Minutes 1951-06-05 52 ~1 M'ir+~ . ~'~rro~%o Gr ^ndn, C a1i T orni~ ~ Jun~; 5, 19;1 'L'he Cit~T Coi;r.c;1 ~^~t ir re{~ul~?_r se~: ion one d~ J e~a.r~ J, so th~ Cot:,ncil I i'i~E'.Y'S COL':Z_C. '.j.te?1C~ ~'=1:i; _i1G~~'tLil~; Cl i,ll.~ Channel Cot~nti;',S ~~1V1_~:1011 Of t~ e 1.~'.F~~;llE,' O~~ispo on Jun~ 6 ~95~. ~=~~or ',1~-it~rs o__° ~~.1ifr~ a ~_F. Citi~s; ~n S~n Lt;is ~ ~~~'a.'c7..^'.£'.C~. vC1_:".iC11:"E?,r, ~~1iiSOY.~ ~~a;:^:17i i? ~.u ~'iOilY'^C~. T'';~r'Y",`,::C~ iJT'(:~i°'11~i• i~.b5~21f'i Ccuncilm~.n Cl.~sk. . ^ ^n , ;r ~ T r = ~ ~ _ ~p ' :,u~._.r tin t~.e_ c. r.~<~.d ~ ,,rove.. ~s Th~ ,alnut,~:s c1' ±h~~ ~r~viot~s r:_ 1:= re; .^.d . Cor~~~_uri,^~'~ic~ns ^.nc r_~ports ~~er~ r,.ad s~nd crdcr:.d filed fcll.oUr~: ~ . ~ ~ • • 'NOl; ~ . --~s cJ_iscussed ~nd ih~ reco~ril~7~nc'~t,_, r.. or ~.~]in. ~~or _~~r, :,hiei' or. ~c; , ~ t. ~.,~.ct;_on Ta~s znade b~ .%onnc~l-i~n ~^u~ <nn t;'~:r~+ J~ck ~uc'r.^, ,i,, ~~.~,d.~ Desk Ser~~~.nt ,_rr ~.lso ti~:,~=t 'r~e bc -~l:{c~~c+ in c:,^r` e cs.uxin~; t~~~ :~bs~nc~ o:~`' tr-~e (.hie_f of Police . ~:;uncilr~a,~n ~cnr~ ct ~ecc>nd~d. ~r~~ .~xcfiion ~r~.~- it was t~r~.nimou.s7_y c?rri~d. • , ,n ' ~ renor ~ ~-he -r~:is~ ~'or Po]_ice U~'~; cers, .riOL12"1C1_L'.`~%~Yl tL"l~.T__ S~t.._Q Y1P 1-,"~;ll~_", at tl~~ ney'C, f:e~tin~: ~nd +,Yie ~ r'.: ti~r~-: asl~~ed to po~+ ~L noticc ;.,h~ Polic¢~ o;•'`; ce -,,l,;~t t'r,~ Council hrd nl~cEd Ja_c:. '~'u.ch-~n~+r~ ir. ch.^:r}•P of t,~l~ ~'olice Dept. i-~ thf; ab~ence of i h~ Chief oi Police. Tne Co~:nCil disc~;ss~~?. ~;~~"1°d r~.il ~nd si~;ns for '.r~F~ ~r~nd .~vF~. ~xtension ~.21C~ i'~T'. i:C ~'C,r tiJ^.: .'ISk~C~_ ±O ord~r S7."I1S ";"l:~ ~l?7C'. Ol~.+ ~ilE'. .C~Tl~'1?18P,Y'~S Y'2COTI1" ,~.~nc?_.~t; on w~s for the ~~~t~~!rd ra;_l. 1'he J'nc~ r,~^ 2j .nil~~'sir:~ er. '.~ntt~ ;r ~~-~7 b• +hF~ F'i~ii Schocl T,r^s d.;~cu,~se~ ^r:d ~ he Cl~rk •~s 2s <<ed to wr~ te ?;t~e~ lli.•,-i~i_or o'' F~, s-,,~~~raT,-s ~;nd s~e i~' the sign cc,.ld b~ ~ovc.d_ ~~;rond tl,~ I:i~r~ Schocl. _~sGLli`1'iul~ 2?1y ~~LSi;LU'11~.