Minutes 1951-03-21 ~.4~ Arroyo Grande, Calif. i~Iarch 21, 19S1 The City Council met in regular session with I~7ayor Waiters presitling. Upon roll call Councilmen Clark, Dixson, Damrna.nn and Conrad reported present. The rr~inutes of the previous regular meetin~ were read and approved as re ad . The communications vrere read and placed on file. Wm. Dolliver from the Division of Highways~ ti•aas present to d.iscuss the Gas Tax money for the 1951-52 Fiscal Year. The Clerk ~ras asked to c~.ll the I~~estern Fire Equipment and see ~rhen the~ could come down about a neti~r siren. A motion was rnade by Council~~nan Dammann~ seconded by Couneilman Conrad~ to order some two-way radio equip;nent. i~Totion carried. The complaints in regard to dogs was discussed and the Glerk Vras asked. to write the Lea~ue of Caliiornia Cities for copies of ordinances regard- ing dogs for Cities arou~d our size ~nd discuss the matter at the ne~ meeting. Councilman llixson reported that gravel had been hauled on ~l,r_ine, tiJhiteley, and Poole Streets. There ~ra.s so:~e discus~ion on hauling gravel on Fiuebner and Leedh~.m Lane and fillin~ the y~,rd ;-around the City Hall~ a,nd also on moving th~ old hall back ancl enl~sging the fire house. A motion was made by Councilman Conrad~ seconded by Councilman Clark~ to a~thorize Councilman ~i Lsor.. to proceed z.*i.th the fill on the City Hall grounds, the fence and a flagpole. i~Iotion carried. ~lotice of completion on the City Hall was discussed and the bilJ_s were to be vouchered, It was decided to checl. ~;zth ~"r. Pet~rson on the ~ize of a water line to the Shannon pl~ce. P~r. Peterson had recomMended ordering a three inch sump pump to cost ~35~t•00~ and a motion was made by Crnzncilman DiV.son, seconded by Councilman Clark to order the three inch pump he had recommended. i~iotion carried. It was decided to advertise for bids on the Austin ti^Testern I~;otor Gra~er and the Jeep body. RESOLUTION #21~5 f?ESOLUTIaN OF THE~ CITY CQUNCIL ~F TF-~ CTTY Q~~RF OYQ GRA.ND'~ T() ADVERTI: E FOR BIDS ON ThL l~liST1;1 Y°a'ESTERI`~ ':~OTO ~ GRADER A1VD TFIE JE~P BODY, BIDS TO BE OPENED ~PRIL 1.~, 1951, AT 8:00 P.ti. Passed and adopted by the following roll call vote: AYES: Councilmen Waiters~ Clark~ Dixson, D~m~nann and Conrad idf~S: None AI3SEPIT: None 142 ~ . It was reported complaints had been made ~bout Arland's Chevrolet ~ Co. parking cars on the side walk area in front of their place, and Council- man Daimnann said he would take care of the matter. P~Iayor Waiters agreed to see ~r. Dennison about wanting to turn in his resignation from the Planning Corrunission. T~ore lights on the streets by the Adventist School and the City Park were discussed and a motion was made by Councilman Conrad,.seconded by Councilman Clark to have sufficient lights installed at the City Park. i~otion carried. A motion was m~.de by Counci~,zr?an Conrad, seconded by Councilman Clark, that the T~ayor be authorized to sign the agreement for a water line on the City property saith Rose and Jarri~s Pollard. It was agreed to have T~Zr. Peterson check with Mr. Brisco on the Grand Ave. extension. Bills against ~he Gener~l Fund for $1,376.1~0, and the tinTater F~.ind for ~97.50 were audited~ approved and ordered pa.id. RESQLUTION # 2l~6 , A RESOLUTION G~ TH~ CITY COUNCIL ~HE GI~'Y Or ARE3:dY0 GRANDE TO AUTHORIZE T~t. Q. PRUESS, CITY TREI~SURER TO CA,SH ONE (1) $~7,~00.00 BOND OF ~10~000.00 MATUR~TY VALUE TCa BE APPLIED ON CAPITAL OUTLAY ON THE CITY HALL INDEBTEDNESS ARISIATG OUT OF THE REMQDELING OF THE CITY HALL. On motion of Councilman Conrad, seconded by Councilman Darrunann~ the f oregoing Resolution was adopted by the f ollowing roll call vote: AYH:S: Councilmen ?~Taiter~, Conrad, ~.nd Dammann NOES: None ABSETdT : None Councilmen Clark and Di~son did not vote. No further business appearing and upon motion the mee 'ng was / adjourned. M or ATTEST: I City Clerk