Minutes 1951-04-18 ~ G~'
~rro~To ~r~nde, California
April 18, 1951
The City Council met in regul~r session with ~~iayor LJ~iters presiding. Upon
roll call Council~,ien Dixsbn and ~arr~nann reported preaent. Councilmen C1ark and
Conra.d ~rrived la.ter.
~j~he minutes of the ~revious re~ular m:~eting were re~d and apnroved a.s re~.d.
The communication from ~.P.Q,E. Lod~e # 1~38 ti~ith ~n invitatian to parti-
cip~te in their par~.de, June 2, 3951 wzs read ~nd it was recorrunended a copy of
the lett,er be ~~nt to the Harvest restival committee, Rot~ry, Lions ~.n ti~Jomen's
~lubs, to see if the,,- Z~T~nzld w~nt to enter a flo~t in the p~.r~de.
, The letter fro.n :L.~~T. curtis w-as read e:~planing i~he l~,bor ch~.rges on the
installation of eqvipr~ent, on the Jeep ~nd it was recomniended the bill be p~id
~nd here~.fter such tr~nsactioi~s looked into more thoreu~hly.
The use of the old City Hall by tne l~~eare~tion Commission was discussed ~nd
sever~l ,nembers frori the teen age group reported they vrould like to h~ve the use
of the bu:;_lding, +'or a. lon~;er period if they would fix it up. A motion was m~de
by Councilman D~nmann, seconded by Cot,ncilman Dixson, to ~llow the Recre:~tion
con~rnission to ha.ve use of the buil:aing until June 30, 1952 ~nd furtYier if it w~s
being used to good ~d.vanta~e and it t-Jas agree~.ble. 1"ir. h~rris, the City
Attorney, ~sl:ed the clerk to check on the City Insurance rolicy. i~i~.yor vv~iters
: aid he trould like to sug~~st ~ co_~n-.rittee be appointed to appr~.ise the property
~or an ~lletir~.y, South of Branc_~. "tr~et and ;aotion was m~.de b~; Cour.cilmaz~
Conr~d, seconded bv Councilman Lla.rk,to appoint I~ir. Yorlc Peterscn, ~ity ~ngineer
and i-Zr. ~eo li~.llory ~nd the~r taere to choose another nier~ber. ~~ie cornrn_itte of
three to ~pnra.ise arid ~:igure ,~ut ti~e rest line +o ruri the ~.lley.
It ~,r~.s reported t'r ~t :•ir. ~'eterson h~d checked on ~ ~j~ter li_ne to the T-?c Clure
Lackey prop~rty and ~1so to the J. 'vI. Shannon pro_p,_rty and tirould make his recornx;l-
end~.tion very soon.
~ motion by ~ouncilman Cl~.rk, seconded by ~ouncil~.i~.n ~asruTiann, to have three
Street lights inst~lled. on Vernon ~venue ~nca Larchmont.
Councilm?.n Conrad said he ZTOUld get the m~teri~l for voting on the Socia.l.
~ecurity pl~n before the next meetin~.
It was mo~red and seconded and c~.rried to h~.ve the Annu-a-1 Clean-Up y~leek on
i iay 21 to 26.
councilm~.n ~onr~d w~s to check w~tY C. E. 'ttiThite, on the ~movnt to ~e p~id
for pickup, caring for ~nd disposin~~ o:" do~s.
Councilman Dixson Taa.s to check on cost of xnzi,ting in sprinklers, for ~~~s
in the City Hall v~rd, ar?d report at the next meeting.
NIa.yor tia~.iters brought up the subject of some ch~.nges in the business
License Ordin~nce ~nd 1°ir. H~.rris suggested ~ Special meeting ~e called to
make som~ amendments to the Bu~iness License Qrdina,nce ~.nd the ~lerk was
instructed to wri.te the Le~gue of
California. Cit~es for License Ordinanee
suggestions and alsb to the Cities of P~so Robles, S~n Luis Obispo, Pismo
Be~ch, Guadalupe and S~nt~ l~iaria, for copies of their Business License
Ordinance. ?dhen the copies come in, to call a Special meeting to ~aork on
the amendments to the Ordinanee.
Councilman Dixson reported the Fire Dep~rtment had some of the Jeep
tires recapned and it w~.s suggested they bring in the bill on the tires~
A R.~'StiLUTIC~I~? GF iI-~ CITY COU~ICIL 0~' `.~HE CITY UF A}L~~OY(i Gft14.i~1~DE TO '
CANCEL G~~~~~+'t~~~L ry UTvD ~rdA::~.ctANT ~.~65 AIdD Wr1RRAi~iT # 514 `i() WRITTEN
un motion of Councilman ~%l~.rk,seconded uy ~ouncilrl~n Conra.d, the
foregoin~ Reso~i?tion ~ras a.dopted by the following ~toll c~ll vote:
AYES: Councilmen Waiters, ~lark, Dixson, D~:nm~.nn and Conrad
NOES: None
ABSLl~TT: Pdone ~ ~
On motion of Councilman Conr~d, seoonded b~,- Councilman Cl~rk, the
tran~fer of ~6591.75 fror-~ the T~~dater Fund to the Gener?l Nund for Labor and
u~.soline p~id out of the Gener~l ~'und for the months of r~ebruaxy and i~~arch.
Motion c~rried.
Bills ~.g~inst the Gerer~l Fund for ~ 1, 910.I~6 and. the W~.ter Fund for
~y7.50 were au~ited, approved and ordered paid.
No further busines;_ aprearing and v.pon no-~ion tl~e eting w~s ~djourned.
~~~..i~~d ,
ity Clerk 1°~~yor
~ ~..J