Minutes 1953-01-10
~ 2 ~4 CO
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y and it wss au~ge~ted that he get an esti~ate on the coat of e.agineer xork
on the ~cuth Alpine ~,r~a.
It xas reparted t~hat r~o xork could be done on F~ep avsrn~e as it xas
boggy and equi~mt Would only get stuck if they Were tc try to xork duri~g
fi~ xet Wsather.
~ No further buain~ss appsarin6, it xaa ~ov~ed and aecondad the we~ting
be ad~ovrned tyc~ 2s~ PlI, Saturday, January 10, 1953
~ ~
~ ~
A,rrcyo QrsAde, ~aliforr~ia
January 10, 1953, 2:00 P!Y , '
The City ~o~mcil ~et in a~a ad3ourned meeting irith My?e>r Siwpsoa I
presidiag, PreasAt Cotwcil~oan Kerr~~ snd Bnrt, Absent Co~ail~r~ W~3t~rs and
The purpoae of t.he meeting to approve the 1'~ap of Traet ~?5.
The ~p of Traet ~ 75 ~Me reco~maendad Corri+dt~,~ns vas aias~dnsd
and atter looicing the I4ap o ver a nation xae ~d~e by ~ouaeilaian ~'tu't a~d
~ecoadsd by "ounciL~ar? Kerr to acc~pt the ~np as eorreet~d and the CitT
Cl~rk Trs~s autttorised to aign the ~aap. ~Iotion carried.
No other busineaa appearing the r~eting xaa a~ur:red.
~ .