Minutes 1952-01-02 ~ ~ ; their ~s?~s.: Tt wa~ moved znd second~d that a cabinet to hold 5000 plates for the addressograph b~ purchas~d. T~e la~ge tre~ on Gr~nd Avenud Was discu~~sd and it was decided to check with the P.-a. and E in rcgards to taking out the treea. The Fir~ Chief was authorized to purchase badges for the Fire Departm~nt ~so.oo. Bills against the Genaral ~'tind for ~ 1,262.20 ~ and the ~later F~,ind for ~ 562. 8U ~ were audited, approved and ordered paid. No ft~rther business ~ppearing ~nd upon mot.3.on the meeting was ad~ourned. ~ ATTEST s ~ z Deputy Clerk ' , ; i M or ~ . ~ a ~ , - Arroyo Cira,nde ~ ~ zlif orniA - Janua~ry 2, 1952 . The City Couneil met in regular sassion with Ma~yor Wa3.ters preaiding. Upon roll cal.l Councilmen Purcell, Dammann stnd Conra.d reported present. Absent Cauncilman D3.xson. ' The minutes of the p~evious regular meeting wer• read and approved as rsad. Communications and reports were read sald ordered filed. A motion by Councilman Purcell, seconded by Councilman Dsmm ann to ord~r 500 feet of inch transite pipe, Motion carried. Ms~yor Waiters rsported S~rtxWAtari ha,d contacted him about putting a~ip~ line along the Gr~nd Avenue right of way, and a motion wzs mad~ by Cauncilman Purcell~ seconded by Councilman Conra.d, to gr~nt the requ~st sub~ect to an agrsement being snte~ed into and being prepa,red by Mr. Hstrris. Mayor Wa3.ters agreed to see V~.rd Loomis about hzving the hole filled in at the f'ro8t of thd riill~ vh~re the scales w~re. Mr. Hsmris reported hs would try ar~d have the busine~s license Ordinanes and the Subdivision Ordinznce ready for the next mseting. Mr. Haxris suggestsd that Ga3.1 Covert be asked to write or corrta~ct th~ Becketts~ in regard to th~ PArk property, as he h ad not hud a reply from them. . 1VO ~ ~ SESOLUTIUA # 265 ~ ~ BE IT RESOI.VED THAT THOSE PERSONS DESZRINQ WATEft SERVIC~ ON~ ALDER STREET, SHALL BE PERMITTED TO HQOK t;~1 TO THE WATE~t LINE AI)JACENT TO THEIR PRQPERTY, UPON PAYMENT BY THEM Ff~R TI~IR PROPORTIONATE COST fTF' THE INSTALLATION THEREOF: Upon motion of CaunciLnan Purcell, second~d by ~ountilnoan Conrs~d tha foregoing resolutian:was adopted by thd following roll call vote•, AYESt Councilm~n Tdaiters~ Purcell, Damnusn ~nd Conrad Nons _ . ABSENT: Councilman Dixson There wzs some discussion about Double Parking and a.n all.sy between Branch street a~nd th~ oreek and runn~.ng from Bridge stree+~ to: Short stree t. No action ta,ken. It Was moved by Councilma,n Conrad, sacondsd by ~ouncilman Da~unann, that th~ balance of ~53.lt? in the 195~-51 RQal Tsuc Fund be transferred to th~ ~~na~al Ftiuid and that the 1951-52 Raal Ta~c Fund bal~nce of $16,500.l~5 as of D~cunber 31~ 1951 be transPerred to the (i~neral Fund - both baing on 19~1-52 Voucher # 6. Bills against the General Ftiind for 1,702.39 , the Water fund for 967.31~. , the Water Deposit Fund Por 2l~.00 iaid the Sp~cial Qas Tstx Pt~d for 6 7.00 wer~ audited~ approved and ordered paid. No furth~r busirv~~s zppes~ring and upon motion, the meeting vas ad~j ourned. ~ ' ' . ATTEST: ~ . ~a ~ City Clerk • ~ , M or . ~i , '