Minutes 1951-05-16 ~ Arroyo Grande, C~lif. . i°j~,~r ZEj~ 19~1 Th~ City Council i~et in r~s,ul~r se~sion with i~~ia.ycr T~u~it:;rs presi;~i_r~g. Upon roll c?11 Cou.ncilmen ~ixeor., D~.:n~~~-1n =~nd Conrad renortrd }~resent. Absent Col~ncil- :nan Cl~rk. Th~ minut~s oi tne previcus r:;gul~r meeting ~~aere rea.d ~nd a.p~,r<v`.;d ~_s _r~;~d. The folloti~air?g co~~~munic~.tic~ns T,rer`, r::ad a.nd t~k~n c:~~re of ~s ~'ollotias: l. T:-~e Copy cf ~ letter to t'ri~ Cit~T Pl«~nriing Cornr?lis~iei~, in reg~rd to re- zonin€r. of Lots 1 to 1_0 Elock 1 of i°iineau =~nd Loornis `1'r~3.ct, ti?as ordert;d filed. 2. Th~ rect:~~~t ~?rom ~~r~ Ston~;.if~r, Chief of Yolic~, f~r t~?o weeks v~+.c~.tion and two ~.rQ~l~.s le~ve of' ~~sence i~T`:s discus~nd~.~nd ~ r~ot~_cn ,r~s ~lacie by Cet~:ncilm~n ll~7n ~ann, ~cconCed i~~tir Counc~l?~l~r Cci~r~~ to g;r~nt his rec;~.e,~t. l~:otion c~rri~d. 3. A comi,iunic~tic%n ~'ro;?i th~ Chief of Police; ~~~r:in~; re h~~3 imresti~r~?t~;d the Skc,et and Rifl~ C~ul,.° rec;ue:'t ior ?~Y.r ~i~.sion tc ':~v~ ~ sm~ll Bor~ ~nd Pi~tol r~n~~ in +h~ i'~o:'~~r ~uildin~;. c~~ Ucu.s:'ed ~nd : r~~oti~~n U?~s .aade by Councilma.n r,r ~~`IL"~21Y1~ ~~COriCl~'Ca~ ~~r l:<'U?7C~1'1~.!1 ~1~~~'O:"1 tC` 'rT'?Tlt, t,t1° Y'CCf~;!P,~t,. i~Qt1.Ori C"=~.:"Y'l~ • ° The rec,~;est fro;~i the Ditrf si_or. of li~or~~:stry, to use buil.ling s.t the City P~rk, for coL~ple o~: onths ~:~=~s oisf~L~,~ec' tn,~ it iras decided ~o conta.ct the Expler~r Sco~:~ts a~d see if it cotl~?. b~; ~:~~r~nr;~:d. 5. ''1'he noticc o~' the me~tirig oi Charir:el Cities ~~ivision of ~(,he Lea~ue of ~aliforni~ Cit'i~s; to ':;e 1-ield in ~~?n LU.is (~:;ispo, June 6, ?-~?s discuss~~c~ ~.r~.~. several m::mbers o' the Council wished to ~tt~nd. It vr?s decided to h~ve thc~ iiirst m_:eting i~i June on c;ith~~r tnP 5th or 7th of June; so it wot~ld be po:;si:;l e fcr thP Council- .~ien to ~.it~nd t~hp ~ ~eeti.n<; in S~n Lt~is 0'~ ispo. 6. The ~ii:irna' s c~f the Sp~ci~1 r,le~t~_n~; of trie ~~~rro~T~~ Gr~nde Pla.nning Com:nission. 1-ield ~-~~r 10, l~>l, reco:~,_~rien~in~ +r!~ Citv Cour_cil ~.~~rovc the ~rope;~d freeza~.~r tnrot~_~h r`~rro,y~.~ Gr~~nde, ~r~t. ~in~~d 'ay t,ile ~t~t~~ ~ivis~ion o~' Ki~nw~ys, wlth ~ the fo'l1.oUSinm rro~ris or_s: (1) Yavino oi exi:.ting hi~~YiT~1~~~ 101 from curb to cvrb f_r~~~?: Dr. Swartout's oY~1 'cl~~e ~`~outh to B~..rnett Str~~t ~r +h~~ ~,~ort~h. p~vin; tc ti~f> ~~ccording f.C ~t,"~T~~.?.T'C[ ~'1r-t~;=?~% ."??",C1~'1Ca.t102; '+.S U°P.C~ OY~ fT'E,::'j,i'?.~7 COT'iSi",Y'UCtilOn. S`~.1C~ ~Y.iS~C1n''' }~i•T?Ui f.C• h.~ c~.C1`~..U':.~;C91Z' C~2'~ ~:ilE.'C~, 'ih7_S ')~~'ln~-~_, ~O UF° ~ ~ ~ c~~~~n~~~zrr_ct~>d ~~?i ~;~hin 1~ ~~,ontkis of t'rie ~ i~niri~~ ow' t,he ir~eU1?y ~~;r~~°~?e.nt ~:rith the Cit~ of t~rroyo u_°~~nde. (2) l~l~ th~ inle-ts to tirroyo G:~,~r:de fron~ the ~'ree?