Minutes 1951-04-04 B
arroyo Grande, Calif. ~
April 1951 I
~ The City Council met in re~ular ses~ion ~~ri.tri P~.aycr tiJai.ters presiding.
Upon roll call Cour.ci~~en Clurk, Dixson, D~nuna.nn, a.r.~ Conrau' re~orted present.
The :ninutes o:f' the previou~ r~gular meeting were read and approved
as read.
Communications were ~ e:,.d_ ~.nd placec~ on °il~ .
The ~etter from Ax'land': ~skir.~; about a sig.l was dis~us~ed, an~' +he
Clerl, has instri;_ct~d te write them th~t ~t ti~cul~? :.e-~ cor:iorm tc tne Zoning
Ordinance. .
FtESOLL'TlOi~? #21~7
~ Rr,SOL"UTION 0: TI-~ CITY C(?UN~IL OF T?~ CIT? Or A:~.OY(J GR.t'~iDE
0?~1 TH'i C~L'i~t~RTJIA DIS~1,5'?'T!,'!~. 1a.rrD CIVIL DEP~',_,I`1SE I~STE~R. ~~~iuTDAL AID
Passed ~nd a~:opte~ by t::~ ioliowi:.b roll c~_1 v~te:
, ~Y~S: Cc~:~cilm~n ,.T~~terU, Cla-rk, Dixson~ Damma.nr, and Conrad
~ NCi~ : .1o_ze
tiB.S~ T : ~•lone
A rnrtior: Taas mad.e by Coun~ilirLan Da:-rnr.arir., secon~ed by ~ot~.~cilm~s:, ~or~r~.d
to deny the cl~.~:~ ol C. Yates; dnd a motion w~s :nacle by Cour,cilman D~,r~~r~~.nn~
seconded b~T C^uZCilrr~an Clark, to rebate : r. Y~tes on tl-:e portion of his bL~.sine~s
license from i~-~rc~~ lOth to 31st; arid t'r_~e Clerk :aas aske~ to notify i.'r. Yates of
the d~r~ia1 on t..~ cl~i:n. ~ot'~ motions carried.
T~r. i~T:~~;ners rcque~t i or tr.Ar.s~ .r of t,Yie c~ d table license was discus, ed
a.nd a motion m«de by Councilm~n Damr:~~n~ secor:ded by ~euncilm~n Conrad~ to ~;rant
~he request ~o_r tr~~.t:tifer ~ro:n Bridg~~ et. to R~lph's Inn dt l08 ti°7. Branch. TZotion
Councilman Clark a~reac~ tc c'rieck ~h 1'lr. P^t~rson on a larger Vrater
lzne to :~ir. ~'icClure and ?I~.rding.
Bi~s or~ ti.e :notor gr.~.~er ~i~a jeer caU wer~ opened, and a r,io+;_on was
ma~e by Ccuncilmaiz ~~rr~~iain, seconded by ~ouncilmar. ~la.rk, tc reiuse tY.e ~ids or.
tt:e motor grader and accept tr:a t;_~_.~ o~' Jor.n L. Silva i"or 5~50.OC on the je~b cab.
The ~l~rk ti-T~.s ir~~ ~r~.~teu to nati~y ±h~. bi~ders.
Do~, Ordinances t:er~ discu~sed, ~nd C. '.~rhite s~;~.~ l.c wou~d be ti~ill-
~ ing to pic~~> t-.p ~'~~s ar.d t~_'.e c.-~:c~° ~.f tY:e.~ ic~ s~m.e rer~uneratien, an:: the Cler:~
~~as i~.lstructed t~ adtir,~ti.;;s ±h~t all ur.~icensed do~s would tie pieked_ up ~fter
Jul;~ ls t .
Councilmar~ Dixson report~c? iie co,wld ~;et a ie:;ce ~..zsta,lled ~cross tr:e
bacl~~ ef th~~ Cit~ Hall p-ro~~erty and ~art t~ray ul the side i o~ ~318.1~8, -~rd the
Coun~il agreed to meat Satur~iay y.:'":. loc~, cver the ~>~rd.
A motion was made by CoL..:~ilma.n Di~:son, secc~ded b;;- Councilm~.n Cl~rk~ ~
- tc tu,n +he old City F~aI~_ wer to the '~ecrea.+ion Group ur,til July 1, 1951. !
Moti.on carried.
i~Ir. Harris reported he was ?J~.~_ting to he:~r frcm the Insur~nce Co. in
r~gard tc tr.e claim of i~Ir. ~lda~'.ss. Garner, anc~ he ~rould rePort on the palessi
claim at the ne~.t :neetirrg.
Councilman Cor.rad reported there was to be a joint meetin~ of_ the City
Council anc: thp Pl~nning Cemm.ission at the ne~t regul~r :~eeting; of the Planning
Com~ission. District Fr_gineer, Mr. E. J. L. Peterson, of the Divisipn of Nigh-
ways wislied z meeti.ng o~ Ci-ty Council ~.nd. the Planr,~ng Commissi~~~ ~nd the dzte
was set far April 11, 1951, at 8:00 P.M.~ an~ ttie Clerk was asked tc ~.ctify
i~Ir. E. J. L. Peterson~ Pir. York Peterson, City Engineer, and tl~e Planning ~om-
missicn oi ti~e date.
Bills against t'rie General rund for ~~.~97J~.39; the T,~'ater Fund fer
~1.4,9~7.38; anc~ the bdater Deposit ~:nd fc-~ ;~28.00, ~?ere zuc~i aprroved, anc'
upon m~tion of Ceuncilman Dammm.nn, seconded b~r Councilman Dixsen, ~ ordered
T~ ti~as reported the Planning Corrcnission had r.ecor,Zmended that some
effort he made to get ar. ~lley between Branch St. and tk~e Creek from Bridge
Street ~o Short Street, ~.nd i~iayor ~n'aiters ~nd Co~;ciiri~an Dir_son were zsked to
see TJrh.~t cet~ld be done. • ,
No iurthar business appea~ring, t.~e meeting w~,s z~.jcurne .
~ i lJ,~
• City Cl~rl: • yor ~