Minutes 1952-11-19 Arroyo Grande, ~alifornia , November 19~ 1952 The ~ity ~ouncil met in regular session with Ma.yor Simpson presiding. Upon roll call ~ouncilmen Kerr, haiters and ~urt reported present. Councilman Sturges arrived later~ The minutes of the previous regular and special meetings were read and approved as read. Councilman Kerr moved and ~ouncilman Burt seconded his motion to hire Robert 0. 5haft for a police officer to serve at the pleasure of the Council. ~11 members voted Aye. Mr. Shaft's appointment was retroactive ~o November 13, 1952. The Chief of Police requested permission to attend a meeting of the F. B. I. in Los Angeles, December 9, and Councilman Kerr moved and Councilman Waiters seconded the motion, to all~w his expenses for 1 day. All members voted Aye. The Mayor suggested he leave some one in charge of the Police Department in his absence. ~ i~ir. Hearn's request for variance on property in R.1 zone was referred { to the P~:anning `'ommis5ion, Mr. tinderson's request for raise in pay was discussed and after discussion Counculman Wa.iters moved and the motion was seconded by ~ouncilman Stur es to rant a raise of 0.00 er month retroactive to November 1 1952. ~ g ~5 P ~ , All members voted Aye~ and the raise was to be from the ~`ater Fund. Councilmen ~turges and Waiters agreed io have a report on the parking lot and alley situation at the December 3, meeting. Jerry Dana iias asked to report about the Scout ~uilding site at ~he next meeting, as he was not present at this time. Ma.yor 5impson appointed Councilmen Kerr and Burt to make a study of the Log Ordinance and see if soMething could be worked out with Pismo ~each. :Ir. Kirkpatrick, Marsalek, Pruess, Wilkinson and others tiiscussed tY~e Parking problems and were opno~ed to ~+ersons beirg given citations for pouble parking and overtime ~'arking. & heated discussion followed but no one present had any suggestions or solution to the problem. The ~ouncil after discussion gave instructions to the Chief of Police as follows - Double parking Ordinance will be enforced as written, however i£ there is a driver in the ~ar, the officer will ask them to move the car, if he doesn't move the car or parks in the same place, they will get a ticket. a driverless car will get a ticket unless just loading o.r unloading. 0n roll call 226 _ ~ ~ vote, the above was as followg: ~ AYES: Simpson, Waiters, Burt and Sturges. . NOES: Kerr Journ~.~ vouchers 13-7.1.~- and 15 were approved and bills against the General Fund for ~ 1, 563.55 and the Water Fund for $?31.00 were audited, approved and ordered pa.id. No further business appearing, the meeting was ad~ourned. • , ATiE;~7.' : . . . . y erk Mayor , _0- ,I . I ,