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Minutes 1952-04-23 ~ ~J ~ Mr. Pe~erson xas to get together xith Councilman Kerr in regards to a &/~T for the ~rater line to come across from the ~aleyon Road Well to Va11ey Road. ~ Ca~eilman Conrad moved and Waiters seconded the motion that the bonds on the ~lerk and Treasurer be referred to Mr. Harris, the City Attorney, for l~s approvsil.. Councilman Conrad reco~ended that the ~ouncil look into the matter of purchasing a Check protector and suggested the representative be asked to attend the next ~o~eil meeting. Mayor Simpson asked the Gouncil to meet with the Pls~nning Comnd:ssion at the regular ~eeting to be held April 23rd 1952 and he suggested ths~t a~oint meeting be held every 2 months. tlouncilman ~onra~d recommended that the Zoning of the Wood Tract and the Huasna Road addf~tion be referred to the Planning Comnission. ° Councilman Conrad slso recommended that all bills be signed by the Depart- ment head making the purchase. Councilman ~onrad xas asked to cont~ct Mr. Beck, County Engineer, about having a tree:removed on Grand Avenue arfd notif'p Councilman Waiters of thc answer. Bills against the General r'und for ~ 1,27l~.05 ~and the ~ater Fund for $ l~12. 80 were audited, approved`and ordered paid. Warraxit number 51~6 paystble to L. Briseo, ~as approv~d at this meeting. No further business appearing the meeting was ad~ourned. . , ATTEST . C ty •Ierk _ ~ Ms~yor -0- Arroyo ~rande~ Cali~Forni a ~pril 23~ 1952 0 Special meeting xas called, with Mayor Si.mpson presiding. Upon roll call Councilmen Kerr, Waiters, Burt and ~onrad reported present. The purpose of tha meeting xas to discuss the agreement to accompany the iked to the Wom~'s ~lub' the bonds on the Clerk and Treasurer and the bids on the transite pipe. The stgre~nent as dravn up by AndreW David on the City F~trk propertg Was approved by Mr. Harris, was agreeable to the Woman's Club and the City Council. The bonds on the Cledrk and "~easurer Was discussed and it was agreed to have ~5~~0.00 bonds on each. • After discussing the bids on the transite pipe ~rith Mr. Peterson, City ~Engineer~ it was agreed to accept tltie bid by ~rane Co. however final action ~as - ~ ~ ~ ~ to be taken at the regular meeting to be held Ms~y 7, 1952• ~ No further business appearing the Council ad3ourned to attend tha - meeting of the Pl~ning Conmission. ~ , ATTESTa City lerk C- . Mayor -a ; Arroyo Gr.a~ade., _.Csi].ifornia . May 7, I952 The City Council met in regular session with Ma,y~or Simpson presiding. Upon roll eall Couneilmen Kerr, Waiters, ~urt and Conrad reported present. The minutes of the previo~s regular and apecial meeting were read and ~ ~ ~ ~ zpproved ~.s rea,d. , , Councilman Kerr made a motion~ seconded by Cauncilmr~n Conrad to accept ~ the bid of Crane Company on the transite pipe. ~ ~ Coun~ilman Waiters moved and Councilman ~onrad seconded the motion ~ ~ ~ suthorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the deed and agre~neat on the City I Park property to thewoman's Club. 'f ! Councilman Conrad discussed the budget raport and reported he and Nir. ~ 'E Deal were to ~eet May 9th to ge~ st~rted on the 52-53 ~udget. The application for a Card table license from Clyde L. Haward was discussed znd Mr. Mize, Chief of Police, reported he had discussed the License with Mr. Howard znd Mr. Hoxard understood the regulations of the Card Tab1Q Ordinance. A motion was made by Counailman ~onrad, seconded by Councilman Burt to allort~r the Cax~d Table license. ~ RESaLUTION # 271 A ftESOLUTION ABAtv'DOYINQ AND CLU5ING A PORTION OF W.ILTON PLACE, IN TF~ CTTY OF ARROYO GRANDE, COUNTY OF SAN LiJI5 OF3ISP0, STATE (kF CALIFf~NTA On motion of Councilman W~3.ters, seconded by Councilmstin Co~ad the foregaing Resolution was adopted by the folloWing roll call votet AYES: Councilman Simpson, Kerr, Waiters, Burt ~nd Corm ad NQES: None ABSENT: None i