Minutes 1951-06-23 p'..^'.*.w 156 ~ Junc`~23, ~ 19~1' C`~lif orni a C.~; The City Council met in an adjourned. session, ~o .rork on th~ Budg~t for 19~1--5~. "i~Tay~r ~J~iters presided. Pr~sE;nt i~~ere Council7nen 6J_ark, Damma.nn and Cor.r~d, Col;ncilm~r~. ~ix~on a~~ri~red l~te. l=lso pres,nt w~s i~r, York Pet=r~or., City ~n~in~~r. ii~,yor Wai ters ^sked York I'e-terson .to ma.ise his .rPco~unend_^tions or. im~bro- veraEnts _~:or. tt~e 'u~ilter Department, tl~e~% t~rere ?s fol] e?,rs: ~ l. ~n 8 i.nch line down V~_11~:y i~o~a and across cr~c~~ to conrect ~~ith 8 inch ~ lin~ cora~~inp• fro.r, ±:r~c nPw T,~c°ll. ~.t H~lcyor~ F~o~.d. - ~ 6 inch line dot~m ~?1der froi~~ ~odson to ~rand ?~venue, t*~~t on Grand ~,zTe~ to Brisco I~o<~d ~nd 1~ inch line up Brisco rto~d to pr~~;;n+ 2 inch line rur.ning to B.risco Tr~ct. Q~ ~nch line fro>~ Brisco toad to Brisco Tr~_ct. - 3. A 1~ inch l.ine frcm Le Poi.nt ~tr=,~t ~long San Luis ~?o~d. to t~..ke c~re of l~ cus+cm~rs t,~is line to b~ tied across to Tally-Ho ~oad. ~rher~ ?-~~s 1~n~thy discus:.;ion on ~th~ costs of the v~riol~s lines and Councilm~n ~Qnr~d s~id t~~~t according tr, l~.st ye~.rs receipts ~nd oper~tive costs l e thot~.ght it would be s'~fe to ~'i~ure tl~i~ t~round ly or 20 +rrous~nd doli.ars could be used for eorstructior.. - ~ :ir. Yor?~: P~terUon ~:sa~ x: kPd. to trrite ar :~eet Z~Tith iir. ~-trisco ~.nd see if Taoulc: be ~~illi~~ ta repl~.ce 1_ires ~~~d hook-up dea.d ends on the Tract' ~r_d if so to ~et let+:~~ ~,r .~r;re~..~!~nt fr•: m~'risco for th~ f~ithful p~rf'orm~nc~ on h:is L~rt; .,~:oti~r. t~r~s t?-:~ ~de ~y Cotn~i7ra~n ~o^,~.=d.; s~cc~nded. bs Cct~ncilm~n_ D~r~,,a~.nn to procP,~d w~ th t'r~e 1~ inch. line to ~risco Tr~ct, i_~' -:r. t3risco ~zo1;1d do th~ z~JOrk on the Tract -l-o the satisf^ction o~ tL;. Enbi_n~~er. ThE vote tia~s ^s i ol7_oTf,s: t~~•"~c.., ~ rOL'~7?Cil ~?f,'11 'J~;?1T,`.~T'E'. ~.ri0?1T' ~.C~~ ll?j~l:"1c.7]Yl ?I"!.~ Ll:~rk Covncilm~.r Di;~son op~-o~~d. ;'iot.icn c~rried. The Co~.~^cil ~~~,r ~~d to put i~ for ~ new trlick -.r~c1 tre cost woyzld prob~bly i,.~ ~..roUnd ',:1_;,OOO.OQ, one-t!~l~' to co rror~ ~.r~_ter ~s~d ore-h~.lf frorn streets. 1t ,.N ~~rc~~d tr^. ~sit sh t ld. 1~~~~ inclt:~_cd ?.n t'~::; bud:;~t ar_d the sost 'GO ~.:~E'. ~)OY'T].~ i 0~".~? "`'T:'i ~I1Ci ~fi_^C',:~t ~Jl'rJ'.:"_:~f3. 1~Z:~G a.:. S 1'^.';nz+ f'OY' '"f1c~111t.~1.Y'i1_?~'.g ~ S't I''~ ~ i f, S. ` t f~_!i5 't~t'IE; ;~Gt~nri__ ~~~~^r~ v ~ ~ t ~'1~~~~_. ':~_~.d t-,r~ l~a.v~, ~.~ci ~~~~rt~~~~~r disci~ssion on , T~':~Y'.SO'„_?1 ^n(i i,T 5...95 G~lcnl.'.S:'E.'C~. .(`i(11::'1C11'"'.wYl ~1X°OI': tp 15,p ~ . `~.'~")E,` Y''?St Of' T,Pf' Ci:"+U7?C11. C~:L~Cli~ ~.Gl i-'.rl' r:^ c'.c f'1~'_'f,'.,~2 -i-lC't .L ~.~~Cf:l<.~Yl 1ide`tS m~^d~ b:% ~ol:nciln^n ~~.