Minutes 1952-01-16 Arroyo Grande~ ~alifornis~
January 16, 1952
The City Cauncil met i~ regplar session with Mayor~_Waiters presidi.ng.
Upon roll call Caunoilmen Purcell, Dixson, Damuaann and Conrad reported present.
The mi.nutes of the previ.ous regular meeting were read and approved as
Communications were read and placed eon f ile .
Mayor Waiters brought up the condition of Grand Avenue and said he had
had a number of aalls on the way it was going to pi~ces and had only been in
about b months, also the drainage problem on Ta11y ~o Road. There was a
lengthy discussion on the Street situation and the Clerk was instrueted to ,,a~s~
J ~ o~.e'c.c~ ~
~ Mr. peterson to attend the m~etings of the Co~urtcil~could discuss prok~lems w~th
hi~a, f~om time to time and also ask him for a survey and cost on drainage for
~Ta11y~Ho Road.
Mayor Waiters asked Council.man Purcell to work with Councilman
Di.xson on Street work Program planned for next year and e:pecially to oonsider
Cornwall, Alpine and Beech Streets.
Councilman Purcell reported he had conta.cted property owners about
an alley between Branch Street and the creek and had found some cooperation
but was afraid that there would not be enough. It was then decided to have
Pureell contact the property owners~or an easement for a water line along there
~r~ also see if one co~Cld be had in back of Brisco and Atkinson property on
the north side of Branch.
Double Parking and overtime parking was discussed and after discussion
the Council agreed to have the f}vertime Paxking enforced.
Mr. xarris r~d the New Business License Ordim.nce for the first
time and tnere was a discussion of the same. The Subdivision Ordinance ~ras
also re~d for the first tir,ie.
Mr. J. J. Schnyder asked to have a map of the Briaco Tract, with a11
the water lines on; so he could ha.ve a copy made,. He also protested hooking
meters on any of the tie in lines witnut a payment fndati the s~ne.
It was agreed to have the Clerk write a Warrant for C. E. WWhite for
~10.00 per month from april 1$f~ 1951 to and including January 1952 for servic~
as pound master.
Bills against the General Fund for ~1,195•35 , and the Water Fund
for $562.80 , were audited, appro ved and ordered paid.
No further business the meeting was adjaurned.
City Clerk
Mayor .