Minutes 1951-01-17
13 2
Mr. Har-°is read the copy of a Garbage Ordinance, copied after the Pismo Beach
Qrdinance and he agreed tv have one ready; ~o there could be a hearing at l~he January
2l~th. meeting.
Bills against the General Fund for $2,324,22 the Water Fund for ~3831,35 the
Water Deposit Fund for ~a28.00 and the Capital Outlay Fund for ~3,000.00 ~ were
audited, aproved and ordered pai.d.
No further business apparing and upon motion the meeting was journed.
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City Clerk j.- yor
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Arroyo Grande, California
January 17, 1951
The City Council met in regula.r session with Mayor Waiters presiding. Upon
Roll ca11 Councilmen Clark, Da~mann and Conrad reported present. Absent Cou3~cilman
The minutes of the previous regular meeting and the amendment to the December
20th. meeting were r ead and approved as read.
Communications were read and placed on file.
Councilman Dammann moned and Councilman Conrad seconded the motion to have the
Jeep taken up and the equipment installed for the Fire Department and also to have
the ~eep and equipment painted, if the Fire Chief thought the price would be reasonable.
A motion was made by Councilman Dar,imann, seconded by Councilman Clark to pay
Dr. Dunlap for the glasses, for Billy Wel~s.
It was reported that Mr. Schnyder was to ma.ke the doors for the jail and the
Chief was to check with Mr. Schnyder.
It was decided to place an advertisement, in the paper, to sellthe top for the
Jeep, as it would not be used with the Fire equipment.
A motion ~as made by Councilman ~onrad, seconded by Councilman Dammann to have
the Councilmen insured with the State Compensation Insurance Fund.
Councilman Dammann asked permission to leave the State £or 6 weeks or so and
a motion was made by ~ouncilman ~onrad, seconded by Councilman Clark, to grant the
request. Motion carried.
Council~an Conrad recommend~d that no Special Fund be set up, for the money
paid in for sewer Hook-up, as it would only make more book work and transfers.
Councilman ~ammann reported the Merchants Association was to turn ir. a report
on the 2 hour parking.
The Civil Defense Program was discussed and Mayor Waiters reported that he
would like~ to appoint Mr. Cecil Epp assistant Director, if it was agreeable with
the Council members. A motion was made by Councilman Conrad, seconded by Council-
man Dammann to approQe the Mayor's appointment. All members present, ~roted Aye.
Dr. Swartouts letter, regarding burning of rubb~sh, ~~ias discussed and
Dixon Conrad was to see Mr. Harris about making a change in the Garbage Ordinance
to take care of the matter.
A.n~Ordinanee on Civil Defense, prepared by the State was read and discussed
~id a motion was made by ~ouncilman ~onrad, seconded by Councilman Clark to approve
the Ordinance, for pu blication, subject to appoval by the City Attorney, as to
technical legal matters. Motion caxried.
Civi1 Defense was discussed and under the set-up, the Police and Fire Chiefs
would appoint Auxilliary Police Officers and Firemen.
The Mayor reported that a First Aid Course was to be gi.ven at the High School
and suggested all City Employes take the Course.
A motion was made by Councilman Conrad, seconded by Councilman Clark to in-
crease the Fire Insurance, on the City Hall to °~25~000.00. Motion carried.
Mr. Deal made a report on the Budget and reported that the City was staying
within the btzdget, as a whole. He also suggested that he and mr. Conrad, the
Finance Commissioner, meet with the City Clerk and rearrange the Budget some, so
it would fit in ~ th the State report a little better.
The P4ayQr agreed to t alk to Mr. Peterson about sitting in on the Planning
Commission and to notify the Planning Commissiqn about having Mr. Ben Conrad on
the Commission.
Bills against the General Fund for $1,358•~.0 and the ~Iater Fund for $~3,l~13•5~
were audited, approved and ordered paid.
No further business ap~aring the meeting was adjourned until Jan~ary;-~t~, 1951
at 7:30 P.M.
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AT`I~ST: ~ '
Cit3r Clerk Ma o
Arroyo Grande, Caiifornia
January 24, 1951
The City Council met in an adjourned SedBion with Mayor Waiters presiding.
Upon Roll call ~ouncilman Clark, Dixson and ~onrad reported present. Absent
Councilman Dammann.
The hearing on the annexation of the Wood-Ditmore Addition and the Huasna
Road Addition was announced, and there being no protests except i~?r. J. J. Schnyder