Minutes 1952-11-05 Arroyo Grande, California ~
November 5~ 1952 ~
The City Council met in regular session with Mayor Simpson presiding.
Upon roll call Councilmen nerr, haiters, Burt and ?~turges reported present. '
All `'ouncil members having received and read a copy of the minutes of
the previous regular and special meeting, a motion was ma.de by ~ouncilman haiters, ~
seconded by ~ouncilman 1'err to accept the minutes as written. ~
Covncilman Sturges made a motion that until the Water Ordinance is ~
amended, the City.furnish the extra valves and fire hydrants to ~+ood 1'ract # 75 ~
and to use a cheaper type of fire hydrant than had been figured on, seconded by ~
~ouncilman ~aiters and all members voted Aye. ;
Mr. Fred Shaffer was present to discuss the water line on Faeh Street
in Western ~ddition. After some discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Waiters
to install a l~ inch Traaist line on r~aeh 5treet from Bell to Halcyon xoad and to
~ accept Mr. Shaffer~s cneck for ~30J.00, this would be prorated on the lots Mr. '
Shaffer deisgnated. ihe cost of the line to be prorated to property owners on
each side of the streets, on a.~'ront foot basis, as they hook up. ~ouncilman '
Si,urges seconded the r~o~I;ic~n and all members voted Aye.- It was agreed to grade the
stree~s for a preliminary grade.
The bid of L, E. v~ebb C~,~.pany for work on Z'ally Ho road was opened and
discussed and l~~ayor ~impson moved that the bid be suh~mitted to ~.lie State for their
recommen~~ation as it exceeded 10~ over the estimate submi.tted to the State by the
En;ine~~r~ the motion was seconded by Councilman Burt and carried,
Mr. w. H. Ray and Mrs Sharp appeared about a w~ter line on Elm street
and also some way to improve the water pressure on Ash ~treet. After a lengthy
discussion, a motion w as made by ~ouncilman Kerr, to lay an 8 inch water line in
accordance with the ~it3T Master Plan on Elm from Fair Daks Avenue to ~sr, street~
and all those not ncw being served water to pay for their prcportionate share of
the water line figured on the basis of a l~ inch line. `ihey would pay ~heir share
at the time of hook up. ~3auncilman ~urt seEonded the motion. ~11 members voted
It was agreed to take the figures for the fence around the sewer plant
under advisement.
i`~ayor Simpson appointed ~ouncilmen Sturges and YPaiters ta submit a report
on parking lots.
2~4 ~
Councilman Wai~ers brought ytp the Ladwig agreemtne, as it had been
discussed at the meeting of the planning ~ommission. Z'he ma.tter was discussed,
but no further action taken.
I , Mr. Harris discussed the letter he had written in regards to water Yor •
'i`ract ~ 75 and a motion was made by ~ouncilman waiters, seconded by Cour~cilman
t Sturges authorizing the City "lerk to sign the letter. ~'I
Bills against the Gene~al Fund for ~ 3,~70,27., THE Water Fund for
~ 1,926.18, and the Water Deposit fund for $78. 1, s~e:audited, approved
and orderded paid.
I' No further business appearing, the meeting was adj ned.
~ • , ~
~ty Clerk yor
I -0- ' ~
Arroyo Grande, ~alifornia ,
- November 13~ 19~2' '
The'~ity ~ouncil met in Special session, with ~ayor Simpson pr'esiding. ~
Present were Councilmen~~err, Waiters, l~urt and Sturges. 1he purpose af the
meeting was to take action on the ~1'ally Ho Job and a~so the water Ordinance
amendment. ~
After looking over the figures submitted by Mr. ~'nderson for the
Tally Ho 3ob, a motion was ma.de by `'ouncilman Sturges, to re~ect the Webb bid~
and authoriz~ Mr. ~'nderson to get approval from the '~tate to do the wbxk with •
City men and equipment and any extra men needed and the ~oneysaved on ~he ~ob~ '
could be used to purchase much needed equipment, such as Compressor and electric
welding mquipment, the motion was eeconded by ''ouncilman ~urt a.nd a~l mem~ers
voted Aye. '
There was a disCUSSion on the Water ~rdinance, but no action taken.
No further business the meetine was adjourned.
ity lerk, ayor •