Minutes 1951-01-24 ~3~ The Civil Defense Program was discussed and Mayor Waiters reported that he would like~to appoint Mr. Cecil Epp assistant Director, if it was agreeable with the Council members. A motion was made by Councilman Conrad, seconded by Council- man Dammann to apprc~ee the Mayor's appointment. All members present, Yoted Aye. Dr. Swa~touts letter, regarding burning of rubb~sh, t~Tas discussed and Dixon Conrad was to see Mr. Harris about making a change in the Garbage ~rdinance to take care of the matter. An~Ordinance on Civil Defense, prepared by the State was read and discussed add a motion was made by ~ouncilman ~onrad, seconded by Councilman Clark to approve the Ordinance, for pu blication~ subject to appoval by the City Attorney, as to technical legal matters. Motion carried. Civil Defense was discussed and under the set-up, the Police and Fire Chiefs would appoint Auxilliary Police Officers and Firemen. The Mayor reported that a First Aid Course was to be given at the High School and suggested all City Employes take the Cours~. A motion was made by Councilman Conrad, seconded by Councilman Clark to in- crease the Fire Insurance, on the City Ha11 to $25~000.00. Motion carried. Mr. Dea1 made a report on the Budget and reported that the City was staying within the budget, as a whole. He also suggested that he and ~r. Conrad, the Finance Commissioner, meet with the City Clerk and rearrange the Budget some, so it would fit in ~ th the State report a little better. The MayQr agreed to t alk to Mr. Peterson abo~t sitting in on the Planning Commission and to notify the Planning Commission about having Mr. Ben Conrad on the Commission. Bil1s against the General Fund for ~1,358.l~0 and the ~^later Fund for $~3,413•5~ were audited, approved and ordered paid. No further business apparing the meeting was adjourned until January;;$1~, 1951 at 7:30 P.M. ` ' / , / ~ ATi~ST: ~ ~ ~ City Clerk Ma o --0-- Arroyo Grande, Caiifornia January 21~, 1951 The City Council met in an adjourned Sed~ion with Mayor Waiters presiding. Upon Roll call ~ouncilman Clark, Dixson and Conrad reported present. Absent Councilman Damnann. The hearing on the annexation of the Wood-Ditmore Addition and the Huasna Road Addition was announced, and there being no protests except ~Ir. J. J. Schnyder ~ 134 ~ suggested that a policy on Streets should be set before making annexation. A motion was ma.de by Councilman Clark, seconded by Councilman Dixson that the Wood-Ditmore A.ddition and the Huasna Road Addition be accepted and the Ordinance for the adoption of same was read for the lst. time. The Garbage Ordinance was discussed and read f or the first time. Civil Defense was discussed and an Ordinance wad read f or the first time. No further business appearing and upon motion the meeting w adjeurned. ATTEST: ~ ~ ~ City Clerk Mayor -0- ~'~rroyo Grande, Calif. February 7, 1951 The C~ty Council met in regular session with Mayor ~~aiters presiding. Upon rollcall Councilmen Clark~ Dixson, ar~d Conrad reported pre~ent. qbsent Council- man Darnmann. The mi.nutes of the prgvious re~ular and adjourned meeting were read and ap- proved as reacl. Communicaticns were read and placed on f~ le. Bids on the pump for the neVr well ~Tere opened and a.fter discussion on the bids a motion was made by Counci7man Conr.ad, seconded by Councilman Dixson that the bids be taken under advisement and turned aver to the City Engineer~ Mr. York Peterson for h~s recommendations. motion was made by Councilman Conrad and seconded by Councilrna~ Dixson inst~tzcting the Clerk to order the Model 1955 Addres~ograph Machine. Motion car- ried. The letter from Mayor Timothy O~Reilly asking the Mayor for a delegate to the regional meeting to be held in Sa.nta Barbasa was discUSSed and a motion was made by Councilman Di:;son seconded. by Councilman Conrad that the rlayor appoint a representative to attend the meeting and it was recommended the delegate vote for i~r. Ed. Gardner for Regional Coordinator. ~Iotion carried. Ma~yor Waiters appointed Councilman Conrad as our delegate to attend the meeting. The report from the Judge was discussed and the Clerk was instructed to ask the Judge to put the reasons f or dismissal ar suspensions on h.is report. Councilman I7ixson asked for a report on the accider.t January 28, 1951, and the Chief of Police gave the copy of the report on the accident to th e Council to look over.