Minutes 1952-06-17 _ 202 ~ ~ M~tter of lighting at Grand Avenue znd Y41. rir. And~a~on to cont~ct P. G. & E a.nd Highcway reg~rding illumination of that intersection. Councilman ~fiait~rs ~nd Mr~ Anderson to contaet Pl~nning Comr~ission and Lions Club reagarding the planning of the park. Motion of Counci~m~n Wzitcrs, s~conded by Kerr that Councilma~n Burt be a~llowdd to l~av~ the 5ta.t~. i1lotion p~ssed. Bills ~gzinst the Genera~l r'und ~056.28 ~nd for the Wa.ter Fund for,$~1,z11~0.31~ , znd th~ ~"at~r veposit fund for _~y~d?1~ were audit.~d ' I ~pproved a.nd order~d paid~ No furth~r ~usiness app~~ring th~ meeting wzs adjourn~ad. . ~TTEST: Q~q I ~ ~ ~ . Ms4Yor , . . ' Arroyo Grande~ California June 17, 1952 4xhe City ~ouncil met in regular session with Ii~yor Simpson presiding. Upon roll ca7.1 Councilmen Kerr, Wa'iters and Conrad reported present. Abgent Councilman Burt. The minutes of the previous regular meeting were read and approved as read. RESULUTION ~~273 RESaL[1'rIaN OF THE CITY COUNCII, OF THE CITY OF ARRQYO GRANDE, REC~I~;i~IDTNG ThE FUR~i~iAL ADO~'TI~N UF THE FREEtrdAY AGR~;ET•IENT, AS RECOTti~iENDED BY T:~ CALIFORI`1IA AIGHGJAY C~''M~~LISSTON . On motion of Councilman TrJaiters, seconded by Councilman Conrad the f oregoing Resolution was adopted by the following roll call vote. ~yes: Councilmen Simpson, Kerr~ ~~7aiters and Conrad Noes: None Absent: Councilman Burt RESQLUTTON # 271~ RESQLLTI~N QI~' THE CITY CaL'T~CIL OF TI~ CITY QF AR:ROYU GRA;rDE ~flPTING BU~GET AT1D t~PPHQViiJG i~~t10RANDir~i GF flGN:r;ETt1ENT ~4~ EXPENDITUR~S f}F GAS TAX ~LLOCATICTd FfiR TiAJQR CITY STREETS. ' Fassed and adopted by the following roll ca~l vote: Ayes: Councilmen Simpson, Kerr, Wai~ters and Gonrad. Noes: None $bsent~ Councilman Burt '~he comnunication regarding the new census V~as read and it was agreed to have the maps made and make the necessary arrangements. Mr. Anderson reported the P. G. and E. expected to tsst the we11s this month and they ~~ere also to make recom::endations on the lighting of the Grand ~venue exten$ion. Mr. Anderson also reported the City Crew had tore up the Grand Avenue extension, where it had been Lin~ing and had hauled in :naterial and made the f i11. Councilman Kerr reported he thou~t it would be possible to get a right 0 of way for the water li::e but ft:rttier investigation was to be made to see where it wrnzld be located. The extension of Rena 5tre~t was discussed and it w as thoug~t best to get all the information and estimats~d ar~d have all the property owners from Western Addition and that area come in to the July 16th meeting and diseuss the forming of a district for the work. It was suggested that the estimate~ be made to go ahead with the work on Cornwall. It was ag.reed to meet June 21~th at 8:00 P. M. to work on the budget. Chief of Police Mize asked the Council f or a confirmation on the hiring of John W. Kichardson, for police officer and a motion was made by Councilman Waiters~ seconded by Councilman Kerr to hire Mr. Richardson to serve at the pleasure of the Council. i~Irr. Anderson was asked to see about a Stop sign for the corner of Branch and Bridge streets and an island and stop si gn for Nelson and Bridge ~treets. The Chief of Pqlice also asked about the purchase of a new Motor Cycle as the one we had needed rep airs and it would take a while to get delivery on one. ~ motion was made by Councilman Conrad, seconded by ~ouncilman Waiters to purchase the ilotor Cycle, if it could be purchased without calling for bids, but if bids were necess ary,'to authorize calling for bids to be opened July 2, 1952• Mo-tion carried. Addison Wood asked about roll curbs and gutters and it w as discussed and the ~Ierk was asked to call I~ir. Peterson to see if he could meet with the Council Tuesday June 2l~th, to discuss tr~e matter. Mr. ~dood asked to have the annexation of the property held up until such tirne as they settled the curbs and gutters. It was decided to hold the Subdivision Resolution until later and i.f the 204 ~ ~ Council made changes to oet the necessary diagrams. jZi. ~ I~ayor Simpson said he had been approached by the Rainbow Girls about ' da~ utitain for the ~it3r Hall and it was decided to check into the matter. . l~2rs. Harris made the su,~;estion that Judge 1~loore's sign be placed in a better place or a more suitable sign and location to sui~"the building be put up. Councilman Wa~t,ers asked about hav9ting another room put up for Judge , Nloore's quarters, when the new Court went into effect. Tre subject of more rent I~~ was brought up and Councilman ~onrad agreed to c'r~eck with the ~ounty about the rent. Harry Hart asked about getting a meter for ~he l~ew High school as the one instal.led there is not registering the water, the Council recommended a new meter be ordered. The Chief of Police asked about having regular pay periods established instead of waiting for Council meetings. T~Zr. Harris agreed to have something ready for the July 16th meeting. Mr. ~nderson asked about overtime for the men, as he had asked Mr. Richie to work on Saturday mornings to help with surveying and didn't like to ask him unless he was to be paid. I.t was decided to cr~e ck the hours and wages of the personnel, Bills against the General Fund for ~ 1,252•60 , a~d the ~Jater ~und for ~ 607.20 , taere audited~ approved and ordered paid. No further business apnearing and upon motion the meeting was adjourned to June 21~, 1952 at 8:00 P. M. ATiEST : ~'LL~,~ , City Clerk ~ :~Iayor _p_ Arroyo Grande, California June 2l~, i952 The Council met in an ad~}ourned meeting, with i~ayor ~impson presiding. Upon roll ca11 ~ouncilmen Kerr, Waiters and ~onrad reported present. Absent Cotimcilman Burt. The fir~t subject discussed was rolled curbs and gutters and if they should ia~l.e,llowed i.n the newsubdivision Resolution. Mr. Anderson and I'~r. ~'eterson discussed the type which they thought would be satisfactory. Mr. Peterson called attention to the features of rolled curbs which he thou~ht were un~'r~sfactory