~,~nn, se::~:~d~d ~TT Cct.ncilrna~ C~r;,,~~? ~`o ~~~t the ~alaried _ . ~'~~].C~T,TS~ ~'i:r11E:j ~i~' rnllr~~' Sr3U~)~vd~ F~Ci1CP U~~:'1C 1" ?~~K.l!L~~ G~_i'.Y'1{ yi'3~v~U~>> ~.[..~TJt . ~300.00; -~''orer,~en ~275.C~0 z~r _lak;or~r's ~~%~50.00 per r,~onth, ~~o?Tever a.n;~ inct~r!b~nts ip t.he a.fore!r~er.ti_on_~d ~~ositions sh~ll not, h~ve their pay r~d~_ ced ;_f it is abov~ ~~7 ' sc?le. r~:o+._,icr cF.~r.~a_~~?• ~ Cri 1TlOf,10_r, ±,r!.C 7,1° ~tlrig ?•t~.5 :~.C3~~~1.'.'Y':~~~• n . _ ; \ - j~'fa,~r Y' on~ . _ ~ Citv C7~ r?~ -0- ;1r,~o-r^ ~-r~.~de, C~.1;_T'orriia Jul~- 5, ~.951 `T'~_f3 v1t;~' ri0'_I1Cil `"C't'i ~Tl ~~F' .,:~_c~.T' .`',E'.~::1017 :']_tr! . ~.jr01' ~c.7_t.^lS ~~rE.'S1!~lYl'.~T• Pl ~'.S`-.'i`1{v 1'2~0',1 1'0„ C,^l l~*~i:Y". vQl'"'i^~ 1:l°Yl '~1Y.S0Y! ~,x.,1_~.i'1:,. i~ii ^Ol'.i;f`7 ~;'.?Z.~ v011Y'•`~.Cl ~ _ ncil.:. ~r=c. ~,xr~v~d 1~t~r. ~b~er_t F' „i1I~~.;±`,.~ n~' i)Y"',V1n :'c,~.1-Il"'y' "p'~ 7jnlY' ~c~~'1P. 1~'~r - Tr ' ' _ ~ ,1 , a ~;11,_Y'O~'o-:'.C'. T~.'.2C~• .~nU r .LT1;?t'_ - . _ . 12"'_ C ~?~1 !;:1tS G~_ i _ ~'l_t~r T-?~71~_ W~..I'? _''1.SCl',: ~r ;a v,"t..?~C11 - n ' ^ ' ~ j i ~n ~l~n ~ 1•S Y~ ~ 'f'ti]" V.?~1'~l~S?l~ . 1i1:2.tL2f: !Q?,C:`~ : .TT1Jt'i1.r%l ~ ~1,~..~ . ' ':L C1.1. 1 Q_ O 1 C)T''~`1.:iea fY'Oltl ~;iu~~~~~) +O y~+J,~`.'~<~.l~t~. iiO~,:.C`~~ _ i1.P,C1• `~"C::, Tri~l'I"'Y?C:, j,C~11C~;J -~Y'O„ ;:J.'_'t~ur~i.~ _C:T' 3 r~:'a~~ f~l:~Ci,,` ;^:1 ...C% 2 :Ct•1. .r i.::C'.E'. ~r U:;1.''`'Cl_~._i;.:. '___SOT;~ ~.F!rrn;^,Gl°~,'~ Lnl,~~i;ll_'~:i.`.~:_ ~r„ ~~O 1l1~; t-,~ flOi tr.~ 3 Sr _ , - - . j,:Tn} lOr C ~T'1'1P.C~ • '~i ~a o'' Z. Frit~co Pn~ ~'~~rave:;.;r.~ 1.'al~v-'~n ~~~aci ~r~s opened and a rnoti^:~ :~r`s :~~.de by Cour_c~_l?~an Da;~n,~anii t~ t,~r~~ -1--}Z~~ '~id c~*~~r to :s. ° 'r r' r~~` f: ~.or:_ P<~t~~~ on, ,,;_t.J- ~ ~ _'iptl'~n ~i~r Ci;~i'7:C11~,,~i'_1 iJl_::`'O: caoCC)r,_rl~"7 'L-+~' (in~`?Cllr~~:s.:^ ~`:~L'?:2~17?7 ~C~ Y'P11e~W the Fleet Insur~.nc~ Yel~cy z~~th E. Loomis and Scn. I`otion c~.rried. ' Councilman Dix.son made a moticn, ~econded by Councilman ~ariaann to ; `dv~rtise for bids on a 2 to:. tru.ck ~.nd the specific~.tions were to be rPa.cly for i next weeks p~.~cr. It was sug ;~stpd that tYie ~ iodel A and 1 V-8 lruck be turned i i_n on th~ truck. ; T~Zr. York Pet~rso::, r=~~~i_~" ~heckpd the bid si;i~m=ttc~? ~.~y ::r. ~risco ~ i~ r~portc:c~ it t,c ord~r ?::d that `~:c bid w~s approxin~~tel;~ ~ h 8~10,o above the estim~wt~; so it wculd hati*e to b~ re? erred= to the Divis~ on cf Hi ;hw~ys, i or treir ~.rn-^ov~.l. :..cti_o.~ ~,~ds ma,c~e .^tn~ilr~l~.Yi ~1XSOY!~ ~9co:d~d. r;;~ ~ot~ncil;n~r_ D~r~_^iann to ~cc~pt the bid ef L. L-risco, subj~ct to ~.~~~~ov~l of the Divisicn . of i~i~Y.~?~.ys De;partmer~t. .Zotion e~~ri~~d_. ~