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Minutes 1952-08-20 ~ ~ ~ Arroyo Grartde, Californim . August 20, 1952 TheyCity Council met in regular seesion t~d wa~s called to order by the Clerk. Upon Foll call Cauncilmen Kerr, Waiters and B~t anss,rered present. M~yor Simpson and ~auncilman ~t~rges were abserit. - It Was mov~ed and seconded that ~ouncilman Waiters act as'Mayor in the ' ~bsence of Mayor Simpson. ~he Councilmen having read the` copies of minutes mailed them, a motion wAS made by Councilm~.n ~err, seconded by Councilman Bu~ },o approve the minutea as written. ' • The application for Variance from ~artin Polin xas read stnd a motion made by Councilman Kerr.and seconded by ~ouncilman Burt to refer the application ~ for variance to the Pl.arsiing Co~nission. An application for zbandonment of a portion of 0:~ S~eet xas read aud it was moved and seconded that this also be refBrred to the F'l.anning Conenission. The hesiding of Ordi.nance # 101~ was read ~nd a motion was made by Counc3l- man Bvrt, seconded by C~ncilman Kerr to dispense the ba7.ance of the ~eading. ORDINAPJCF ~ 104 AN QRDINANCF aF THE CITY OF ARROYO Q~RANi~, PROVIDIidG ffOR T~ ANNEXATION ()F CERTAIN UNINHABITED TER.RITCRY Z"Q THE CITY OF .ARRQYQ GRANDE. On motion of councilman Kerr~ seconded by Councilman Burt the foregoing Ordinance was adopted by the following roll call vote: Councilmen Kerr, Waiters, and Burt N~S: Non~ ABSENT: Councilmen Simpson ar.d Sturges. Councilinan Kerr moved znd Councilman Burt seconded the motian s~uthaM- zing the Bng3.neer to call Por bids on seal coating of streeta~ the bids to be opened September 3, 1952 ~t 8:00 P. M. All Councilmen voted Aye. It Was moved and secc~nded that Mr. ~derson prepare plans arxi ea.sement for drainage on Tally-Ho Roa.d and when easements were restdy and the material.s weres here to for bids on the work. The Fire Chief asked to purchase z bolt cutters and vas told to get a purchase order from Mr. Anderson. Counci].iaan Kerr made z motion~ seconded by ~ouncilman Burt authorizing the purchase of an 8" Sparling Meter for the main line at the pumpe. 214 ~ ~h ~ ~ Co~uncilman Kerr recasnmeded and moved that Kr. ~ryderson hire the necessary help and do the survey on the So. alp'ine ~ob, Councilman Burt secor~ded the motian and all three Council~men present voted ~ye. Mr. Mize brought up the sub~eet of p~ing prisoners on aome of the work . and I~r, Harris agrced to cheek on conditions in cs~se they wiehed to uae the prisoners. It wa.s movesd and seconded thAt oouchers No'e 1--2 abd 3 for trsnefer on chargea Yor gasoline be Apnroved. Bills against the General Fund for ~ 1Z,718.00 _and the ~iatiar F~nd Yor ~ 723 •5~ ,~ere zudited, approv~ed axid ordered ~a id. . ATTEST: ~ ~ . City C]a rk Mayor