~1 s. _ l:iL ~'T'i'ti' CC:~L~-~;IL a`~ C? ~r~' ur' ."LJ _:O~ri: G;<:i-DE :?lAIIJV, .~_..I ~ .i ._.:i~l ~ ~J~I~~l,I~_'. L~ ..i:'u 4 :.~L\il ~~41~1J i~l; I'll.J 1~1~ V ~S • ~O~L TI! J::~~J~~~1Y~ P~ J~/l .:.I~,:J. LLL iJY 1?...~1J ~~t~~: ~~~C.~~. i.L tl.~..TyT JUi'~t~11~ fi~~1~I• vAl :ILQ li1L'n ~I (J~~lZp~:1.~1!i~n ~~.%~~-~'.lA~ J ~~~'.~.~r~~U ~~~r l,Ol'.Y1Ci~!i1t~ ~_1_~JOn 1~~~. ! ~r~.~ ~~in~ ~~.~soli~tior_ °fa<~.~s adopted b~,r th=~ fol~_otainr; rol~ c~11. vote: ~YES: ~ ~ouncilr:en "s~1,^~i~,<;r~, _;i.~son, u^:.~~~~~ ^,nd ~or_rad :;~~~5: i~1on~ ~S'r;~;T: Cc~:n~_1.~ ;l~r ~1.~r1; The Councll .~.,~.-roveu. ~hc r~~co~:~~:zri~;nd^tic~n c,f trie Fl<.n:^~_-~~ ~orn~~~~is:;ion to ~ :•1~1E',TiC~ ~~18 G071111t' ~)Y'C'_11`,~iiCE'. ~.S i0~_~' C~^?~: v0?p' 1S:_1CT`: "1CT'1'~iBY' ~'J:C:58ri~". ~Y'07n ~f. t .~i~eti n;-,s ti~;i~f:nott _;:ci~~issiar ;~r ~oo:~_ c^vse, ~~~,u1d_ Y e drop ~'ror. -`r.e Comrli~sicn . ~:~r r:_;pl~.c~d ^~d ^.~so to ~dc' z .;~10.~`~:. ~il~.~ _'ci :~L_c~~.tion on r~zo ing or chAn~~E o~' Vari nce. ~ , . ~ 1'~~~~~,i nrc;C'.; .t1:J '_1_1°~ )~~)^2f _ _t~ _ _;C'!~C'.Ef, .'~r 'tOC.:~.S r)G :%Ol''7..~1 :.-,_,i :J` .~.i~, . ~~~r~_r.t~ ~a ~~~-a t~,~: CoLncil ~.~~;rovecl h" s rec~~r,,u~, Pn~'.~tic~:. 1~~ Councilrlan CoL_f~~cl re,~ort:;a n~ ~.~.d disc~:ssed tre Pot,ndr~i~st~r ~u d~og C)rd.in~nc~ ~_i_th 1'~hite ?nd 'r:e~ ~.T<^nt~d ?;o nc over t'.~~ m~.t{,°r. ~and t~~~'.~ ozrer tr, ~,~~1 points be=or~ tri~ n~xt ,-_~~~tin~. TYaere w~.s ~:i. disrus: ion on 5tre~,t Pro~r~ns ar-:d. ::r. ' ile:; ~ltzs;:^r. a.lc~,.t:~~?~ing ?,}7", t:>._'. ".C~- Q~' i:' Y'. IT:~.T'i~S ~~Xp1ZlYlE.'r c~if'1'~`i^G'71f, TTiliOT'OVE;.~?Crit !~Cj;S . ~i~1f; Council ~ E:1.~, sn;,,, S+rc~~t I i czr ~cnt shct~.ld set up -~nd ;ro:~er-tv lon~ r~n~; _ oi;r~ ~ at~~~~,rs put ii~ cL~r~s =~i:d ~u-~,ters ~nd- n~rt of the c~st of Str~et Ut~~.~~i_ng. Th~ City to use ~~~.s tF~,~ r~one~ :~s ;~~~~t oi tlie rost. 1°ir. i~c ~o~ ts?.s te confer ~fa:~th j~~r. Pet~rson oY~. t~~~s ot ~tre:;t UTork to be ,'one. It T~rFas r~~co;a. ~nded t~~~t ~~r~,r~l rLnci 'vl~rlant ,'~606 ~~^.de ol,t tc L. A. ~risco, for excr~ TTork on Gr:-~r.d ~:~r<:nue, zanich zaas a.uthorized by 1~-r. Pet~rson, be held. u~ unt; l_°r.rti~er check cor~ld bP -i~de. Th~ ~lerk t~.as instruct~d to ti•lrite ~nd ~a.sk ~•:r. 1'et3rscn if he could ~.t' ~nd 1 mc:~~,1Y1~ i'lOrif,11~ ~.S t!