Minutes 1952-04-16 194 ~ Arroyo Grande, ~alifornia ~ April 16, 1952 ~ ~ The City Council met it~ regular session with Ma3~or Simpson presiding. ~ ~'pon roll call Couneilmen Kerrt Waiters~ Burt arxl ~onrad reported present. The minutes of the previous regular and special meeting were reatl and i approved as read. ~ i ~i Mayor Simpson announced to those present that the Council had agreed to ~ hire Wayne C. Mize for Chief of Police and he was to serve at the pleasure of the - Council. Bids were opened on 6 and 8 inch transite pipe, one from Johns lwianvill~ and the other from Crane Comp~tay. It t~ras agreed to take the bids under a,dvisement and contact Mr. PeterSOn, ~ity Engineer and talk the matter over with hi.~. Councilman Waiters asked about going ahead with Street Kork on some oP the streets and a motion was made by Mayor Simpson, seconded by Councilman Burt to have Waiters confer with the City Engineer ~nd proceed with the Tally-Ho a~l Western Addition drainagt and get ready for the i~provement of Cornt~rall avenue, A7.1 members voted ~?e. Councilman Waiters moved and Councilman K~rr seconded th~ ~otior~ to hi.re , J. E. ~nderson Jr. to serv~e at the pleasur~e of the Council. mhe salary to be ~lt25.00 per month and he s+rould start work on May i2tn i952. It Was moved and secorrded that Aaierican Legion Poat ~ 136 be granted a permit for a benegit dance to be held Apri~ f~i,1952. RESOLUTION ~ 270 ~ , ~ RESOLUTI~ OF INTENTION TU VACATE~ ABANDON AND CL06E A P(~tTION ~ OF WILTON PLA61E, IN THE CITY OF ARRQYQ GRANDE, COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA. Upon motion of Councilman Waiters, seconded by Councilm~n Conrad the foregoing Resolution was adopted bq the f ollowing roll call vote: AYESs Councilmen Simpson, Waiters, Conrad, Kerr and Burt N~.S: None ABSENT: None Mr. Sheldon from Hanson Equipment Comparqr reported ths~t the miniiatun rental on a 3/!t ys~rd loader xould be ~lt.00 to $5.00 per hour wi.thout an operator and that doesr:not include fuel. Councilman Conrad movcd and Councilman Waiters seconded the motion w auf~horizing Mayor ~impson to execute the agreement on the loader~ upon its approval by Mr. Harris the City ~ttorney. A revised ordinance oci an amenclment to the Zoning ~rdinance ~as read for the first ti~. ~ ~J ~ Mr. Pe~erson Was to get together xith Councilman Kerr in regarda to a 8/K for the water lin~ to come s~cross from the ~a~eyon Road s,rell to Valley Road. ~ ~ouncilman Conrad mo~v~ed and Wsiiters seconded the motion that the bonds on the ~lerk and Treasurer be referred to Mr. Harris, the City Attorney, for l~ s APProval. Councilman Conrad reco~ended that the ~ouncil look into the matter oP purchasing a Check protector and suggested the representative be asked to attend the next Co~cil meeting. M~yor Si.mpson asked the Gouncil to meet with the Plsuining Comnttssion at tha ragular meeting to be held April 23rd 1952 and he suggested ths~t a 3oint ~eeting be : heeld every 2 months . Qouncilman ~anrad recommended that t.he Zoning of the Woc~d Tract and the Huasna Road ad.df~tioa be referred to the Planning Conmission. ° Councilman Conrad also recommended that all bill~ be signed by the Depart- ment heaad making the purchase. Councilman ~onrad xas asked to cont~act Mr. Beck, County Engineer, abou~ having a tree:removed on Grand Avenue a~l notify Councilman Wa3ters of the answer. Bills against the General ~'und for ~ 1,27l~.05 ~and the ~ater Fund for ~ l~12. 80 were audited, approved`and ordered paid. Warraalt number 51~6 p~yable to L. x. BM.SCO, ~as approv~d at this meetin~. No further business appearing the meeting was ad~ourncd. . , hTTEST . C ty ~ lerk ~ - . Mayor -a Arroyo ~rande, a~.sf~ a Aprii 23~ 1952 A Specia7. meeting Was called, with Mayor Si,mpson presiding. Upon roll call Counci]xaen Kerr, Waiters, Burt and ~onrad reported present. The purpose of the meeting t,ras to discuss the agreement to accompariy the Deed to the Woman's Club~ the bonds on the Clerk and Treasurer and the bids on the transite pipe. The stgre~nent sts draxn up by Andrew David on the City Fark property xas approved bg Mr. H~ris, was agreeable to the Woman's Club and the City Gouncil. The bonds on the Clerk and "~.easur~er ~aas discussed and it was agreed to have ~5,000.00 bonds on each. • After d3.scussing the bids on the transite pipe with Mr. petcrson, City ~Enginesr~ it was agreed to accept the bid by ~rane Co. however finaZ action was