Minutes 1951-07-05 ~ ~ ~c~le. ?~,o±,1cn _ c~~r:~ir,d.. ~ Qr. motion t,r~ ra~ ~ting ?ras adjc~ur:~~a. ~ . i _ , ~ ~ i i~ia~r r II . ''i h~l ~~Y~.~ ~ ~/'-scvs- - ' Citv C1~ rk , i -0- :1r_°o~;~ Gr~de, C~:.1;_-'ornia ' ~ V „ <,~51 ' `~'rE,' vlt~' CiQ', I1C~1 ^'_C't'i ]_TI .~~_?.T' .`',f'.S: 1'JTl T,l.t.~~ ii'a ~rOt ~-7 +'~Y'S ~~rE.'S1C1~ Tl`~* • PL ~~sE.:nt t~po;~. ro~_~ c.,~_1 T~~:;r~: ~~l n_~ ~1.~.~n ~ixsor ~o~.A, z_;>>~t. .~c~1r..d n ~r , n ~^X'11~T°~ ~_~tt~I'• i~h~E'.T'i't ~~`i'!'..Y1C1Zl:i~'. .~?•1.'1i• `.L'~:~ ~"l1T~L'.~'~`,.~ n~ "C.7T°-V1C' . 7.'r.,~.l~~ -~-r ^-y~a ~~n~~r .~1~_ .i,~°tll1~~ T~t~E;r'"; i^:..-^.C7 _ `(j ' rnd d.p ro~-c;c' . ~ r~~^d. 7 In,,t.,~ t~„ !~p ~',t3 i. ~'?~t !:ntS G ' i-i? ~;l_t~T I:a1J_ w~.r~ '~1.SCl: : ~r .ia 'v.^l r^j.~ - 'l~'il'iPP 'il"C'° " :"iOt.~i,"Y~~ ~ ,n`i ,~,.1'r?C11"1~'; ''~1i_SO''i t•O _l_'_"iCY''~~.3•° 't'~]v :;1"1t~l:j~f. ' from'~300.00 +o w~;0~~~~<~.Ot~. i~~iotic~~ _ ~ied. ~ _ ~ '?'r~~ Ins~;r•~nc:, rc~l_ic~~r `'ro,~, ?4~_ t ~orci, _ ;r 3 ;rc~ ~~i ~ disc~.~~~,A , m~~},1_ ?7 oT~-t i~:Ct°' ~.1`~ ~'';1.'n(17 ~~^_o..i- --'SOr~~ ;:~',Cn;~C~'°C~. ~?zT riOl;:7!'11_~':.~'~ n''-~ ~O lli: !'~TC.`-'~ ~i ~'or th~ 3 ~r ~ - . I~`i~~+~cn carried. `I'b,~~°; t,-j,~ C~' I~. ~I^i..`',~CO ~'nr ~'1~ _r"1DOV2,':,~:~:i, Jl: 'L'.711Si-~'I7 lt'"v~C~ vT~S I _ ~ ,i opened and a motio.~ -,~r~s ra2c?_e by Cour.c~_]s~an i~a~~:lann t~ t~~rtl tlzr~ ';ic'_ o~~*:~•r to :~:r. ~ ~ r ~t ' / I l~r.., r`a~F..~:.L'v~il~ Vl_1..j7 =~an~l'.~i~~.y • . ~ I - J' - _'iOtl.nn G'~?l'T:C11' <i'~ ill_t'~0: ~ `~A°COr,_~.^~ C' ~~(~l;'`_~Cllr~c::.:~ 7^"iL"1~1?7 `~O Y'F°11~T~T ~ thc Fleet Insuranc~ Yol~cy z~~ th E. C. Loomis and Son. l?o+.,ion c~.rried. Counci]..i~an Di~>son made a miotion, ~:~conded by Counciln,~n Da~~raann to ~.a.vmrtise for bids o~z a 2 ton truck ~nd the specific~.tions were to be rPacly for ne~ weeks p~.pcr. It Uras sug~;ested th:~.t the ::odel A and 1 V-8 iruck be turned i~ on th~ truck, T4r. York Pet~rso;:, 'r~~~Ti~" c~.ecked the bid sui~~r:~ttc~? bjT ::r. ~risco report_:;et it tc o~d~~r ?l:_~ th~t t'r.e ~id w~s ~pproximatel;~ ~6 8~10io a~ove t,he estiri~t~; so it wculd hati~e to bc rc;? erred- to the Divis ~on cf Hi"ht~7~ys, i or ~~':t'.lT' 2.r?~^OV~.l. :,.~':'t10:'1 ~nT2.S ma.c~e i;~: ^t27~11?'i12.Y: ~1XS0?:~ S°C~ :G~!a 1~~~" ~Oli?7C1L711P_ D~m~ann to ~.cc~~t th~ bid of L. iri~co, subj~ct to a~~nrov:~l of the Divisien ~ ~ of Hiohti~ays Departmer~t. .lotior: e~°.r~i~~d_. ~.58 ~ ~ ~ 1~1x. Peterson w~s asl:ed ~f h~ h:-~d written or t~.lked to i~ir. Brisco about. ~ the agreemert on water line to thc 3r~sco Tract a~~d i~~a,ycr ti~laiters zsked I~Ir. Peterson and Brisco to ta.lk the matt~~r ov~r , i:~ t~:e ~ngine-rs room ~.r.d report b~.ck. Thc r-layor th~n ca.l7_ed for a r~cess until th~~y werA ready. Aiter th~ adjournr,ient the folloti-?ing lettel and ~.gr~;ernent w~~.s r~~ad 'oy the C1erk. S~,nta.l°iaria~, C~,1.if., Jul~T 7 ~ 1951 Dear Mr. Brisco: Tn accord~.nce w~.th aur conversation S~t~~rda.y June 23, 1951, T a.m settir.