Minutes 1952-03-05
188 _ _ _ ~ .
Arroyo Grande, C~lifornia ~
Marcn 5~ 1952
The City Council met in regular session with Mzyor Waiters presiding.
Upon roll ca].1 Cauncilmen Purcell~ Dixson ~nd D~nrr?ann reported present. Absent
Councilman Conrad.
The minut~s of the previous regul~r meeting were read and ipproved as
Comnunicztions were rezd ~nd ta.ken c~re of as follows.
1. Fire Dep~rtment's request for enl~rging the fire house and also
the purcha.sc of a new fire truck, was held for studg.
2. Ja.ck Buchanan's request tha.t he be relieved of yard work w~s
discussed a,nd Buch~.na.n wa.s to contact Mr. Burg in regzrds to the j
ya~rd work a,nd pa.yment. I
3. The Letter from Ed Roy, in rega,rds to lezsing City property at
sewer f~.rm, for grzzing was discussed. Mr. ha.rris wa.s to prep~.re
the le~se on the property.
Councilman Dixson repor~ed that Fred Clark would remove his horses.
The reports from Judge Eldridge and Chief Stonesifer were xe ad ~nd
ordered filcd. •
Grand Avenue extension was discussed and J. J. Schnyder, Orville
Schultz ~nd I,. E. Fernamburg ex~essed their views in rega.rd to the construction
of the Gtand Avenue ext~nsion.
Bills aga.inst the Gener~.l. Fund for ~ 2,755•31 ~ the Wzt,er Fund for
~ 5,973•Lt8 ~ the W~ter Deposit ~.ind for ,~12.00 w4re a.pproved and ordered ~id.
No further business zppearing and upon motion the meeting wa.s a.d~ourned.
Dcputy Clerk . '