Minutes 1951-11-07 . « ~ ~ ~ , Arrogo Qrande, California November 1951. The,City Council met in regular aession, with Mayar Waiters presiding. Upon Roll call Councilmen Dixson, Purcell and Da~mnann reported present. Councilman Conrad arrived later. . The miriutes of the previoua meeting ~ere read and approved as rend. ' Gail Covert Wilkins and Maude Loomis, represented the Women'a Club with a reaquest to purchase some of the City Park Property for,a bui.lding sits j for the Women's Club. The matter x~s diacussed and the d~tir A~~orney agrsed to xrite to Mr and Mrs Beckett for a release and he said the property xould ha~s to be advertised and a motion was made by Cou~neilm~ ~onrad, seconded by Ccyuncil- man D~mnann to refer the request to the Planning ~onmission arxi the Clerk r~ca~,s ~ iristructed to write the Wanen's Club and give them the da.te of the Plat~ing Comtaission meeting. Mr. Harria read a letter from the legal advisor, of the I,aague of California CitieB, in reference to installation of water lines oute~ide the City. The rai.nutes oY the special meeting of the Planning Conmisaion, hald November 6, 1951, was read ~,rith their reeommendation for a re~oning fram C-1 to R-1, on th~ pertion oY Block 1 of the Mines~u and Loo~s Tract~. tacing on Halcyon Road. The Planning Co~aission~ reconanendations for rezoning of th~ . Wheatley propert~ was to den~y the rezoning from R-1 to C-1. R~SOLUTIUN N0. 262-~ A RFSGILUTION QF TI~ CITY COUNCII, OF THE CITY aF ARROYU aRA~TI'~f RE?~ATIV~ TO THE PROP05ED AMENI~SENT ~ O~INANCE N0. 95 OF THE CITY OF ARROYO i~tANDE. On motion of Councilman Ptiix~cell~ ~econ~ded by Counciln~an Conr'ul~ ~ ~ and on the follo~ing roll ca11 ~ote, the foregoiag resolution was pas~ad aaid adopted. AYESs Councilmen Waiters, Conrac~, DixBOn~ Dsmamar~n a~d Purcell ~ N~:S: None ABSENT: Nons. " A~motion vas mad~ bq Councilnan R~rcell, smconded by ~ouncil~an Conrad to 8et the date ~or the Council hearing on the rezoning for tht meeting to be held Deaember 5, 1951. Motion carried• Mr. Pet,erson, of Santa Maris, ~ho haa built a, home on the Brisco T ~ract, requested a Water meter to be set at his placa; so they could move ia. The Couneil denied the request as it Would only make the situation xorae to pnt ~ ~7~~ on ~r ~ore consumers until the line runnin~ to the Tract has been increased. Ben Miller frrnn the Brisco Tract discussed the problems of the water con:umers. RFSOLUTI~N N0. 262 A RESOLUTION OF TI~ CIT3C COUNCIL OF TI~ CITY OF ARRCA[0 aRANl~, TO CHANQE JlUTHO~tIZED AGENT FR.QM BEN D. CONFtAD TO YO~g PETERSON ON APPLICATION N0. 20-18 71 On motion of CounciLaan Conra~d~ seconded by Counci].a~an Purcell the Yore- going Resolution was adopted by the follcn~ing roll call vote= AYFS: Council~en Waiters, Purcell~ Di.xsoa, Dammaru~ and ~onrad N~S: Non~ ABSSNT: None On the letter from the Fire Department~ requesting purchaae of badges and Wrenche8 and the Fire Depsrt~aent contribution for the year. It xaa agre~d to have the Piarb,hasing agent order the wrench~s, but hold the badges s~nd contribution for next meeting. A motion.xas made by Councilman Dan~aax~n, seconded by ~ouncilman ~onrad to authorize the C].erk to irrit~ the Board ot Supervisors, requesting a 4-way St,op Signs on the Grand Avenne ~d Halcyon intersection. Councilman Conrad reported there ~as to be a County ~ide Water Planning Board for~ed and the City ~ould be asked to sppoint a member. Mayor S~Ta3.ters reported it was planned to hsve s Back to Church xemk and h~ asked Council~an Purcell to eacplain ~hate he cauld and also asked Purc~ll to prepar~ a Procla~nAtion. Bills ~gainst the General F~ind for t 2,198•09 and the Water F1ind for ~ 2, 618.77 w~re sudited, approv~ed and ordered paid. No Surther business appearing and upon motion the me~ting Was a~d~ourned to November ].I~, 1951 at ?=30 P. M. Mayor ~ ATTSSTs ~ City Clerk -0-