Minutes 1951-08-15 164 ~ N., 1~+~ ~ Changes in the Business license th~dinance were discussed~and Mr. Harris agreed to prepare the changes as outlined by the Council. Some chariges discussed ~rere Ontside Contractors to be ~40.00 per'year and no license to be issued to s eontraetor unleas they have a valid State Contraetora License. Wholes~l.e licenses to be ~5.00 c~er ~ and Blacksmith and Welding Shops to be ~5.00 per }~instead of ~6.00. ~ A motion was made,b~r Couucilman ~onrs~d~ seconded by Councilman Dixson to send the Plaque baek and have the ehange made in Mr. Dixsone nasm. Motion carried. ~ No further businesa appearing and upon motion the ~eting xas~t~vnr.ned. ~ Mayor ATTESTs ~ City Clerk ' -0- . ~rroyo Grande, California August 15, 1951 The;City Council,mat in regular ses~ion with Mayor Wa3.tere presidix~g. Upan roll call ~ounciLnen Dixson and ~onrad reported present. Absent Councilmsa 81ark and Cauncilman DammaAn arrived later. The mirrutes of the previaus regular and ad~ovrned mee ting were read and ap~roved as read. Communications ~rere read and placed on file. RESOLUTION ~ ~5 ' BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ARROYO GHANDB, THAT Tf~ CITY CIERK, HE AUTHORIZED AND DIRECTED TO MAI~ AND FII,E WITH THE STAT~ CONTROLLER BACH YEAR TI~ APINUAL STREET REPC~tT REQUTRED BY SECTI~N 2151 OF THE STHEETS AND HIGH~TAY CODE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA On motion of Cauncilman Dixson~ seconded by Councilman ~onrad the foregoing Resolution Was adopted by the folloWing roll call notes lIYES: Couneilman Dixson~ iiaiters, and Clark NO~5s None ABSIIdT: Councilmen Dammarm and Clark ` The caanmunication from Mr. and Mrs. C. R. patterson was read and aPter . discussi~n, a motion was made by Councilman Dixson, seconded by Councilmarn Conrad to reduce the bill 1/3• The Clerk xas instructed to write rirs. H. M. Peterson that no meters Were , 1 to be installed in the Biisco Tract at this time. ' The Clerlc was asked to xrite the Planning Cc~a~nission of tlze Councils action in regards to fees to be charged for Variances or Amenchnents to the Zoning - , Ordinance. RESOLU3'I0~1 # 256 , RES~LUTION OF THE CITY COUNCII, OF THE CITY QF ARROYO GRANnE ADOP'PING BUDGET AND APFROVING N~'IORANDLM OF AGREEMENT FOR E$P~AiDITURE OF GAS TA~ ALLOCATI~N ~'OR M~dOR CITY STREETS: Passed and adopted by the follcawing roll call vote:' AYESs Councilmen Waiters, Diacson and ~onrad ' N(~S: None ABSSNTa Councilmen Clark and Dan¢narm ' The budget Was discnssed and Councilm~ Dixson~said he ~rould like to , stuc~y the budget and ~it until the next meeting before appronal.` Counci]laan Conrad asked permission to leav~e the State and a motion xas ' made by ~ouncilman Di~cson, seconded by Counciman Darmnann to grant his request. ~ Bills against the General Ftiind for ~1153.20 ~and the Water Fund for ~ ~ 17.20 , were apprcved and ordered paid. ' ~ No further business the meeting ~as a~nnrned . i ~ , Ma~yor ' ~ ~ / . iTTEST::~' ~ City Clerk J /1'rroyo Grande, California, - Septe~ber 5~ 1953. IrSayor Tii1'aitera and CounciLaan Gordon F. Di~oa ~er~ present at the regular• time for meeting. Absent Counci7.nen Clark, Da~mm~asui aad Conrad. M~yor ~Taiters and Councilman Dixson ~sited for a reasonable length of ti~e for the arrival of another Councilman they decidsd to ad3aurn and the Clerk xas asked to notif`y the Ma~ror xhea the other a~e~bera ~rere back in to~rn. Just before°leaving the hall Mr. Be~hanaa hawded Mayor Waiters a letter oF resignatioa from Councilman Clark~ xhich vas turned over to th~ Clerk to be held until the next regular meeting. ~ ATTEST: ' Citq Clerk