Minutes 1951-02-07 C~ 134 ~ suggested that a policy on Streets should be set before making annexation. A motion was made by Councilman Clark~ seconded by Councilman Dixson that the Wood-Ditmore A.ddition and the Huasna Road Addition be accepted and the Ordinance for the adoption of same was read for the lst. time. The Garbage Ordinance was discussed and read f or the first time. Civil Defense was discussed and an Ordinance wad read f or the first ti.me. No further business appearing and upon motion the meeting w adjourned. ~1TTE5~: ^ ~ City Clerk Mayor -o_ ~'~rroyo Grande, Calif. February 7, 1951 The C~ ty Council met in regular session with rlayor Sdaiters presiding. Upon rollcall Councilmen Clark, Dixson, ar~d Conrad reported present. Absent Council- man Dammann. The minutes of the previous regular and adjourned meeting were read and ap- proved as reacl. Communicaticns were read and placed on f~ le. Bids on the pump for the neUr ~ell ~~ere opened and after discussion on the bids a motion was made by Counci7man Conr.ad, seconded by Councilman Dixson that the bids be taken under advisement and turned over to the City Engineer~ Mr. York Peterson for h~s reco~mendations. 2'~ m.otion was made by Councilmar_ Conrad and seconded by Councilma~ Dixson insti^ucting the Clerk to order the P~Iodel 1955 Addressograph NZachine. Motion car- ried. The letter from Ma;~or Timothy O~Reilly asldng the Mayor for a delegate to the regional meeting to be held in Santa Barbaxa w as discUSSed and a motion was made by Councilman Di:cson seconded. by Councilman Conrad that tkie Mayor appoint a representative to attend the meeting and it was recommended the delegate vote for Mr. Ed. Gardner for Regional Coordinator. Motion carried. M~or Waiters appointed Councilman Conrad as our delegate to attend the meeting. The report from the Judge was discussed and the Clerk was instructed to ask the Judge to put the reasons f or dismissal ar suspensions on his report. Councilman D'~son asked for a retiort on the accider.t Januar~ 28, 1951, and the Chief of Police gave the copy of the report on the acc~dent to th e Council to look over. ~ e9 c~ The City Planning Commission's recommendation in regard to the Subdivision Ordinance was discussed and the Ordinance was to be referred -to the City Engineer and the Clerk was instructed to write the Planning Cpmmission asking them for any chan~es ~Thicr they had recommended, and also tell them the City Attorney would be willing to attend a meeting with the Commission and the City Engineer to help with setting up a City S•abdivision Ordinance. Mayor ?~iaiters appointed Councilman Conrad to represent the Council on the City Planning Commission. The Council ~proved his appointment. The Mayor a.sked Councilman Conrad to make a-stuc~y of the wage schedule of the City employees. The Clerk was instructed to take a ballot on Social Security aunong the City employees, and Councilman Conrad and Mr. Harris agreed to get copies of the com- pilation from the ~ounty. The heading of Ordinan ce ~98 on Civil Defense and Disas ters was read and a moti.on was made by Councilm~r Conrad, seconded by Councilman Clark t,~ dispense with the balance on the read~_n~. OFDINANCE #98 ~N ORDINANCE OF T?~ CITY QF ARROYO GR.ANDE RELATING TO CIV1L DEFENSE AND DISASTERS. Passed and adopted by the follo*.-r~ ng roll call vote : AYES: Councilmen ?~Taiters, Clark~ Dixson~ and Conrad NOES : I~TOne ABSET~T: Councilman Dammann. RESOLUTION #21~1. A RESOLUTION REGARDIT?G CIVIL DEFENSE AND DISASTER ORGANI~ATION OF THE GITY OF ARROYO GR.