Minutes 1952-07-30 _ .
210 CO
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line, but the speed limit signs could not be cha~:ged. They asked for a copy of
~ Accident r~ports on any Major accidents on 181 Hi~hway; so they could determine
by the number of accidents if they were caused by any particular reasons.
5 Bills ag~inst the Gencral r'und for ~ 1,59lt•85 ,~nd the Water
I~ ~.ind for ~ 545•3~ were audited, approved and ordered paid.
No furthcr business appearing and upon motion the meeting was adjourned.
1 erk ~
II -0-
' ~ Arroyo Grande,, Californi~
July 30, 1952
The City ~ouncil met in special session to etiscuss improvements in
~ Z~estern Addition and the south ~lpine Ar~a. MaJor Simpson pres~.ded and present
I were Councilmen W~iters, Burt, and Sturges~.. Absent ~ouncilm~n Kerr.
Mr. Anderson presented the map with thc suggested i.mprov~ements and had
some tent~ti.ve estimates on the different improvements. Some of those present
a~ked tthat the improvements would cost for individual prop~rt~es and w.~re given ~
f estim~tes,as ttiey had been figured. .
He was ~.sked if cert~in parts of the work could be done ~aithout doing
a11 of the work, they were told it would prob~bly be cheaper in th~ long ru~ to do
~ i t 9?11 at orLe time .
I .
~ Mr. Harris explstiined that the engineer.i.ng work would i~ave to done before .
passing a Resolution of intention to hold ~ hearing.
~ Councilman Sturges moved that the Engineer be authorized to prepare
~ proper engineering reports to covcr the improvemcnt of ~estern Adeiition s~nd the '
South ~lpinc ~ist~rict to be ava,ilable for the Council by the second meeting in
~ spptember-if p~ssible, ~ouncilman Waiters seconded the motion and all members voted
~ye •
No further business appearing the mceting was a.djourned. ~
, e ~
Clerk ~ '
Mayor ~