Minutes 1952-09-03 4rroy~o t~rarids, California~~ : ~ 3ept~~bar 3s 195~ Th~ City Cauneil m~t in ragul~r s~ssioa with M~*or Simp~on pr~siding. Upon roll cal.~ Cou~cilmsn,Serr~ T~Taiters~ Burt and Sturg~s r~ported ~r~san~. ~7: Council memb~ra having read th~ir copi~s oS th~ minutsa of th~ prsvious ra~sting ~e mot3.on ~as mads by Caunci].aian Ti~aitsrss~ ssconded by Couzicilmul K~rr~ to approv~ ths minut~s zs Writt~n. , y Ths rapo~t ~rom Judgs Eldridg~ wa~ read and ordared filed. Th~ rsport from Chief of Polica Miz~ Wss resd ar~d ordered ~ilsd. A~ requN~ frr •quip~an~ for th• polic~ d~pax~a~nt was raad ind discuss~ed and it ws~s ~hought b~ to ho].et up t•tu pf~rah~• of the squip~n~ as ~hsr~ had been no mons~r budget~d for ~h~ •quip~nsn~. , Councilmin S~Tsiters ~owd ar~d Councilmsn Be~rr s~condsd~ tY~ motion authoriZing t1~~ I~ayor fi~o sigr~ ths l~aa~ ~Lth th~ Capitol Comp~r for ~hs ~ignal light on th~? bas~. Th~ Notic• of th~ Oxn~rd mestLng of ths Chsrnul Counties to b~ hsld Sspi~. 17'~h ~ 7 F.M. xas~ r~ad and s motion ~na ~ by Caa~ncilm~n Sturg~s~ s~cond~d b~ , Councilm~i Burt~ to hold th~ ~Lddls of th~ month ~s~ting of th~ City Cvuncil on Tu~aday~ S~p~. 16~ 1952 a~t 8 P.M• ~o th~ Cauncil ~amb~rs could att~snd tl~ me~ting in Oxi;ard. 1~11. m~nb~rs vo~ted l~n?. , Ths rsqu~~t from the Hirw~~ Fes~ivsl Com~tit~N to h~v~ Branch Stre~t closed October 15'~ for #hs atmerics~ I~eegion brsakfast sras r~Ad ~nd di~cu~ssd and it xas mov~d and aeconded that th~ :tre~t bs closed s~nd to ~ri.t~ th~ Division of Highways for p~rmit~ to closs ths 8tr~~t. , It xas movsd and secondsd that Martin Polia~~ request for ~m~~astioa bs . ref~rr~d ~ ths P2anning Co~issian for i~~ir r~oomm~sridation. Th~ l~tt~r Pront th~ Haxtford Insuranc~ Co~par~y vas read and Mr. Hu~ri.~ xa~ askad to w~3.t~ a lett~r to th~ H~ad Offic• of th~ Hartford Insuranc~ ~oupu~r. - I,~ttsr~ ~d Sssolutirnas f'rom ths Cities of Ns~d7.e: s~nd San F~rnmdo in rsgard tc Sale~ Tax w~r~ read sind ordered filed. M~qor Simgr~on asked for s~n axpr~ssion trom thos~ prss~nt an t~h~ Cii~ 5~.7.os T~ue. Ray ~nd~rson and M« 0. Pru~as both ~poke opposing a City Salss Ta~ usd 1~. Marsal~k prod.uced p~titions xith signatures opposing a Sal~s Tax auci sstid if nec~ssary th~p ~ld g~t p~~,itions from th~ Custamsr~. Mr. 8irkpa,trick tuggect~d Ssrvic~ C1ubE might~ b• ~sksd ~ao h~lp with r~creation probl~mns in th~ City. Councilna~n i~taiter~~ ~xpresasd his op3.nion that th~ ares xas not rs~ for ~ Sa1~~ Taa at ~his tim~ and Councilmu~ Sturgs~ said t~s Cc~uncil had intend~d to arr~l~ invsat3.gats th~ 216 ~ ~ ~ pcsaibi~it~r oS ~ 3a~7.~~ Taz s~ r n~atu: of rsising mor~ moasy tor ~h~ aaint~n~mc~ of 1~• Ci~r. Do~.Bc~ yrla~d ~ut ~ t~ n~~d ~or mor~ ~an~y,~ xaa i~ for r~ar~stioni constractioa ca a~cta#~nancs. A~ l~Ag~hT diacuasion on ta,xa~ion tollc~d ae~Q Mr. Sar~Ma ~zplairuc~' ~hat ~h~ ~1.00 timer~,l Fund ~uc rat• could not b~ rais~d wal~~• b~ a vott o! tht p~opl~. J. J. Sctu~*d~r r~pcrl~ed th~r~ had b~fn ~xi ~80,040.00 surpitv a' Pap ysarr baak, and t.hs Eity Hall ~s onl~r r~portsd to aost? ~~6,000.00 by fi,h~ p~par ~d h~ did not fi~l thar~ hsd besn th~t much ou~l~y to mak~ up th~ d3.ff~rsnc~. - Councilm~n Sturges stated thut hs b~ing n~e~ on ths Council h~ ~vould lilc~ 'to ask ~h~ C3.~rk ~hat .accau~t~d far~ th• diff~renc~. • T~ Cl~rk garo~ a r~pc>r~ on som~ of' th~' things accompliohed in ~h~ lui~ inr yaars. ~'t~r h~ari~ng th~ pawt~ssts arrl discus:icsn Mayor Simpsca umounc~d th~rs ~aruld b~ no Sal~s T~uc. : l~tt~ t'rom t2u C~~ry ~~c~eia#~on in regard to pc~or ~rstsr pr~ssurs , dis~anss~d and th~n rsf~rr~d to Mr. ,A'~dsrsos to tak~ c~re. ct th~ matt~r: Tiro bida rop raal cvst,ing of aanr of ths stre~t~s ~rs opm~c! and th~ bid`c~' Va21~* Pavibg Compar~pr b~i~g s littl• lcnnr~ s~otion x~a mad~ by .Caancila~a~ E~irr~ ~cor~d~d by ~owncil;msn 3turg~s~ fi,c> acc~p~ th~ bid of 9all~r Pavir~g Ccx~p~r for ~~020.A0. ~'1]. ~nbsr.r ~o~d A~. • ~ It ~vu r~aos~nd~d that Cauncil~ ~rr si~ in on fih~ ~s~ti~g ~3:th thf g3~tbs~rs io discuss adoption ot th~ 195~ P1.~mebi~xg Cod~. ' - CouneiIman K~rr mo wd and ~iters s~cond~d hia motion to cr~dit th~ at~~matt~ 3eho~il ~?it.ti c~v~reharg~ on ~t~r bi1Lr until tti~ credit ~eaa usad up. Council~~n 5turg~s mowd md W~,iter~ second~d thmt vo~tchsrs !~-5 ~bd 6 b~ra~rprov~d. Mo~ian esrried. Hills agains~ ~h• G~rural Fund for ~l~,,2b0.69, tn~ ~atsr P1u~d fc~ ~1~67~.74 a~d ~hs ~fit~r Dsposi~ P1md Sor ~Zlt.00 ~irs srudit~ed~ approwd axid order~ piids' Ne 1'urt~her business appiaring ~th~~ a~e~~ing wa~ u~journ~cl. Xtt~tt~ s1 J~~j . ~ l// ~ Ci__~~ ~ ~ 7 , . _