Minutes 1952-05-21 ~~S ~ . ~ Arroyo Crrsinc3e, ~alifornia ~ Ms~v 21, 1952 The City Council met in regul~r session wi.th riayor S~.mpson presiding. ~ Upora roll call Councilmen Kerr~ W~iters ~nd Conrad reported present. Abaent Coimcilman Burt. , . ~he minutes of the previous regular meeting were re~d arxi approvrsd as read. The letter from JACk Buchanan in regArd to repairs to the Hall, and Jail was discussed and a moti.on was made by ~ouncilman Waiters, seoonded by Councilman ~onr ~d authorizing Mr. Anderson to take c are of the repaira. The request ~ Addi$ion Wood for annexation of property loc~ted ~t ' ' H~lcyon ~nd Fa.rrell Road was rafer~•ed to the Planning Commission for ~heir re co mnendation. . R&SOLt~TIt~+i # 272 A RE;SOLUTION BEFCRE THE CITY COUNCIL OF TI'.E CITY UF ARROY(3 GRANDE RELATIVE TO THE TAKIIVG OF A SF'ECIAL CENSUS. . Psissed and ~dopted by the follo~ring roll call vote: Al~;S~. Councis~men Simpson, Kerr, Waiters and ~onrad : PIOES: None ABSENT: CoUncilman Burt The Resolution setting up rules and regul~ions for the Subdivision ~rd.inance was discussed,and severzl suggestions made by Mr. Arderson Were spproved • and he was to confer with Mr. Haxris and rrw~ke the necesszry corrections. Tha Heading of the ~rdinance to ~rnend the Zoning Ordinance wa~ read axid a motion was made by ~ouncilman Conrad, seconded by Council.~an W~i,ters to dis- pense with the balance of the reading. ORDTNAAICE # lU3 AN ORDINANCE Ai~ir;:iD1NG SECTt~,T;J J.~ OF C~?.llINANCE 95 (2F THE CITY OF ARROYO GRA.P~DE, ENTITLED~ "AN aRDINANCE PRUVIDI ~G FC}R THE ESTABLISHNi~NT OF ~ONES TN THE CITYc;UF At~ROYU GRANL'E, CALIFURNIA, AND REGULATING THE USES OF PROPERTY TIiH~B~t~ ,ADQPTING A MAP SHOWZNG SAID ZOi1ES, DEFINING Th~ TERMS USED TN THIS ORDINANCE, ~'I~QVTDING FOR ITS $DJI~STt~IENT, ENFORCEt~Ii~:NT At`1D AMENDr1ENT, PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR VIE}LATICINS AND REiEALTNG ANY ORDT~dAtvCE C}H. PORTIONS OF ORDI~TANCE IN COIdFLTCT HERE.'WITH," PASSED Ai~dD ADOPTED T~~ bth DAY OF JULY, 191~9,SAID aT~DINANCE I3EING CO~eiONLY KNt~4JN AS THE "ZONING URDINAIVCE." Passed and zdopted ~y the follo~ri.ng roll call vote: AYES: Councilman Simpson, Kerr, Waiters and Conra.d Na~.' None ~ ABSENT: Councilman Burt ~ eJ c~7 The prelimins~ry budget ~for the g~s ta~ money w~.s discusse& and it wa?s decided to put in for part of the moneg to canstruct culverts and drainage ~ on Tally Ho road and the balance to be used on the construction of Corn~all~ as recommended by the City ~ngineer. ~ A motion was made by Conncil~nan Kerr~ seconded by Councilman Conrzd to contact the P. G. and E and get them to make test on the ~aells. Councilman Conrad moved that the City ~%nginecr and Mr. `'~nderson be au~horized to a.rrange for the felling of 3 trees on Grand A~~nue and one on H~;lcyon Road, with the understandin~ the City would not be responsible for removing the wood and also that the City Attorney Was to Approve the Insurance carried by the contractor; so the City would not be responsible. Councilman . ~ W~iters, seconded the motion and all ~'ouncilmen p~eserlt voted aya. Councilman Waiters asked if the Council would approve his recomnendations ~for the-Street program. Councilm~n ~onr~d moved and Waiters seconded thc motion ~df-~dopt the street program so far as funds are x~la~ble. Mr. Corvin from the Divi.sion of Highways was present to report that Mr. Peterson had had a reply from ,~acramento in regsird to the recommendations of the Planning ~oBeaission. The Highway proposed to m~ke the Highw~y fvur lstne from the ~orth City Limits to the South City Limits and to pave from Gurb to Curb and take care of the 8rain~ge on 101 from the bridge to the southerly end of town. Also they would takc care of the Cha.nneli~ation o~ traffic ihere BrAnch street and Grand Avenue enter 101. After some discussion a motion was made by Councilman ~onrsd, se~onded by ~oun~c;ilman Waiters thzt the Mayor be authoritied to sign the agreement on the Highfr~r, if ap~roved by the ~ity Attorney. ° Ken Reed said he wished to sall his garbage business and asked about . the transfer of the F~anchise. Councilman ~o3u~ad moved And council~nan Waite rs seconded the motion tha.t the City flttorney be instrueted to prepare atir~ agreement a.nd the Mayor be authorized to sign the ~greemnnt for the Citp. M~yor Si.mpson aalked nbout the meeting for Councilmen to be held in Fresno June 12 and 13 and Ba~ilmen Waiters and Conrad planned to attend s~nd Councilman Kerr said he would try to attend. The Highwa,y meeting to be held in 5an ~is abispo Ma~y 27 was announded and ~`layor Simpson wi.shed to have Councilmsin Wziters and j`~r. Anderson to attend the meating. M~yor ''impson zlso said he wished to plan for z road from Fair.~~ Oaks avenue ~nd #alcyon Road to the Va:.1ey Road to run along the south ~ity limit line. ~OO ~ ~LL~ ~ Mr. Mize, Chief of Police reported Mr. Hoff would sell his and ~ ~ recommended the purchase $or Mr. Odom. CouncilmAn Conrad moved and it was seconded by Councilman Kerr to take care of it from the Petty Cash and ~Ir. Odom wauld reinburse the City. . mhe Chief reported now that there was no Poundmaster there were numerous calls, and it w as decided to have a special meetin~ sornetime soon to discuss the subject. The Chief of Police reported Casper Burg was taking ca.re of the School crossing and s~ motion was madc by ~ouncilman ~anrad, seconded by Cowncil- maxi Kerr that ~'ir. Burg be paid ~1.00 per hour and serve at the pleasure sind will of the Counci,7.. Chief of Police asked about double parking on ~ranch street ar~d after ~ discussion the City Attorney suggestpd the Chief disregard the double ps~rking r for the time bcing and the ~ouncil agreed to the recommendation of Mr. nstt~ris. The Chief of Police was authorized to purchasc a battery cha.rger for ,the R~Iotorcycle . It w~s suggested budgets for the different depzrtments be turrzed in at June I~th meeting and st special meeting be held June lOth to work on the - budget. Councilmsin Conrad ~lso suggested the conaaissioners and Department he~ds designate a time the Capital Outlay objects on the budgct ws~uld be spent and Wherever possible the purchase be ma.de after the lst of Ja.riuaxy, as the bul~ of the Truc money would then be in. The ~ouncil authorized a water meter be set for Rich~rd Messier an Newport a.venue. ~ Bills a.gainst the Gener~l Fund for ~1,531~•~5 , and the wa,ter fund for ~1~12.80 , were nudited, approved and orde~ed paid. No further business pa~earing ti~e meeting was adjourned. . ~ ATTi,ST: , City Clerk ~ Mayor ~