Minutes 1952-10-01 ~
~ ,prroyo arande~ Californi~.~ ;
Octob'er l, 195 2 ~
The City Council rr~t in regulzr session witdi Mayor Simpson presiding.
Upon roI]. c~ll Councilmen Kerr, Waiters~ Burt and Sturges reported present. ~
All members oF the Coune:il ha,ving read their copies of the minutes of the ~
preroious meeting a motion was m~de by Councilmaai Burt~ s cconded by Councilman
Rerr~ to scpprove the minutes as w~itten. All members voted ~'Aye~'~.
Tha reports of the ~hief of Police ~nd City Judgc were rezd~ appro~ed ~nd
ordered ~iled.
3'he minutes of the riiCC't~1.Y1~3 of the Planning Commi.ssion ~rero read ~.nd ord.ered
The letter from the Ha.rtford Insurance Company in reply to the letter ~rritten
by Mr. Ha.rris was re~d suld Mr. Harris agreed to write a letter to accompa~ny the
cYuc,~c for this years premium and Mr. Haxris reco~nended tha.t the Council raview
the insurance situation before the start of the next fiscal ye~r.
The loc~tion of s~ site for the Scouts Was discussed and Mr. Dana agreed to
tal.lt ~ith the Lions Club me~abers and report to the next Council meeting. ~
The water line to help with more wzter to the cemetery was d3.scuased and
Mr.~Anderson w~ ~sked to check the pressure and sce if they could hook the
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2 inch line into the main at Cornt~all axid see if thxt would give enough pressure.
Mr. Truittts mAp wzs looked over ~nd discussed in regzrd to annex~tion and
x~ter for his lots and s~ motion was made by Counci].man Sturges1 seconded by
Councilman Kerr~ to table the anne~ation arid to approve sr tRO inch xater line or~
the Truitt property. A7.1 members voted ".Aye".
Mayor Simpson appointed Cotmeilman Waiters to cor~tact the Board of
Supervisor~ to aee if more rent would be allo~rred for the Justice Court ~fter the
first of the ye~.r and they be ~]1.owed to use the room now occupied ~y the Citiy
Cauncilmzn W~.i.ters reported an the progress of the street w~ork and s~id
tY~ey pls~nned on taking ca,re of the north end of Gs~rden Street ~d Larchmont
Dr~i.ve as soon ~e gr~des could be eaEtsblished aad drai.nage talcen care of.
Upon motion of Councilman Sturges ~nd aecond by Councilm~n Burt Vouchers
Noe ?-8-9-10-11 ~nd 12 ~rere a~pproved.
Mayor Simpson said he and Councilman Sturges ~rere pl~nning to attend the
League Canvention in San Diego the middle of October ~nd it waa a.greed they ba
a1lo~red e~epense~ of ineals~ hotel rooms and tr~nsportation.
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Bills sgai.nst the ~ener~l. ~'und for ~6,031.85~ the ~+1"ater Fund for ~1,9?3.5~ ~
t~he ii'at,er Depoeit F1~nd for ~32~ ~ t~e Special Gas T~ Street Imprcjveanent Fnnd
far ~2~068.00 ~sre audi-te~i~ spproved and ordered paid.
No'further buBinese appeaxing upon itotion the ~eeting ad~ourned. '
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City Clerk '
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~rro~-o Grande~ Cali.Yorn~a~
October .T, 1952•
,A special meeting o.P the City Conneil Was called to diacuas Mr. L~dxig~s
requeet to put np a temporary shelter for aome of his materisls and aleo to
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disc~e Mr. Fred Shseffer~s request ~or a x~ter line on P'a.eh Avenue.
Mayor Simpson presided and prasent xere Councilmen Burt and Sturge~~ .
Absent Councilmen Waiters and Kerr.
Mr. LadWig ca~ae in and said he would be willing to p~nt up s bond that
all t~hed~ not hivl.ng eancrete fowadations or f7.oora would be removed by
Ju],y 1, 1953. The request was discussed a~nd Councilman Sturges recommend~d
that Mr. Ha.rris be asked to draw up an agreement for Mr. I.a.dwj.g to sign.
On the P'z~ed 3haeffer requast for a water line the ~tter xas.to be
talcen c u~e of ~t the regular Council ~eting.
Meeting ~journed.
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