by Councilman Dammann and by the following roll call vote: AYES: COUNcilmen Waiters, ~lark, Dixson, Dammann and CoMrad. NOES: None ABSENT: None RESOLUTION ~ 239 RE54LUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARR.OYO GR_4NI7E, RELATIVE TO THE GORRE6TION OF CLERICAL ER.RORS APPEARING IN THE TAX ROLLS OF THE SAID CITY FOR THE TAXABLE Y~~AR 1950-1951 Passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen Waiters, Clark, Dixson, Dammann and ~onrad. flQOES: None ABSENT: NONE RESQLUTION #2J~0 ~ RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO G~RANDE, RELATIVE fi0 THE REQi7IREM~NTS OF VARIOUS F~ES FOR SEWER HOOK-UPS: Passed and adopted by the following rollcall vote: AYES: Councilmen Waiters, Clark~ Dixson, Dammann and ~onrad NOES : NONE , ABSENT: NONE t. ~ x 32 ~ ~ '4~-Y i Mr. Harris read the copy of a Garbage Ordinance, copied after the Pismo Beach Ordinance and he agreed to have one ready; so there could be a hearing at l~he January 2t~th . meeting. Bills against the General Fund for $2,321t,22 the Water Fund for ~3831,35 the Water Deposit Fund for ~28.00 and the Capital Outlay Fund for $3,000.00 ~ were audited, apnoved and ordered paid. No further business apgaring and upon motion the meetin~ was ~ourned. "i , ATTEST: /i"~ City Clerk f.- yor ~ ~ ~ Arroyo Grande, California January 17, 1951 The City ~ouncil met in regular session with Mayor Waiters presiding. Upon Roll ca11 Councilmen Claxk, Da~mann and Conrad reported present. Absent Cou~icilman Dixson. The minutes of the previous regular meeting and the amendment to the December 20th. meeting were r ead and approved as read. Communications were read and placed on file. Councilman Dammann moved and Councilman Conrad seconded the motion to have the Jeep taken up and the equipment installed for the Fire Department and also to have the ~eep and equipment painted, if the Fire Chief thought the price would be reasonable. A motion was made by Councilman Dammann, seconded by Councilman Clark to pay Dr. Dunlap for the glasses, for Billy We13.s. It was reported that Mr. Schnyder was to ma.ke the doors for the jai.1 and the Chief was to check with Mr. Schnyder. It was decided to place an advertisement, in the paper, to sellthe top for the Jeep, as it would not be used with the Fire equipment. A motion ~a.s made by Councilman ~onrad, seconded by Councilman Dammann to have the Councilmen insured with the State Compensation Insurance Fund. Councilman Dattnnann asked permission to leave the State for 6 weeks or so and a motion was made by ~ouncilman ~onrad, seconded by Councilman Clark, to grant the request. Motion carried. Councilr~an Conrad recommend~d that no Special Fund be set up, f.or the money paid in for sewer Hook-up, as it would only make more book work and transfers. Councilman ~ammann reported the Merchants Association was to turn ir. a report on the 2 hour parking.