~NDE Passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen Waiters, Clark, Dixson and Conrad NOES: None ABSEA?T: Councilman D~rrunann. RESOLUTION #2~t2 A RESOLUTIOPI 0~' TF~ CITY COUNCIL OF T~iE CITY OF ARROYO GRlLNDE RELATIVE TO WORI~IEN'S COi~1PENSATION INSUt~I~'CE FOR RFGISTERED VOLUNTEF~t "DISASTER SERVICE TrJOR~F~~ Passed and ad.opted by the followi.nG roll cal v~ote: AYES: Councilmen Waiters, Cl~rk, Di~on~ and Conra.d NOES: None ABSENT: Councilman Dammann 136 ~ ~ The heading of Ordinance #99 on annexation of Wood-Ditmore Property and Huasna Road addition was read and a motion was made by Councilman Conrad, second- b ed~Councilman Clark to dispense with the balance of the reading. Motion carried. ORDINANCE #99 AN ORDINANCE OF TIiE CITY OF ARROYO GRADTDE, PROVTDING FQR THE ANNEXATI~i OF CERTAIN UNINHABITED TERRITORY TO 'IfiE CITY OF ARRQYO GRANDE. Passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen Waiters, Clark~ Dixson, and Conrad NOES: None ~ ~ ABSENT: Councilman Dammann. The Garbage Ordinance heading was read an d a motion was made Uy Councilman Clark, seconded by Councilman Conrad to clispense with the balance of the reading. ~ Motion carried. ' ORDINANCE #100 ' AN ORDI~.TAniCE REGULIITING THE COLLECTI~N AND DISPQSAL OF REFUSE, GARBAGE, WET GARBAGE,.AND RUBBISH IN THE CITY OF ARROYO GRANDE FIXING RATES TO SE CHARGED FOR SUCH C OLLECTION, A tJTHOR.IZING AND PROVTDTNG FOR THE IIVTERING I~1T0 ~F A CONTRACT WITfi 50~~ PERSON, FIRM, CORPORATION OR ASSOCIATION FDR THE COLI,EC- TION AT1D DISPOSAL OF REFITSE, GA.~,BAGE, ?^~ET GARBAGE AND RUBBISH IN THE CITY OF ARROYO GRA.NDE, AND FIXING TER.MS ATdD CONDITIONS UNDER TaHICH SUCH CONTRACT SHALL ~ LET, PR~?VIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION OF THIS ORDINANCE AI~ID REPEALING AI:L ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT H~REWITH. Passed and adopted by the following roll ca11 vote: ~ AYES: Councilmen Waiters, Clark, Dixson~ and Conrad NOES: None ABSENT: Colancilman Dammann. Mr. Harris was asked to prepaxe a notice calling for bids on a Gaxbage F`ranchise and a motion was made by Councilman Clark, seconded by Councilman Dixson #~,o ca11 for bids to be opened March 7th at 8:00 P.M. RESULUTION #2~3 A RESOLliTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CTTY OF ARROYO GRANDE TO VOTD GENFRAL FUND WARRANT #118 WRITTEN SEPTEMBER 7, 19~t9• Passed and adopted by the following ro11 call srote: A~S: Councilznen Waiters, Clark, Dixson and Conrad NOES: None ABSEN T: Councilman Dammann. It was agreed to leave the ~275.00 stand in the condemnation action, City of Arroyo Grande vs. Conrad Haub. Mayor Waiters asked about some surfacing and a fence in back of the City Hall, and also about letting out the street maintenance by contract. After dis- ~ cussion, Councilman Dixson said if he was given the power to go ahead with the street work hewould get something done, ~d a motion was made by Councilman Conrad, seconded by Councilman Clark t,~ have Councilman ~ixson proceed with the street w~ rk and see what could be accompli~hed in six months. The Clerk was instructed to write Chief of Police Dana of Pismo Beach and ask for more inf ormation on a two-way radio hookup, and ask the representative to come in and talk the deal over with the Council_ so they would lmow what could be done and how much it would cost. Bills aga.inst the General Fund for $3,287•97, the Water ~.ind for ~1~317•53~ 1,~Tater Deposit Fund for ~12.00, and the Treasurer's Depaxtmental Trust ~,ind for ~1~~00.00~ were audited, approved and ordered. paid. No further b usines appeaxing the meeting was adjourned. ~ . Mayor ATTEST : City Clerk - 0 - Arroyo Grande, California February 13, 1951 A special meeting of the City Council was held to award the contract for the purchase of a pump for the netia well. Mayor Waiters presided. Upon roll call Councilmen Clark and Dixson reported present. Absent, Councilmen Conrad and Darnriann . RZr. Peterson, City Engineer, had called ~d recommended that the bid from A. & G. Pump Co. be accepted~ and a motion was made by Ceuncilman TJixson~ seconded by Councilman Clark to accept the bid of tre A. & G. Pump Co.~ and that the ehecks be returned to the other bidders with a lett,er of thanks for their bids. Motion carried. ~ No further business appearing the meeting was adjourned. i / / ~ ~ ) ~ - ~ , ' ~ ATTEST: City Clerk Mayor