~"1"e ?+7°Y'~ ":<^a`,~~Y'S CO'f1'1?1P' UIJ Z~T~':1C1: 'r,~1!~ ~:Oti!T1C11 'vTOUlC~ ~-7.~:~' ~to h~v~~ his ap;_~ro~r~~l -~n~ e~1.~-i~.ti~,:~ on. Council~iFn Conr~.d reco_.L,~end~cl tYie City purcriase ~y i'ransi.t; so th?t ~.t le~ wt p~~rt oP t;~^~ Urork corld be: d_cmc: by the Cit~7 ~mploye~s . Zt ztii~ s a°eeo?~r?er_~ed t7-:at th~ n~xt ~r^~r~~ ~~tc'_~~~~t be s~t u~ t~~~ t~..~:e c,~re of tt~_~ p~!rch~se o~' Tr~~nsi~. It t~~~1s al~o su~~- estF•d +i~~t r~ ?~r,_ite line b~~ pl?ced on ±,he curve o~' Gr~~nd ~-.c~nue ^~lrt~nsion, ~.~}~en ;~,lie strP ;t w=.~.s iin.i:h~d. Council~.~.n ~orrad ~l~de ^~~ot~ seco~!ded bv CounciL,~~n ~~.rn ~.nn. to adve'rtise f~r bi~s on lmprovr-;;;;;=nt c'' T~a.i7~r-Ho ~to^.cl, soo:~ t~_~~ 1~~ ~rc:~ra1 from the Division Hir;hd-~~r z.,as r~ ,~:~i ~.~d. The Lids to ~t~e opened ~~~_:1~ . ~_951 ~.t ~:(X~ P.:~"~. ~:oti;^, i c~rried. Cot~ncilm^n ~ot~r~d s~.id h~ T,7ould b~ ..bs:,~nt a.t thF: ~econd :~~etin~ ir. ~uly. i~~~~.vor ianiters said hc ~d~<:ul~! like t~~ ~.~~~oint :~~?.nr~_cn i~~_t~zz ~r~ld t~ repl?.ce Leo i°iallor~,~ ~~r~ t.},e p;.._° ~is~.l co ~r~ittc~ for t.h, ;~:l~e~y~~ jhe Council ~p rov:,=d his a~~oint•~~ien~. Council:~~.~n Di~.son t:T~s .-.t~.thoriz~~-d t~ '~i~ve r_irt ~~..~L]_ed. to fill.. the Cit;~ T1.'~l ~a.Z'C~ ~.Y]C~{ '~JUt, 1.Y1 CC''E'Ylt, CUY'~~ _:I'F Yl_:~C?CC~• ~i~ Z~i?."> ?.~.SO ?Llf}'OY'? _7,tC~ +O ~O ~.h~^.d T~~i_t~ +~i~~ ~.~~ri:l~lin~; svst.e~n aoon ^.s ti~~ other 'i:?c?s crv°ne~irl. ~ ~i11~ , ~~~__i: ~ Gen~: ~l -~'t.;~c' ~'~~r 4~~ ~.,'i`7'?»3~ , '-,he :~t~r ~~und for y> ~ 25~j ~02 ~ 2?C1 f[iC° ? J;i ~f l" I~E?170.`"-, it f'L'_Y1C? f'Gl" ~i l~ ~U(i ~?d~.l ^L'C~.1 ~,~'.('.l~ 1^nVC` f'i ~r?C3 ~ - , or: ~r~c~. ~~.1d. i~JO f'llT't',hP.~ Ol!S1Y1c;SF ail~ ,~"_I'1_ +n~? 1~_iii; TnT~ S''.C~~Oi;1TiE.'CI• 1 ~12~~yT ~ 1 ~T~r~sT : ll~x~ ` ~ ~ ~t 1P