-r:~_y to ce 30 fc~et wide ~and_ F 11 the out~ ~ts to t.: ~'1 : F°?.r' frc,~i ;:rro~rc 'r~nde to b~ 20 ~'~~t ~aide. f3) Th~t th~ fr=~~cT:~~T b~ built fro:~l 1'~rro~7o ~r~.n.de to Pisrno, ~»r South oi i~rro~~~ Gr~~nde, ~~~e~~'or. ~ tl~ie :'r~~ti~r~~;~~r is canst.r~~~.ct~d t}~ro>>~h ~rroyo Gr ~nc'te . there w~s discl~stiion ci~ 1-.'r,E: for~>~~~oin~; -ancl a Tiiotion r~r~s ,~larie by C~L}ncilm~r~ i~.~.1~.C,0Yi f,0 ?CC;"r'} t,iiE~ ~C'.CO:~lii1E:T70'`?t1011S O'~ t,17~' ~'i~:.Y'_'.'1?l~J• tin;~,:1SS1_O' AT1C~ e?f'~"i"•T' "urther discu~:;ion; i:is ,notz_~r_ ~_n ..1't.er f'u:rt;h~-:r d:Lsct~s~ion, a 1 ~o ~ 1 ~ ~ ~ motion ~.aas made by Councilman lla.rnmann, seconded by Councilm~n Dixson, to ~.ccept ~ the ~om:nis~ions r~com:~~end..~tions. Mr. Y~Jhite ~nd l°'Ir. ?~ucker, from Beech Street were pres~nt, with otY~er people on the Street,.to petition the City Council for surfac~ng or their street ~.nd 1`~r. Ruck~r reported they would like to put in curbs and guttcrs, on their street -also. The matter UT~.s referr~d to Councilm~.n Dixson ~nd he stat~d he thought something could be ti~orked out with the subdi~.ric~er ~nc? he ti~T:~s a~ked to r~port ~~ck ~t the next Council m~eting. , l~ir.s. CrFft ~.sked t~ have some gravel spr~ad on Harden Street, zs she ~r~.s bu.~ ldin€; a garage on thc~ r~ck of h~r lot. This T.aF.s also r~ferred to Council- mzn ~ixson for hi_s rQcorl,len<~~.tions. . Th~ uJater report from i~~r. York Peterson was rf~~_d ~.nd some di.~cu~.~ion followed ~nd 1'ir. Peterson w~.s to be asked to get estim~tes on triF recorrff;7end~tions and t^en ~ne t in ~ sp~cial mPpting to disct!s;: the nrojects. Council:nan Dixsor. h~d an esti?n~te on ~?_7' fl~gpole, fra~i the L•os Angeles r'~pch CoMpany, for ~167.50 ~nd ~fter di.~cus~ ion motion ?aas m~de by Councilmzn ~ D~rn~~~.nn, secend~cl. by Couneilm~n Dixson to ord~r th~ f1~.gpole. !°~ot_ion carried. ::r. i:c ~oy h~d two estim?tes on the pump house for the New t~rell and T~ir. Shumway's bid being a littl~ J_ower; ~,Tiotion TTas m~d~~ by Councilman Conrad, seconded by Councilman ~~.rirnann to at~r~.rd the job to 1:r. Shumti~ray ~nd also to h~ve the power turn~d on ~t the well, i~rhen +r~e bt~i lding Ur~s complPted. The Pound m~ster was disct~.s~ed ~.nd a motion 1hTas rnade by councilman ll~,n; ~:a.nn, second~d b~ Councilman Dixson, tr.at Counr.ilm~n Conr~d m~ke an a.gree- ment wi.th I~ir. White ior Povndm~,ster. It was agr~ed to h~.ve a discus~ion on ':Text Ye~rs bud~;et, at the meeting. held JL rle 20 . 1951 • Council~nen nixson ~.nd Cl~rk wm~e asked to get to~;ether and report on their recommend~tions; for the Str~~t ~nd j~Jater Personn~l, ~t the next meeting. It ~~r~.s ~l.so decided to report en th~ Social ~ecurit,y Pl~n at t e next m=-:eting. ~ BilJ.s ~g~inst th~ Gener.~al Fund for 1,3~9•70 ~nd the t~Tater Fund for ~ 97.50 were aud.ited, ~pproved ~nd ordered pa~id. nio further busines:; ~pp~ ~r. ing the mectin~ T~r?s f djourned to I~i~.y 23, 1951 at B:Ot~ P. T~i.; so the ~~uncil c~uld meet z~T2th the Plannir.g Corronission on the pro~o`~d highi~*ay route. . , ATT':~ST: ~~~~:~,Q, y rc, ~ / City Cl~rk :ayor _ r~r