~ iorth in detail the desire or the City Council cl Arro~~c G-rande in conrection with supplyin~ .~later to the Brisco Tract as exprmssed durin~ its me~ting Saturda.y on +h~ above date. The City Council propes~ to rnake the following improvements. l. Ext~nd ~ six inch w.~ter main west on G.rand Avenue to ~3risco Road. 2. rnstall a four inch w2ter ~~ain zlong ~risco Road fror~ the in~t~rsection of Gra.nd Avenue and Briscc ~.cad tc a poir.t on Brisco Road wher~ th~ pr~sent two inch w~ter p~pe r.c?~serving tYle said tr<.c+ i~ loc?.t~d; thence cor~tinuing with a. four inch ~Ta.t~r rnain ~lono ~,h~ line of the said ttiao ir.ch pipe to the Brisc~ Tr~ct. Ir. order to a.ssure the w~zt~r consuM-rs locuted within th~ Brisco Tr~.et of sa.tisfactory water servi.ce, it is rec~uired that tlis f~llowing improve- ments to t he water distribution system within the Brisco Tr~.ct :nzde a~t youx W~,r~r_se. l. ~eplace all wa~ter pip~ less t'r~r~i: tiro ~_::ches izl~~_d~ di?s~mter :tiri th two inch I.D. galvan;zed std. pipc. 2. Con:~~ct a.ll d~a~ end water ; ipes with tt~ro inch I. D. ~alv~nized std. pipe, Uo ~.s to provide z complete c~rc~;la.ti:~g distribution syst~m within the tract. Th~ otianers of t,he lots tia~iich a,re ~.t or near the eleva.tion of th~ ~.rro~To Grande res~rvoir sb_a1~_ be ~.dvised that to ob ~,ain satisfzctory water s~rvicm it is neces; ary th~t the~r i:~stall indivi~ual pr~ssure sys±~~ms. This method ~houlcl only be :~ecessary ~or v~~,~ few l:~~atior.~. Your previous oifer oi one thousa.nd dollzrs (~1000) to defray a. pro- tier o~ th~ ~ity's e~~ense ir. c_ _.;;+ructing the f~ur inch water ma.in, from a. point on the Brisco Road tothe Brisco Tr~ct, is considered in making the _foregci~~ proposals. It is st~.g~ested that you replG~ce your present check o~' f forrner date, and held by tre Cit;,- Clerk, with one ei like amount with curr~nt d~^~te . The disposal of the ~xist;_iig t~~o incr. ~rat~r pipe ~*hich wi11 be repl~.c~d by the f our inch tiaa.ter ~~~ain was not dis cus sed. It ma.y be that by mutual con- sent th~ el~ pip~ could be used t~rithin the Rrisco ~°~.ct. If this proposal meEts with your approval pl~ase adv-~_s~ the Cit;~ Council. ~r. yct_r ir.+e-rest I sug;~est t'~~t you tr~.r.sfer y~ur equity in the ti^later distribution system within the ~r~ sco Tract~ s`T.f'tG.'~' t' e improvci:~ents cont~.ined her~in ~.re eompleted, to the Cit~ of Arroyo G,~and~ so th~.t a.ny further improve- m~nts or .n~Linten~,nce T,~-ill be ~~he responsibil~ ty of t.ze ~ity of Arroyo Grznd~. Sincmrel3T York Peterson I a.pprove all oi the conditiors and reqi:ircments as set forth in the above lett~r ;~roviriing tliat I mzy use the 2 inch pipe t.hat is replaced by the inch m~in betti;r~~~_ Brisco Road and t' e Brisco Tract, within the Brisco Tract ~.nd excepting replacem~nt oi trc 12 inch pipe now loc~ted ~long Sie-r-ra, Drive. Thm pipe line loc~ted bett-reen the 101 H/t,1 a.nd ~i~rra '~rive is not considercd part of ti~is agre~m~nt, since tr.is pipe line wa.s accepted by the City ~ouncil ~ecemb~r 10, 1°!