Minutes 1951-03-07 ~ t) ~
Arroyo Grande, Calif.
March 7, 1951
The regular meeting >of the Ci ty Counci.l of the City of l~rroyo Grande was
called to order by ~iayor Deril i~~Jaiters. Councilmen present were Clark,; Dixson~
Dammann and Conra.d.
= Tl~e minutes oi the previous meeting were read and approved as read.
The following communications were read and filed: 1) The Police Report;
2) Police Crnzrt Report; 3) A letter from Clark Wells which was re.ferred. to
York Peterson, City Engianeer; !G) A letter with specifica.tions and amounts on
installa.tion of a radio for the Police Dep~rtment wa.s presented by NIr. Johr_
Clark on behalf of Motorola Corp. With regaxd to this ma~~ter, Mr. Amos Dana~
Pismo Beach Chief of Police~ reported no official zp~roval of the Pismo Beach
City ~ouncil as vet o~ a joint hookup with Arro-TO Grande, but spolce in favor
of the propose~ set-up. After questions and discussion between the Council~
?VIr. John Clark~ P~ir. Amos Dana, and Chief StoneGifer~ the matter was referred
to Councilman Dam.mann for study t~rith Mr. Harris~ City A~torney.
Bids were on~ned ~.nd read from San Luis Gaxbage Co.~ ancl from C. T,vhite
of Grover City.
Estimates from C. Sharps on fence and flagpole costs were referred to
Councilman Dixscrn for ~'uture recommendation.
Cour~ci7m^n ~lark ~ecommended to the Council that trey check on prices of
t~Tater pumps and authoxize I~Tr. ~~2cCo~T to purchase an adequate or.e. Councilman
Clark T~ras told to talk the matter over with NZr. Peter~on; City ~gineer, ~'or
his recommendation~ then repo~t back tc the Council.
Chief Stor_esifer rer,uested the Council to have the parkin~ ~i~n in front of
Lenore Smith's straighte~ed. The matter t-ras referred to Councilman Dixser.,
ULr. Jack Shanr~on requested the Council a11oT•r C~.ty water lines ru.n out to
his ranch for his domestic use. Thi~ v~Tas referred to Counci~man Cl~.rY for stud;~
ard future recommendation. Councilman Clark was also rec,uested to look into the
matter of t-Tater suppl~ to the 1Llien property with recormnendations from York
After a careftzl study and comparison of the g~rba.~e bids Courcilman Co:ira.d
moved C. E. I~Ihite be awarded the bid for garbage collection in the City of Arroyo
Grande. Nlotion T,ras seconded b~ Councilman Clark and. casried.
~JIr. Gassenberger complained to the Cc~ancil about the dogs allowed to run ~
loose. The matter was referred to Cokncilman Dammann for ~:ction.
It was suggested b;r Mayor T~1ai.ter~ and approved by the Council that flowers be
sent to Judge i.ld.ridge, mone;~ to be taken from the riayor's ~:nd.
The final statement from C. C. Sharps on the new City Ha11 is to be vouchered~
~ ~
and the matter of "Not,ice of Complet7.nn" iG to be checked with the City Attorney
regarding proceedure before finalpayment of statemer?t.
T~1r. ?°IcCo~r was requested to check on the notic e of shipment of a Sparli~g
?`~eter which had not. been ordered. -
Councilman Daminann, Police Commissioner, was requested to notify C. E.
Y2.tes, Garbage Collector., t~ist he z~rould rot be permi+ted to oper~te in the
City of Arroyo Grar_de a.fter Thu?^sday, 1~T3rch 8, 1951•
Courcil.man Cla_rk moz*ed~ and Councilman ~i.YSOn seconded, that the City
place a notice in the Hera1_d-~.ecorder not,ifyino the nublic of the ne~r gar~
bage collector~ C. E. TnTY:ite. ~
Councilmar_ Conr3d moved, an~ Councilman Clark seconded~ that the City
pay the T_,eague of Ca_l_ifornia Cities their 15 o assessment. P•4ot.ion carried.
Bi7_ls from the General Funcl f or ~2, 875 •90~ and from the I~7ater Fund for
~1~961•55, and fr^r~ the Water Deposit Fund for ~8.00 were preGented to the ,
Council; and upon motion of Councilman Cl~rk, seconded by CoUncilman Dixson,
and by-a unanimous vote they were ordered paid.
No further business appearir.;; before the Cotmcil the meeting was ad-
~ ;
ATTEST:~~. ~~~~jV ~ ,
City Clerk I~ ~~L Mayor