Minutes 1951-12-05 ~ ~6 C~7 ~ ~rroyo t3rande, ~alifornia ~ November 28~ 1951 ~ ~ A special ~eetinY of the Council xas oilled for Nove~t?ber 28~ 1951, , to meet Sr3.th the Planning Commission to discuss the signing of the Free~~ Agreement. Present Were Mayor WAitere, Councilmen Di~on, Purcell, Cor~ad and Dammsu~n. After diseussion it Was agreed to hold up the signing until further attempt had been made to hav~e the State make improvemente to t,he present Route~. No further business appearing the aieeting xas ad~ourned• ; ~ 1TTEST: Cit~~Clerk , , Ma~ror ° -a I Arrayo Grznde, ~ aliforni. s ' ~ December 5, 19~. The City ~ouncil met in reguls~r session and was czlled to order by the Clerk. Upon roll cs~ll CounciLnen Dixson, Purcell ~nd D~rm ~l~~rod present. Absent M~yor Waiters and Councilman Conrad. a Councilman D~rmann rmned a.nd Councilman Ptiircell seconded tht motion to have Councilma.n Dixson act as Ma,yor. The mirnztes of the previaus regular and soecial meetinga, were read t~,nd Approved as re ad. Reports from the Chief of Police and Judge were rea.d ~nd orderad f iled. Councilma.n Dzmnaim marie a. motion, seconded by Co~uncilmitn Rircall ~ tha.t ~r. 1~c ~oy be authorized to sell the Model A Ford to the highest~ bidder. Mrs. Jane Thompson's request for permission to hook onto~the sewer ~zs h~ld ~p ~s the Council was of the opinion that A ruling had been mads that there would be no more outside Hook-upa to the City Se~rer. Mr. Harri~ reported h~ Has to have an interview with Mr. Peterson~ of the Division of Ii3.ghwAys. ~ ~:77~ Mr. Harris agreed to prapsre a notice cs~l.ling for bids on the City P~,rk property, xhich the wonen's Club were interested in. Councilmzn Purcell made z motion, seconded by Councilman D~nmann to place ~n order f or 775 feet of inch Tr~nsit,e Pipe. Motion c~rried. Mr. H~,rris recor?gnended thzt the hea.ring on the rezoning be held wer until the n~xt meeting. A motion was made by Cauncilmam Purcell, seconded by Councilman Daranann to c~tribute ~ 25.00 to the City of St,ockton for x~search work on , - P. G. & E r~tes. Motion c~rried. The diivewzy or culvert to Mr. Matchan's property was discussed and Mr. Mc Goy wzs instructed to h~v~ the matter taken c~re of. Bills agai.nst the Generzl Fund Por # 6~11~3•?2 the Water Pund tor ~9~t.~5 , the wzter Deposit Fund for ~6 16.00 and the Special Gas Tax Street I~p rund ~ 3,4~•1~9~ were audited Approved and ordered pa,id. No flu~ther business Appezring and upon motion t~e meeting ws~s ad~j ournad. ~ ATTEST: ~ City Clerk , , Mayor -0- _ - ~rroyo C~rands, CaliPornia Dacember 19, 1951 The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Waiters presiding. Upon ro11 call Councilmen Purcell~ Dixson~ Danmarm and Conrad r~ported preseat. Th~ miirutes of the previaus neguls~r me~ting resui and approved as re ad. Comnunic~tions were read and placed on file. A d3.scussion on the drainage problems in Western Addition ~as held And and thero being some StAte Chapter !~7 money ava.ilable for Plans ~?~61~.11 and azquisition for sites ~ 615•21, it was a.greed to make a.pplicatiati for the rnoney. ~ aESOLUTION # 263 1l RESOLUTION OF iT~E CITY COUNDIL OF T~ C ITY OF ARROYO (3HANDE FOR ACQUISITION AID UNDER CHAPTER !~7 SITE FOR DRAINAGE OF WESTERN XUDITION.