Minutes 1951-11-14 ~.74
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~ /lrroqo (irande, Californis C
November 11}, 195~.
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The City Council met irs an ~ci3ourned e~ssion~ xith ~r ~Taiters pr~siding.
Upon roll call Gouncil~anan Dixaon~ Purc~ll, Dammann and Conrad report~d preeeant.
Members of the Planning Cosmaisaion preseA~ Ware , L. A. Brisco, Ralph Ssnn~tt
and Don Shaffer. 1?l.so present was Mr. F. J. L. Peterson Distrio~ Snginser,
Division of Highws~*s .
The lett~r from the City Planning Cos~nission, to t he City Couneil yrith
reconnaendations relative to the Freevsy~ agreem~snt was read and diecuesed.
Mr. Peterson explained that the agreement which was before the Cotusc3.1 "
for adoption was for the Closure of Streetel inv~olv~ed and those Stre~ta ~»re
Arroyo Ave~ Cherry Avenue s~nd the alley betxe~n 101-H/f~I and Arroyo Av~entt~, and ~
side streets No~th of to~a. I~ #he agresabnt is not made, it xould ba in~wssible
for the Division of High~rss,ys~ to p~urchase the necsssary 8ights oF way~.
Councilmu~ ~onrad suggested a letter be written to the Higtnta' Ccr~nia~sion
asking that adequate paving and draining of preaent Highwa~r be ts~ken carm of
before t,nheri~. it.
After a lengthy discussion by all members present the Mayor repor~F.ed he ~
~rished to study and discusa ths agreement further t~ith the planning Co~uaa3ssion
and Cour~cil.~an Diuson suggested the Cauacil meet iritMh the Planning ~oa~nd~slog
i at their regular meeting.
Mayor Wa3ters reported the Recreation t~roup and the Teen-Age graup
xished to make some improvements on t~he old Cit.y Hall and' the matter ~tata di.seussed
and it was to be undorstood that they renovste th• building at their cnm risk, as
the Council could not agf~ee to length of time, ~s it xight beco~ ~ece~s~aty-to
enlarge the Fire Housa, etc.
No .Yurther business appes~ring and upon motion; the meeting ~as ad3ot~rried.
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