~5 as shown in the :~inutesi oi th~ City Council m;~ting o_° that date. I furthe;r a~ree tha.t I will complete a11 work required in the Brisco tr~ct witY:in 90 ~~ys o~' the completion of the inch M~.an to the Bounda,ry of t.he Brisco Tract and~or not late:r than Decembsr 31, 1951• I furth~r agree to post ~ faitl:ful performance ~ond in th~ amount of ~1,000.00. ' Af~er th~ rea~ding of the letter ~nd agreern~nt ~ motian w~.s made by Ccuncil.~~~n Dixson, seconded by Councilma:n Damrr.ann to a.ccep+ tYle a.gre~ment as nzde b~ i~ir. Peterson and '`'r. Brisco a.fter a,rrrov~l by the Cit3T attorney. The Clerk Trras inst- ruc+ed to enter both the letter abreemtnnt in the minutes. A motion w~.s made o,~ ~ouncilma.n Dixson, seconded b;; Co~zcilman Conrad ' a.uthorizing l~ir. Peterson tc pr~pare pl~,~s and specifica.tions for the lay~::ng of the new taat,~ r lin~ . ~ motion was m~de by ~ounc~lmar. ~a~-~!ann, seconded by Cot:nci]man ~onrad tc hav~ T~ir. PetArson ma.ke a skecth fcr the t;,~pe of guard ra.il he w~uld recommend for Gr. ~nd Av~~nue. Bi11.s a.gainst the Gener~.7. Fund for ~ 7,656.18 the W4.ter Fund for 6,1~83.17 and the ?~Jater Deposit Fund for ~ 20.00 were au~ited, a.pproved and . ordered p~id. It t~as decided to have a speci~.l r~~~ting on Wednesday J~a1y 11, 1951 to m~et with Cit~r employees and discuss -t;ne rlacina of personnel ~nd also work on the budget. No iurther busine:s ~ppe~ring and upon ~oticn the meeting was adjourned. ` Mayor , , City Clerk ' -0- Arroyo Gr~nde, California. ' July 11, 1951 The City Council met in Special Session to rea.rrange the City Employ~~s a.nd discuss the Personr.~l. T~t~yor Wat~rs presided and pres~nt tr~re Councilmer. Dixson ~.nd Darrt~ann. Councilm~n Clark arrived la.t~r ~nd Councilmzn Conrad was absent.. ~ Aft~r discussion on Str~~ets and 1rT,~ter, a motion StiT.i,S made bsT Councilma.n cl~.rk~ seco :ded by Co~llcilman ~ixson to plzce T°ir. r4c Coy Superintender.t over~ both T;T~.ter and Str~ets, +o v:ork un~ar th~ Engin~~r's su~ervision and Y. Edrn~.nds foremnn or 1_~ ~.der on the Streets with r•1r. Richey on stre~ts ~.nd Hzrry Hart forc- m~,n on the ~t~J~ter Dep~ rtment with J. 0. ::urr~,iel as help~r. :'Zetion carried. A motie:~ w~s m~de by Cotmcilman Clark, secor.ded by Councilma.n ~ixson to a~~nend the s~lary scal~ to rea.d, tY:e pay of iore~~r~ be set at ~285.00 pcr month inste:~d of ~275.00 per :nonth. Th~re w~re ~iscussions on different phases of' the Zaork and it w~.s hoped to a.ecomplish mcr~ under this arran~~r~ent a.nd in czse of emer~;encies the men could help out on either r~~p~{~ent. _ . : . _