Minutes 1952-06-24 204 ~
Council made changes to oet the necessary diagrams. ~a
i~ayor Simpson s aid he had been approached by the Rainbow Girls abaut
ou~itain for the ~ity Hall and it was decided to check into the matter.
PZrs. Harris made the su;;gestion that Judge 1~Ioore's sign be placed in
a better place or a more suitable sign and location to sui~"the building be put
Councilman Waiters asked about havqting another room put up for Judge
NToore's quarters, when the new Court went into effect. Tre subject of more rent
was brought up and Councilman ~onrad agreed to check with the `'ounty about the
Harry Hart asked about getting a meter for the l~ew High school as the
one instal.led there is not registering the water, the Council recommended a new
meter be ordered.
I The Chief of Police asked about having regular pay periods established
instead of waiting for Council meetings. P~ir. Harris agreed to have something
ready ~or the July 16th meeting.
Mr. Anderson asked about overtime for the men9 as he had asked I~Ir.
Richie to work on Saturday mornings to help with surveying and didn't like to
ask him unless he was to be paid. I.t was decided to che ck the hours and wages
of the personnel.
Bills against the General Fund for ~ 1, 252.60 , a~d the IJater
~nd for ~ 607.20 , taere audited, approved and ordered paid.
No further business appearing and upon motion the meeting was adjourned
to June 21~, 19;2 at 8:00 P. M.
AT'~EST t )'L1~,p . `
City lerk
, -0-
Arrayo Grande~ ~alifornia
June 2l~~ 1952
The Col:ncil met in an ad~}ourned meeting, with ~Iayor ''impson
presiding. Upon roll ca11 ~ouncilmen Kerr, Waiters and ~onrad reported pre5ent.
Absent Councilman Burt.
The first subject discussed was rolled curbs and gutters and iF they
should la~1Q11.owed in the newsubdivision Resolution. Mr. Anderson and j'~r. Peterson
discussed the type which they thought would be satisfactory. Mr. Peterson called
attention to the features of rolled curbs which he thought were un~~r~sfactory
but agreed that the curbs be liMited to a 3~ grade, as suggested by plr. ,Anderson
would work out alright to the satisfaction of the subdivider and the City in
all probability. Mr. Anderson was to check with "r. Harris on the Resolution
before the next ~ouncil meeting.
The next subject was if a 50 foot street troUld be allowed as Addison
Wocd had in h3:s tentative map of Tract ~ 75. 1"Ir. Peterson recorranended that
the traveled way from Cur~b to ~urb be at least 38 to ?~0 feet.
The Council referred the tentativ~e ma-,
~ of Tract 75 a~hd the width of
the street ibo the Planning ~'ommission~ for their recomraendations.
The Budget subject was_ taken up next and gone over and after .~uch
discuss~on it was agreed to meet July 9~ 19s2 to discuss the budget further.
Meeting adjourned.
City Clerk
i" , -
° - rTayor
Arroyo Gr~de, California
J~Y 2 ~ 1952
The City ~'ouncil met in regular session with Mayor Sispson pre~iding.
Upon roll call Councilmen Kerr, Waiters and ~onrad reported present. Absent
~ouncilman Burt.
Councilmen having each r~ad a copy of the minutes of the previou~c
regular and Special Meetings it was moved and seconded that thc manutes be
Thc reports from the City Judge and Chi ef of Police were read arti
ordered filed.
The Chief of Police recomnended to the ~ouncil that the Engineer
contact the Division of Highways and ask to have a double line on the curve south
of tawn Where the accidents had been occuring. It Was ~lso thought the 35 mil~
sign might be moved where it could be aeen more readily.
A letter from the vivision of I~ighway reporting they had ehecked on all
the signs along State Highway~ within the City and a sign installation order for all
missin~ signs had been issued.
No Stop sign was ordered for the West side of Bridge S'txeet, arid
Nelson Street as they felt a sign should beplaced on ~ridge Street $topping the
Bridge Street traffic before entering Idelson Street and therefore more properly