Minutes 1952-03-19 :li: ~ ~i
Arroyo Grande, ~alifornia
r~tarch 19, 1952
The City Cauncil met in regular session atld was called to order by the
Clerk. Upon roll call 8ouncilmen Purcell, Dixson, Dam:,~anrn and Conrad reported
P~eserrt. Mayor waiters absent but arrived later in the meeting.
Councilman Da^i;-nann moved ~.nd Conrad seconded that Councilman Dixson aet
as rlayor in the absence of Mayor Waiters. - -
The minutes of the previous regular meeti ng were read and approved as
re ad.. '
Councilman Purcell reported that he had been asked by 1`~ayor Waiters to
ask for delegates from Service (}rganizations, in regard to a Curfew Ordinance.
There was di.s cuss ion on the subject by all present it was agreed that an Ordinance
to be effective s hould be Countywic~e.~ Councilman Purcell recommended that an
Ordinance be prepared, ~ouncilman ~onrad suggested th~t Councilman Purce7l
publicize, in the papers so there would be no misunderstandi_ng on the part of
the public and also get copies of Qrdinances from other places. It was agreed
to try and get the sentiment of the people and some ordinances for the next
regular meeting.
Mayor Waiters arrived and the bid from the Women's Club, far the protion
of the City Park property was opened and a motion was made by Counci~.man Conrad,
seconded by Councilman Darrun.ann to accept the bid of ~25.00, for the property
sub~ect~to the notice calling for bids. All ~ouncilmen voted Aye.
~ Mrs. Covert, in behalf oi the Woman's Club thanked the Council for their
cooperation in the transaction.
It was agreed that Wilton Place west of Vernon Avenue be abandoned.
Bids on a loader were opened and a motion was made by Councilman
' Damrriann, seconded by Cauncilman Dixson to take the bids under advisement and
Hanson Equipment ~ompany agreed to bring a 3~~. Yard Hough loader up for trial.
Mr. Haxris agreed to"have the ~rdinance for the change in zoning on
Lots 1 to 10 Block 1 of the i°iineau and Loomis Tract feady for the next meeting.
Don ~ook, NIr. Lauthbury~ i~Trs. Huss, r'mit Allen and Mr. Knopp were present
to discuss the Tally Ho road drainage problem and after a len~~hy discussion, it
was agreed to adjourn the meeting until 5:00 P. M. March 20~ 1952 to meet with Nir.
Peterson and go over the road drainage with him,
A motion was made by ~ouncilma.n Purcell, seconded by Co~cilman Conrad
to hire Mr. Burg, to take care of the Yard for ~15.00 per month.
Nayor Waiters said he would like to Thank the"Fire Depa.rtment for
beautifying the City Ha11 grounds, with the e~nellias, they had planted.
1 J0
; ~
~ TJIayor Waiters appointed Councilman Conrad to get any information and ~
; copies of' C3rdinances on e~p signs, ta see if an ordinance cauld be drawn up t
to meet out needs. ,
It was moved and seconded to advertise for bids on 5~0 feet of 8 inch
and 2000 feet of 6 inch transite pipe, bids to be opened on April 16, 1952 at
8s00 P. M.
Mr. Hart asked about getting an Air ~ompressor for the Water Departr,ient
ar.~d was told to see if it could be put in next years budget.
Bills against the General Fund for $ 1,371~•85 , and the Water Fund
_ for ~ 1~12.80 , were audited, approved and ordered paid.
No further business appearing and upon motion, the meeting was
adjourned to N~ch 20~ 1952 at 5=00 P. M.
~ ,
City Clerk
~ Mayor
-0- .
Arroyo Grande, Galifornia
April 2~ 1952
Th~ City Council met in regular session with Mayor Waiters pre~riding. Upon
roll ca11 Councilmen Furcell, Dixson, Dammann and ~onrad Reported present.
The minutes of the pre~rious regular meeting ~aere read and approved
as read.
The Council ad.~ourned at this time to interview several applicants
for the Police Department and one for the Inspector and Engineering Department.
Council reconvened and Iir. Carmiehael was informed that the Attorney
had the amend,~nent to the Zoning Ordinance reac~y.
Mrs. Gail Covert was informed that Mr. Harris had the Deed prepared
for the ~ark property.
A rnotion was made by Couneilmaa Di~cson, seeoncjed by Caunei.lman
Purcell to grant a pex~3it to the Pacific Gas and Electric Co., for a
te~:lporary Camp Uetween Ide Street `~zd 1~,7..len S±r~et or~ t•~ie ~acyfic CoBSt
I,umber Company property.
The letter of resignation from the Chief of Police was read and
Council:~an Damnann made a motion, seconded by Councilman Conrad to accept the
resignation effective April 7, 19~2•