Minutes 1952-07-02 ~o~:
but agreed that the curbs be limited to a 3~ grade, as su~gested by P~Ir. Anderson
would work out alright to the satisfaction of the subdivider and the City in
all probability. Mr. Anderson was to check with "r. Harris on the Resolution
before the next ~ouncil meeting.
The next subject was if a 50 foot street ~rould be allowed as Addison
Wood had in bis tentative map of Tract ~ 75. Peterson reco~ra~nended that
the traveled way from Cur!! to ~urb be at least 38 to 1~0 feet.
The Council referred the tentativ~e ma; ~ of Tract 75 a~d the width of
the street i~o the Planning ~'orrunission~ for ~heir recommendations.
The Budget subject was,taken up next and gone over and after much
discuss~on it was agreed to meet July 9~ 1952 to discuss the budget further.
Meeting adjourned.
City Clerk
, -
~ - I~ga~,or
Arroyo Gr~de, California
July 2, 1952
The City ~'ouncil met in rcgular session with Mayor Si.spson pre~iding.
Upon roll call Councilmen ~err, Waiters and ~onrad reported present. Absent
councilman Burt.
Councilmen having each r~ad a copy of the minutes of the previou~
regular and Special Meetings it was moved and seconded that the minutes be
approved• .
The reports from the ~ity Judge and C:~i ef of Police were read anl
ordered filed.
The Chief of Police recomnended to the ~ounei.l that the Engineer
contact th~ Division of Highways and ask to have a double line on the curve ~outh
of tawn where the accidents had been oceuring. It was also thought the 35 mila
sign might be moved where it could be 8een more readily.
A letter from the vivision of Highway reporting they had checked on all
the signs along State Highwaya within the City and a sign installation order for all
rrn.ssing signs had been issued.
No 5top sign was ordered for the West side of Bridge Street, and
Nelson street ~.s they felt a~ign should beplaced on ~ridge Street stopping the
Bridge Street traffic before entering Nelson Street and therefore more properly
206 ~
within the 3urisdiction of the City of ~?rroyo Grande Officials. ~
RESf~LUTIf~N N0. 275
A resolution of the City ~ouncil of the City of Arroyo Grande relat~ve
to the reestablishment of the Boulevard Stop Sign at the corner of lyela~n and Bridge
S'f,T'CC'tS in the City of Arroyo Grand~.
Upon moti_on of Councilman Kerr~ seconded by ~ouncilman ~onrad the foregoing
~esolution was adopted by the following roll call votes
Ayess Councilmen Simpson, Kerr and ~onrad
Nocs: Councilman Waiterg
Abeen~t: ~ouncilman ~urt.
The minutes of the June 25th meeting of the Planning ~'ommission and the
recommendations they ~+ade were read and discussed. ~ouncilman Waiters recommended
that the City go on record as adopting a 38ft minimum width of streets from curb ~o
Mayor Simpson asked to have letter written to Aubroy ~awk and H. Phillip~
to see if they s,rould be willing to serve on the ~'].anning ~omnission if and when
~~cancies occur.
J Set back mi.nimum of 20ft was discussed and it was suggested a building
line m~p in section~ be made and sorae of the service clubs be asked to pa,rtieipate I
on the w~.rking up of the pro3eet.
° Mr. Ladwigs raquest for permft to build a storage shed was read ~l the
building inspector was asked to write rir. Ladwig and tell him his request wae
referred to the City A~torney who would notif'y him on the matter.
i~ayor Simpson appointed Councilman ~urt to work with Mr. Anderson and the
Planning Corrunission to lay out and plan the park and a location for the site for
th- Scaut Building. '
Councilman ~onrad maved and Councilman Waiters secorided the motion to order
1000 maps frcan the Hcrald hecorder ~or ~3L~.00. `
A resolution of the City ~ouncil of the ~ity of Arroyo Grande ~dopting
"Subdivision Standards and Regulat'~ons of the City of llrroqo Grand~.n
Upon motion of Councilman Conrad, seconded by Councilman Waiter~~ the ~
foregoing Resolution was adopted by the following roll call v~tes
Ayes: Councilmen Simpson~ ~aiter,s and Conrad.
Absentz Cauncilman Burt and CoUncilman Kerr said he wished to stand.
The tentati~re map of Wood Tract No. 75 wa~ discussed and ~`~r. Anderson's
' recom¢nendations on improvements to be installed in Tract No. 75 to bc acceptable to
t~e City of Arrtoy Grande as follows:
1. Section~ on Alder and Cypress Streetts will contorm to the
Standard Sections as shot,rn in the subdivisian resolution of this City.
2. Farrel Road will conform to the Standard Sections of a 50 foat Road and
Curbs will be s~t to grades determined by the City ~ngineer.
3. Halcyon Road will conform to the Standard Sections of a 60 foot Street
and will be set to~the average grade of Halcyon Road in that section.
On motion of Councilman Waiters~ seconded by Councilman ~orirad, the Council
appro•~~ed Mr. ~nderson's recolmr?endations.
Mr. Harris asked iP ~r. Wood understood there ~rould be no refunds on Water
lines in~talled in the Tract. Mr. Wood said he understoad therc would be no refunds.
~~i.ESQLUTION N0. 2~7
. Re~olution of the City ~'ouncil of the City of Arroyo Grande, County af
Sam Luis Obispo~ relative to the annexation of certain uninhabited territory
, to the City of Rrroyo Grande. .
On motion of Councilman ~onrad~ seconded by ~ouncilman Kerr~ the foregoing
resolution was adopted by the fo,lTowing roll call vote: .
,l~yes: Councilmen Simpson~ Kerr~ Waiters and Cnnrad.
Noes: None
Absent: ~ouncilman ~urt.
Councilman ~onrad recommended that the City Attorney prepare an amendment to
the Water ardinance ~Go eliminate any r~funds om water lines.
It w~s agre~d to prepare figures for the extension of tYbe water line to the
U11~ property so those people who wished to nave xater installed would know what it
would cost.them.
p Mayor simpson recommended that ~1r. xnderson be authorized to hire another
man and a motion was made by Councilman Waiters~ seconded by ~ounci]iaan ~err~ to hir~
th~ m~~n. Motion carried.
A motion was made by Councilman Waiters, seconded by ~ouncilman ~onrad~ to
have the radio installed on the new police motorcycle. Motion carried.
Mr. .Amde~rson reported on the work which had. been accomplished.
Bills against the General Fund for $ 3,lt02.50 , the Water Fund for ~918.88 ~
and the Wat.er Deposit Fund for ~ 2~.~ were audited, approved ~nd ordered paid.
was moved and seconded that vouchers ATo's 20 to 29~ inclusi~e, be approv~ed,~
No further business.apptaring and upon motion the meeting ~aas ad~ourned to
July 9~ 1952 ~t 7:j0 P. M.
AT'I'~ST: .
City C2erk