Minutes 1952-09-16 _ . ° ~~7 Arroyo aranda~ Califarnist~ Ssptember 16, 1952 Ths City Council met wi#,h Mayar Simpson presiding. Upon roll call, sCouncilxu~n Kerr~ Burt a.nd Sturg~s reported pre~ent. ~bsant Councilman Waiters. All Counci].men having reul their copies of thr minutes a motion w~s ma,de by* Councilman Burt, seconded by Councilman Sturge~~ that the minutes be approved sis written. ,A71 m~tnbers presant voted ".Aye". ? reque5t froa~n Jack T~iebster to havs his property lying •ast of H~l.cyon Koad ehangsd from singl~ family to ~-2 or R-3 ~ras discussed ar~d after discussion a motion Wa~ m~de by Mayor Simpson~ second~d by Couneilmsn Kerr~ tha,t t~hs request ~ ba r~ferred to tha P~lsinning Commission with a recommendation tha.t tha axea from Hs~7.cyon Roa,d to Rena Street from the C-2 zons to the Sly 1in~ of Lot 105 bo chang~d from R•1 to R-2 or 3. A11 members presant vot~d "~y~". ? request from tY~s Harvest Festivstil Committe~ to eloss Brstnch Streot from ths Bank to Mszson Street for partion$ of the Harvest Festivr]. wa~ discusssd and ~ motion made by Cauncilman Sturges, secondsd by Councilman Kerr~ to grant the nqu~st and al.so allaw the us• of the Hall for showi.ng of p3.ctures by Clayton Conra~. 2h~ Clerk was instructed to write th~ necessary letter to th~ Division of High~s for the ~treet closing. ~ A letter from J. A. Beckett ta W. A. Fil~r was re~d in r~g~.rd to purehass of a portion of the City P~rk p~opcrty for location oY the Scmut building and the eosnmi.ttees of (3~org~ Biirt~ Joe And~rson and th~ Pl~nning Commission was to look into ths loc~tion and work w3.th ths Lians Club in regs~rd to th~ loc~tion. CouncilmAn Sturg~s mov~ed and CoLmci].msn Burtseconded the motian th~t tho nams of Le~dham La~ and Huebner Avenu~ be refsrred to ths Planning Co~nission and they also be a~ked to investigste the possibi.lity of widening tht lans from Garden Strmet to 101 High~ray. Motian Ca~rried. . TYu sub~eet of double parking and overtims .park3.ng along Braneh Street wa.s brought up and followed a lengthy discussion. Ms~yor Simpson ~aoved tha.t it bs Adv~rtised in th~ Herald-Recorder tha.t beginning October lsst doubl• parking and one hour parking bs enforced after property wa.rning had b~en given. Councilman Burt seconded the motion. Ayes: Councilm~n Simpson and Burt. Noe~: Councilman Kerr. Councilmzn Sturges declined to vote and Counci]m~ l~iiter~ Absent. . . . . . F . _ 218 . ~ Y ~ ~ ~ Bill~ agsinst ths Q~snera7. Fimd for ~1720..75 snd tha Water Fur1d fc~ $723.50 ~r~ ~udit~d~• ~pprowd and ordered pzid. ~ No f~rt,~ar-busi.na~8 appcaring ~d upon motion th+~ a~ating wa~ ~e~rnad. . , ~ ~TTEST a , ~ ity Clerk cu' _ . ~i , ~ . , I I ~ _ ; r _ . :r~;, . ~ . .c.