Minutes 1952-04-15 1~2 ~
Arroyo Crande, Californi a °
April 15, 1952 ~
The City Council met in ~pecial session to Canvas the election returns
and install the new officers. I"Iayor Waiters pre5ided and upon roll ca11 Council- ~
men Purcell, Dixson and Conrad reported present. Absent Councilman Da~rnnann.
The 13 absentee votes were Tallied and ad~'ed to the g+ntes tallied on ,
April 8~ 1952 and the following Resolution was passed: ~ I
i WHERr^,AS, A General Municipal election w as held in the City of Arro~o
C Grande, on Tuesday, April 8th, 1952 as required by law.
i -
~ A~D ~~R;~,AS, it appears that notice of said election was duly and legally
given, that voting precincts were properly established, that election officers were
, appointed and election supplies furnished, and that in all respects said election
was held and co~ducted and the vates cast thereat received and canvassed,and the
returns thereo~ Tzade and declared in time, form and manner as required by law of
sixth clags &iti+es. •
` AND WHEREAS, the Council of said City met at the Council ~hambers thereat
on Tuesday the 15th d~y of April~ 1952 to canvass th e returns of said election, and
install the newly elected officers, and having canvassed said returns, the Council
finds that the number of votes case, the names of the persons voted fors and other
matters required by law, to be as he,re~inafter stated, now therefore
BE IT RES(3LVED, as Pollowss That said General r:~unicipal Election was held
and conducted in the City of Arroyo Grande on Tuesday the 8th day of April, 1952
in ti_rr~e, forrn and manner as requir.ed by law, that there was one voting precinct
established for the purpose of holding said election consisting of a consolidation
of the regular election precincts established for the holding of General State
and County elections as follows: (Consolida+,,ed Precinct A) comprising St~te arxi
County Precincts Number One, T~to, Three, Four and Five, and tha voting place there
of was the City Hall.
That the whole number of ~otes cast in said City was l~25 ~ that the
names of the persons voted .for, the officers for which they were vot.~d, the
• numb~~.r of votes given in each precinct to each of said persons together with the
whole number of votes which they received in t,ze entire City are as follv~st
Name of. persons voted for, _ Votes
Martin Damnann Cot~neilman Full Term _ 151 ~
George Burt " " " " 2I~9
J. C. ~Serr n er ~c 2~.~.9
W. H. pBill" Simpson ~r ~ ° n 283
Aubrey Hawk " ~ " " 222
' Gordon Dixson • " " " " 2
Edna M. Schilling Ci~ Clerk, Fu13 Term 3$1
Morris 0. Pruess City Treasurer, Full Term 38~
RESOLVED THEREFO~RE, that at said General Municipal Election~
George Burt was elec-ted'Councilman of the City of .Arroyo Grande for the full
term of four years. _
Also, that J. C. Kerr wa.s elected Councilman of said City for the full term ,
of four years.
A1so, that W. H. t'Bi11" ~impson was elected Cotincilman of said Ci~ty ~or th~ full
term of four years. ~
Al.so, that Mrs. E~1na M. Schilling was elected City ~lerk of said City for tht full
te~m of ~our yeat~s.
Also, that Morris 6r~. Pruess was elected City Treasurer of said City for the f~ill
term of four years.
The City Clerk shall imnediately make and deliver to each of such
persons elected, a certificate of election, signed by him and duly authenticateds
he sh~.1.1. also impose the constitutional. oath of o~'fi~e and. have them subscribe
th~reto~ whereupon they aha11 be inducted into the respective offices to which
they have been elected.
Q Z~ the undersigned hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly
a.nd regvlarly introduced and a.dopted by the Council of th~e City of Arroyo Grande
at a special meating held on the 15th day of ~pril 1952~ by the followin~ vote:
QYESa Counci:linen, Waiters, Purcell, Dixson and Conrad .
NOES: None
~ ABSENT: Councilman J~.mrnann ,
In testimony whereof I ha~se hereunto set ~y hand and affi~.ed the
official seal of s aid City, this 15th day of April, I952
~ ~ City Clerk
iia~-cr :ud' 1: ~^s administered the oath of office to t,ze City Clerk, who
then s~~re in tne three :1ew Couizoilman.
- At this tir~e the Clerk reaa a letter frorn fo-r,aer Mayor Waiters, who
asked to taithdraw his name on the voting for r:ayor and he recorr~nended that a
NIayor anZy hold office for 2 years.
A secret ballot for ~Iayo-r was held and the vote was Conrad 2, Simpson
. 2, and Kerr l, on the sec~nd vote ir was Simpson 3, ~onrad 2 and.Councilman
Simpson was declared Mayor.
The Council agreed to meet at 7:00 P. M. April 16, 1952 to interv~.ew
applicants for the Police Depart~nent and the EngineerFs Department, before the
regular meeting.
Mayor Si.mpson appoin±ed the followir~g: _
Commissioner of Fina,.~~; . Conrad
" ° n " Stahe+~ts Wait.ers
" " " Water Kerr
" ° n" Police and F;re Dept. Burt
No further business appearing and upon r~otion the meeting was adjourned.
C TY C R .