Minutes 1952-05-07 ~ ~ ~ . ~ to be taken at the regular meeting to be held Msy 7~ 1952• ~ No further business seppearing the Council ad~ourned to attend tha - meeting of the Plmning Conmission. ~~i.c.a ATTESTt City lerk C~ . Mayor -a ~ ~ Arrnyo Gr.amde.;::California ~ May 7, I952 f . The City Council ~aet in regular sesaion with May~or Simpson presidir~g. r Upon roll call Councilmen Karr, Waitere, Burt and Conrad reported present. ~ ~ ~ ; The minutes of the previaus regular and special meeting were rca~d and ` zpproved a.s read. , i • ~ Councilman Kerr made a motion~ seconded by Cauncilman Conrad to sccept : ; the bid of Crzne Company on the transite pipe. Coun~ilman ~raiters moved and Councilman ~onra.d seconded the motion ~ tuthorizing the Mayor a.nd City Clerk to sign the deed and agre~nent on the Cit~ ~ ° ~ Park property to theWoman's Club. , Councilman Conrad discussed the budget report and reported he and Mr. ~ Deal were to n~eet May 9th to get stzrted on the 52-53 ~udget. The application for a Card table license from Clyde L. Howard was discussed and Mr. Mize, Chicf of Police, reported he had discussed the License with Mr. Howard a~nd Mr. HoWard understood the regulations of the Card Table Ordinance. A motion xas made by Gouncilman ~onrad, seconded by Counciln~ Burt to a1la~ the Caxd Table license. ° RESf~LUTION # 271 A RESOLUTIaN ~Alv'DOiVIN(3 AND CLUSTNG A PORTION OF WILTON PI~ACIy, IN TT~ CTTY OF ARROYO GRANDE, COUNTY OF SAN LUIS OBISPO, STATE C?F CALTFf.~iNTA (7n motion of Councilman W~iters~ seconded by Councilman Co~ad the+ foregaing Resolution was adoptcd by the following roll call votes AYES: Councilman Simpson, Kerr~ Waiters~ Burt and Corm ad NOESs None ABSENT: None : r ~ Councilms?n ~Taiters' recommendations on improvemcnt of strects for the next fiscal year ~ras read and disuussed and a motion was mad.e by Councilman =Kerr~ secor~ded by Councilman Burt to ptu~chase oil to mix Beech and Al.pine strcets and mix 15~ yards of patcYnng material as soon as the ~?eather would permit. Motion earried. ° The moving of the builchng on the Park property wAS discussed s~nd a motion ~ras made by Coimcilman ConrAd, seconded by ~ouncilman ~aiters to refer the locs~tion where the building was to be moved to, to the P7.aaming Coxarnission for their recomr~~endation and it wqs suggested that a Lions Club repre5entative meet with the Plaxming Comnission to discuss the matt,er. Motion carried. A motion was mzde by Councilman Conrad, seeonded by Couneilman Burt to allaw Mr. Avery tWO weeks vacation ps;y. Motion carried. Vouchers # 7-8-9-10-11-12-13-1l~-15 and 16 were spproved and a r~tion was mxde by ~ouncilman Conrad, seconded by ~ouncilman waiters to make the transfers. ,(111 members voted aye. A motion was ma.de by ~ouncilman F3urt, seconded by Counc~lman Waiters to pay tifPieer Hoff for the extra days he had worked on his days off. , Bills again8t the General Fund for ~ 2,729•91 ~ the 1~zter F'und for ~1,69~.50 and the Water Deposit fund for ~621~.00 were Audited, approved znd ordered paid. The Clerk was asked to ca11 Hanaon Equip~nent Compa.rry for ~%ontract forms and mail them to Mr. Harris. No f`urther business the meeting wa.s ad3ourned. , ~ ATTESTs City Clerk M~ror - 0 - ~ •